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Posts posted by jester43

  1. So what explains the public indictment by some in the press and some loud voices on TSW that EJ quite obviously does not have what it takes to even be in the league?


    It actually says a lot more about the lack of football knowledge and intellect of those offering up this view.

    I HAVE NEVER SAID THAT... EVER. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


    My point is that it is way over the top and way premature to assume that we have anything at all at QB. Is that clear enough for you?


    If these two guys were #1 and #2 for any team that we considered a rival we'd be licking our chops, and that is that.


    i want them both to be hall-of-famers in scarlet and royal, but SHEESH.... :doh: :doh:

  2. It's called being so fully invested in your position to the point that you are too far gone to come back. This clown, among others here on this board, are so far down the "EJ will NEVER be a competent starting QB" road that they simply cannot return. Not enough fuel to get back. So on they plod. There are those in the media that are essentially in that very same same place.


    Tyler Dunne from the News continues to bang the drum as well. Did you know EJ actually threw a pass that bounced into a hospitality tent and also hit a camera man on the sideline with another?????? Heavens to Betsy, it's a twister, it's a twister Auntie Em!! Oh, and Lordy Lordy, he fumbled some shotgun snaps in practice!! Oh the humanity. I SAW some of the snaps he was getting from second and third string centers early on and they weren't pretty, but why let a little fact like that get in the way of a narrative that you have invested yourself deeply within.


    Matt Coller at GR is another one. The analytics boy wonder genius who believes numbers tell you everything you need to know about a guy, and they tell him that EJ cannot possibly improve enough to be good.


    So of course, the ONLY reason why EJ is still on the team, or worse yet, that he was actually kept in lieu of Cassel at second string is because Whaley is committed to keeping HIS guy. No other explanation for it, boy howdy.


    The only guy who was heavily invested in this narrative and yet had the huevos to give credit where credit was due was Joe B. And Sal C actually conceded that he was caught up in the group think that was going on out there at SJF as well, and was outright supportive of releasing Cassel. Human nature makes some people pathetically funny, because they just can't help themselves.

    you might want to tone it down until he actually sees the field in a game and shows something. Good grief all of a sudden it's like Steve young backing up Montana all over again around here
  3. Doug Whaley had NOTHING to do with Aaron Maybin!! Again, Fox News!!

    Oh my gosh are you for real?


    I'm sorry... i don't read your posts enough to know whether you're trolling.


    I know Maybin was here a year before Whaley...my point is when that guy is the previous regime's pick at 11, it's not very hard to upgrade talent when you take over.


    Please tell me you're trolling.


    Sounds like you have ingrained negative expectations based on the past seasons of futility.

    it's not ingrained anything...it's called objectivity!


    For the record, i want 19-0! But i can't just dismiss people who have reasonable reasons to be skeptical...and Barnwell's are.


    Year after year these guys mostly predict bad things about our team, and year after year they are proven right. So now he doesn't know what he's talking about because Bills fans are optimistic?


    No one asked my what my expectations are. I'll be disappointed if we don't win 11. But I can't fault someone who doesn't agree...at least for the reasons he listed in that story.

  5. i know we are a little obsessed on here and rag on the national writers who are uninformed about every little detail... But I found a lot of inaccuracies in the article. Mostly that they did little to improve the OL. Two new guards and all new coaches?

    Yes, two new guards: a journeyman and a rookie.


    Hopefully the coaches can coax more out of this crew, and I am not saying they can't, but it is a fair criticism. The Bills OL was horrible last year, and the suddenly-shaky kicker was a huge reason we eked out 9 wins. if Carpenter goes back to being the guy Miami cut we have a big problem. There is just no margin for error without at least a top-10 (or so) passer. And until proven otherwise, we don't have one!

  6. There's nothing knee jerk about the "defense" of Whaley. The talent level of the roster has obviously increased with him at the helm via the draft, trades, and free agency. The body of evidence is there, but of course it still has to translate on the field with a winning product.

    Again: "increasing talent" for the Bills is not that hard. I don't disagree that has happened. But FFS, we had just drafted Aaron Maybin when Whaley came here (and was sold as a prodigy to fans). We are better for sure, but he has not done anything special yet.


    It's sort of like talking about Robert Woods as a star receiver just because he hasn't proved he sucks yet.


    The bar is always low in Buffalo because the team has been so bad for so long.

