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Everything posted by jester43

  1. jesus, what an idiotic idea for a "law!" i didn't see anyone here bitching about the law that will allow topless sunbathing in CA if it holds up...and people are worried about seeing somebody's boxers?! ...as if dressing like that isn't already it's own punishment!! meanwhile, i will be weeping fat tears of sorrow and loss if they take away the hiphugger/asscrack look. btw, i saw the same law was being deliberated in VA some weeks ago...don't know what happened there. but seriously, this is a bad idea. sounds like something the frikkin taliban would come up with!
  2. travis will be fine. he will be playing for a new contract...therefore probably look terrific in backing up willis. not only that, but he'll probably get to start a game or two due to injury, and look good doing that, too. he has nothing to gain and everything to lose by being an ass.
  3. i promise you if we had a tequila shots contest, njsue would win it going away...and i don't say that to slam her- she told me she could trade tequila shots with anyone, and i for one, believe her. (then after she won, she would smash the bottle over one of you !@#$ers' heads!)
  4. what's the over/under on the number of TDs he catches?
  5. just to clarify...when you say "it" is one of the best albums of all time, i assume you mean "Exile in Guyville," not the self-titled p.o.s. "liz phair" that was released in '03. ...cause if that is what you mean, you and i agree. but the '03 album was an embarrassment. and i also agree that alannis and the post-makover sheryl crow both owe their careers to her. pee-yew...they are poor imitations of the real thing in my mind. but on the other hand, whatever. music is music. as long as somebody likes it, i guess it has done it's job.
  6. i am a huge fan as well, but the last album disgusted me...many have called it her "mid-life crisis" album and i can't quarrel with that. i have seen her 8 times in concert. the last two were nightmares however: in support of that horrible record she was opening for some kid called "jason mraz(i'm not kidding, that is really what he calls himself)," and playing for his gang of teeny-bopper minions. if it was all about turning pop audiences onto her, well... thankfully, the whole experiment was basically a failure. maybe now she will put a little more effort into her next album. maybe. but as far as i am concerned, everything she put out up that point is wonderful.
  7. YES>...and that is why the loss of williams will cause more problems than the loss of jennings (my opinion). the word is out, you will be able to RUN UP THE MIDDLE all day long on these guys.
  8. it's unbelievably stupid, but i've heard of it happening. apparently this guy has, too. unreal.
  9. and people wonder why i listen to public radio...
  10. we need a backup rb badly. just my opinion...but i worry about mcgahee's long-term durability..
  11. leclair's right. salary caps suck, and i think he would be much happier working for a living rather than having his millions limited to just one or 2 per year by some nasty old salary cap. i'm sure that if there was no such thing as the nhl he'd be worth 10x as much as a ceo of some major corporation. !@#$er.
  12. i'm sad and i'm speechless. holy f---ing sh--. i hav a pile of his books on my shelf and i guess after having read them all you'd have to say that if anyone would do it... still it's a huge slap in the nuts. just awful..
  13. who cares. either you like it or you don't. don't give a !@#$ about this debate. ...won't keep me from having fun at the races and won't cause me to waste one precious breath trying to convince someone that racing is worth every speck of the love it gets. sorry you don't get it, but soccer lovers have said the same of me so i guess it's all even in the end. later.
  14. what he said. i long ago got sick of sticking up for racing as a spectator sport. personally, i don't give a sh-- if you cal it a "sport," and i don't give a sh-- if you call the drivers "athletes." it's just a great loud colorful spectacle that i always enjoy. people who rail against it as a redneck sport or whatever, just cause me to shrug my shoulders. and i'll tell you one aspect of the sport that is very underappreciated: it is not such an emotional kick in the balls if your favorite driver doesn't win(if you even have a favorite...other than boris, i don't.)...compare that to the bills losing- that can piss me off for 2 days, depending on who or how . with racing it is all about the spectacle.
  15. oops, i guess not jack. of course boris got collected in the very first wreck so my day ended very early. damn. that's racin
  16. my sense is that he was overweight since (at least)his senior year of college. when the bills were looking at him, and they were showing his highlights pre-draft, the first thing i thought about the guy was that he's going to have to lose weight. and i am sure he's been told many times that he wouldn't get beat around the end so much if he was light enough to move faster. i don't mean "reuben brown light," but not 380-400lbs either. i give him credit for the progress he made last season, but i still think he's only slightly better than average, and he'll never be never worth his salary till he loses some weight.
  17. well i sure agree he's an upgrade from lindell...we all know that he would be. i just gotta think there is someone younger and cheaper available. the fact that donohoe could locate moorman leads me to believe there is hope we can get a decent young kicker in here without overpaying for someone like vinitieri. plus, i hate him for being on the patriots so long. maybe we should have hung onto graham? too late to worry about that i guess...
  18. i agree, but if he wasn't so damn fat, you could almost say he was nimble. i really believe the guy could be an outstanding LT if he would lose 20-30 lbs...at 340 he would be a perennial pro-bowler. of course, whether he has the heart or self-discipline to pull it off remains to be seen. personally, i'll believe it when i see it. the only thing i know is that neither he, nor any other player we could have drafted in 2002 is worth $9million/year. if that number is accurate, SOMETHING has to be done.
  19. doesn't anyone remember the december game we played in new england a few years back when vinitieri missed TWO short game winning field goals(one in regulation, one in OT) that allowed th bills to steal a win they didn't deserve? it was snowy and windy that day, but thy were makable kicks....didn't seem to affect christie when he got his turn. all the credit in the world to the guy for winning two super bowls with late kicks, but i don't think he's all that great in crap weather. please don't overpay for a kicker, td.
  20. further out...boris! (#36)
  21. nfl steroid testing absolutely is a joke. these guys know when they are going to be tested and when they aren't. that simple fact alone makes the entire program a laughingstock. i have no doubt that that as many or more football players use roids as baseball players. the testing is way too easy to circumvent. and i would also wager there are several more "secret" steroids like THG floating around out there that any number of players could be on, including my beloved track athletes. that's the way it is these days.
  22. calling coors light cheap sh-- is being too kind.
  23. i have alway been a fan of the bus (except when he is stomping over our LBs and DBs like he always used to do on MNF back in the day), but i doubt he'll be here next year or ever. he'll be in pgh next year. that's my prediction anyway.
  24. GO BORIS (friend of mine)! too bad they screwed up the qualifying system so you can run 11th in time trials, 10th in your duel, and still get stuck starting 41sr.
  25. omg where do i start? ah forget it. i don't have time for this one. someone else mentioned the ridiculous theatrics and dives they subject everyone to. it's effing embarrassing that a grown man should fake agony by thrashing about like a wounded animal after being grazed by a slide tackle. cliff notes version: any sport where the fans are the hardasses and the players are the sallies is just plain bass ackwards and wrong.
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