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Everything posted by jester43

  1. of course not! i just think madden is MORE deserving than marv. just my opinion, of course.
  2. i used to be about 60/40 bills, but now it's about 80/20. it was bad enough when regis took our colors away, but darcy and lindy have just about ruined my interest in the team. at least when the bills sucked, you got the feeling that donohoe had a plan that might work. darcy just makes it up as he goes along...the team shows it, and all the free agents know it.
  3. i didn't say that....
  4. i totally disagree with you guys. he was the first (and maybe still the only?) coach to win 100 games in 10 years- and with a 14 game schedule, that is one hell of a winning percentage. year in and year out, he was a master at getting a cast of lunatics to stay sober long enough to pull together and play and WIN as a team. AND he has a super bowl ring, so as far as i'm concerned, madden the coach belongs in the hall of fame MORE than marv levy does! ps...nothing personal, but i wonder how many of the people who don't think he was a good enough coach were actually watching football in the 70s??
  5. alas, the aim of your tossed crap is true...although, i like animal documentaries so much i was willing to excuse the script for the most part. seriuously,the film is so fascinating visually that i would still recommend it, ESPECIALLY if you have kids. although, yeah, some of the little bastards die- so get ready to have to give the old "yes honey, all god's creatures will die some day" speech to your kids. but i felt embarrassed and patronized by the script. i heard grizzly is good, but that the guy is such a psycho, you're practically rooting for him to get eaten (read that in a review ). maybe that's why the reviews have been so good? if you like these type of movies, "the wild parrots of telegraph hill" was awesome, although you have to be tolerant of stereotypical aging hippies.
  6. is there anyone who is really surprised by this? darcy and co. were already proven MASTERS at sitting there with there thumbs up each others asses when it was time to improve the roster...nothing is going to change until he(along with quinn) is run out of town. the only real question is whether golisano is smart enough to do it. i am not holding my breath.
  7. all he would have to do is go back to being the chuck dickerson of 93 or 94, before he became a characature ofhimself, and i could enjoy listening to him again. his insights into the game were always solid, but at some point, he just chose to be a rabble rouser. that's when it got ridiculous.
  8. i think we should start a huge grassroots movement to have the number RETIRED once and for all...like right NOW. i mean, jesus god damn...what more will it take!!??
  9. for a crazy dingo, you make a lotta sense.
  10. shocking! who would have guessed?!
  11. looks like we'll be drafting a corner early next year.
  12. cmon brad. how about (and i know this is reeeeeeally far-fetched) just maybe willis went to mularkey before practice and said "coach, it's still sore, but it is getting better and i at least want to give it a try today." then he gets out there and it is not quite good enough to practice on so he watches instead. i have been coaching for almost 20 years- not pro athletes, but many elites, even some at the olympic development level- and this kind of thing happens all the time on teams that are functioning well...guys do all they can to pull their weight. and by all accounts, the bills are! why does everything have to be some kind of attempt at manipulation by the bills brass? i realize it can be hard to come up with things to report- i was at camp for a day last week, and steve is right, it is BORING- but do you really think the bills would really run mcgahee through that kind of dog-and-pony show?
  13. it's reading **** like that that makes me not care that WGR doesn't stream anymore. sheesh.
  14. ok, let me rephrase that- he was/is very overrated as a defensive end. i'm sure he's a very nice guy though.
  15. lou did not put up big numbers, but he was CLUTCH. it seemed like whevever we were at 3rd and long, he was always open. ..not at all like josh reed unfortunately.
  16. maybe he throws their names out there because he knows that without them he never would have gotten paid like he did when he went to san diego! he owes those guys big time! what is he on his 3rd team since the bills!? what a fraud.
  17. it's not that mind-boggling considering the gymnastics donohoe did to get him. i'm not saying cut him, but he we deserve a better player for that pick.
  18. whoa...he hooks up with catherine keener? if you have to wait 40 years to get laid that's a good reward at least. yum.
  19. guys this secrecy is nothing new...for the past few years the shroud of secrecy has gone up in the nfl re: injuries. correct me if i am wrong, but i think this is due to the advent of HIPAA regulations.
  20. THAT'S RANDY LAJOIE...2-time former series champion...not just "the driver."
  21. oh...that is in farenheit...although it barely matters because 50 below is very close to 40 below: the only point at which the celcius and farenheit scales intersect. don't ask me why i know that either.
  22. i'm going to say about 50 below zero...don't ask me why i know that.
  23. for what it is worth, bbc radio is calling the "frozen solid" claim an exagerration.
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