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Everything posted by jester43

  1. jesus christ. do you have to trade your brains in to serve on a jury??
  2. i asked for the pm didn't i??
  3. 63(?)...DON'T take her to see "saving private ryan"! i did that...the movie had just opened and i thought i had found a really cool "smart" chick (i dig that) that i could enjoy it with.... 2 1/2 hours later we were both so friggin traumatized we never spoke again!!
  4. happy birthday cableBABE! pm me and i will tell me about the bikini waxing dream i keep having with you in it...
  5. wtf?? a 500lb bear gives birth to a 5 oz. baby??
  6. i'm pretty sure he never went to class...
  7. i know it's not divisible by 2 and all (i guess that's important), but i think the right number of preseason games is 3. but everytime this topic comes up all i can think of is back when there used to be SIX of these damn games. talk about cruel and unusal punishment for fans and players alike!
  8. and i might add that one of his h.s. friends used to work with me and was a real douchebag. cut him for that too.
  9. i changed my mind. cut his ass.
  10. i didn't see a thing of the game so i don't know how bad he looked...but i say this: if he continues to play badass special teams, he deserves a spot on the roster. hell it took tasker 10 years to learn to play his position, but he certainly justified his place on the roster with s.t. play...
  11. it did here in carlisle pa also...my favorite excuse is that it's all china and india's fault....as though their consumption doubled in the last year. we are paying a war premium due to a skittish market afraid of supply disruptions. nothing more, nothing less.
  12. whatever. 7 years, 49million. stfu and go catch some touchdowns. i don't care if he was the star of the superbowl and mcnab sucked (it's true), right now he's hurting this team far worse...
  13. absolutely. this trade (the 2 and 3 for simon) is a no-brainer as people WILL go up the middle on us with our current roster. i have no idea if it will cost us clements, but that is the only downside i can see to it.
  14. on the other hand, wallace shawn rules.
  15. it's called "rust."
  16. exactly! i see that picture and i think mmm...FERTILITY! come to the jester baby...i am not much for starlets, but that girl pushes my buttons. yum.
  17. ok i'm still asleep but....josh reed for simon? wtf and no way in hell do the eagles do that. hell i'd trade josh reed for the last dt on the eagles depth chart, sight unseen.
  18. gee that would really motivate me if i was one of his athletes...what a tough guy!
  19. T.O. is NOT the right guy to9 break in a 1st year qb....plus, can we even afford his salary????
  20. i know a little about jim thorpe...he went to the old carlisle indian school, about one mile from where i am sitting right now ( cool huh?). he is sort of a local icon. he belongs on the list for sure, but i can't give him the ultimate prize because the depth of competition in sports wasn't the same then. on the other hand, it would be awfully hard to begrudge him the top spot because of the million-and-one sports he excelled at... (hows that for some fence sittin'? )
  21. the other amazing thing about moses' streak was that while it was going on, he posted the NINE fastest times in the world for his event. ridiculous. also, i thought of another one, sergey bubka the ukranian pole vaulter...first man over 20 feet all the way back in 1991, and to this day it has STILL never been done by anyone else. and it was not a bob beamon thing where he did it once and disappeared. he cleared 20ft., both indoors and out, at least a dozen times.
  22. jesus i cannot even imagine...yes, be strong brother. i'll be checking that blog.
  23. DAMN NICK you're right! the clear winner is PAULA RADCLIFFE! in an era during which the women's marahon world record hovered just over 2:20 for almost 20 years, it took her 2 to push it down to 2:17, and then 2:15! hell, britain doen't even have a dozen guys who can run that fast right now!
  24. while deion probably does not belong on the list, i think he deserves more credit than he gets around here...people forget how dominant he was because they just dislike him. damn- remember when he just walked down beebe on that breakaway kickoff return in atlanta?? and as far as a-holes are concerned, he can't hold a candle to TO. he was cocky as hell, but i never thought he was a bad guy personally. ok, maybe he shouldn't have doused mcgarver , but still... and i am touched that edwin moses was mentioned above. it is true that he won 122 400h races in a row over TEN YEARS which is just astonishing. guys who don't play stick-and-ball sports never get taken seriously in discussions like these, but if there was one who ever should, it should be edwin moses.
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