  7. The kneejerk management defenders on this site will point to his successes, and there have been some- though the "success" bar is set really low when you are the Bills GM. I can look handsome hanging in certain circles (pits at a stock car track, chess tournament, TBD tailgate), but does that does not necessarily make me good looking.


    However, his two biggest moves were, at best, dubious: EJ and Watkins.


    When I hear him speak I'm not sure even he knows what's going to come out. He's like the opposite of Rex. That does not make me confident at all...he sounds like a teacher who never plans lessons...just wings it.


    I won't trust him until we start wining.

  8. that was a weird exchange. can't blame graham for being annoyed that those guys got on the air and slammed him without mentioning his name or inviting him on to clarify. i like coller ok, but he could have disagreed with the reporting without making it sound like the graham was being unethical. he was sort of asking for it.


    everyone takes this sharing of opinions way too seriously. in general, i like all these guys, even though i don't always agree with everything they say/write. heck they're in the paper and online reporting ands opining on my favorite teams....what's not to like!

  9. All I can say is I told you so.


    That PF injury he faked in Buffalo is an overuse injury...it comes on over weeks and is painful to train on...and for it to be a 6-8 week thing (whatever it was), he would have been abusing it day in and day out fow weeks on end. He did not abuse himself that way while sitting out in a contract dispute. Players use the off-season to heal, not abuse chronic injuries.


    I said as much then, and was told I didn't "KNOW" because I wasn't in his body. That much is true, but what is also true is that his story did not add up at all...and it was a little disappointing that no one in the Buffalo sports media could take the time to learn more about the typical etiology of that injury and injury and report it. I was told by one of the many reviled BN writers that you're really on shaky ground when you start accusing players of not being in pain, so he was not going there.


    Fine, but the fact remains that everything about that situation pointed to him faking the injury. So all i can say to the Saints organization is ha-effing-ha.

  10. I really can't emphasize enough how much I believe that their cheating is 100% done and is going to have a significant effect on how they perform as a football team.


    Please consider the following:


    Let's say in the future, you and your lovely family are traveling to Hawaii to escape a cold Buffalo winter. You have a lay over in Las Vegas, and decide to spend a night at a high end casino and play a few rounds of black jack with your significant other. You put on your best dress pants, tuck your shirt in, hell, even your wife looks good enough to keep you off Ashley Madison for the evening. You head down to the floor feeling pretty good about your prospects.

    But what's this?


    The world series of Poker is happening, and it's down to the final 32 players. At first disappointing, you quickly become excited at the prospect of watching 32 of the best Poker players in the world determine who is the best among them, as they do every year. You grab a seat in the rows of folding chairs they have lined up ringing the final tables, order a Coca Cola and some nachos, and settle in for the next best thing to actually playing cards yourself: watching other people play cards.


    But suddenly: chaos. 31 of the 32 poker players stand up from their seats, point their fingers at one of their competitors, and accuse him of having an ace up his sleeve.


    I'm going to stop this analogy right here, because it's all that needs to be said to convey what I'm trying to say, and that is this: I respect the opinions of the other card players at the table, much more so than even the most educated of observers in the room who may say "It's impossible--I've been watching that player all game, he's my favorite, he would never cheat!"


    The Patriots are being accused by their peers of cheating. Again. The New England Patriots are being punished for cheating by their peers, again. The New England Patriots are forfeiting large amounts of cash and draft picks for cheating. AGAIN.


    Regardless of whether you, your brother, Mike Florio, judge Berman, or every person on the planet feels that the Patriots aren't cheaters, the people that they play this sport against are once again PUNISHING them for being cheaters.


    You need to subvert your ego in this matter and look at this as objectively as possible: your opinion does not matter. From KellytheDog to WEO, whatever side of the fence you're on; however long you've poured over the Wells report; it's irrelevant. The parties engaged in competitive contests vs. the New England Patriots have not accused... they have PUNISHED... the Patriots for cheating. Again.


    Their opponents KNOW the Patriots cheated.


    Please understand that deeply.

    The Patriots cheated, according to those they play the game against. Maybe not to those that watch the games, but to those who play the games, it has been "proven beyond a shadow of a doubt". More likely than not? No. It's simply a certainty.


    This incident has embarrassed the league, and potentially on a deeper level than people are appreciating. Each of the owners knows that having the Patriots win another championship by cheating is NOT a good look for the league, and retribution will be harsh.


    It is over for that football team.


    The only person they could get to play there was Reggie Wayne (lol). Their 3 divisional opponents (including, if not especially, us) have built incredibly strong defensive fronts to get after QBs.


    This season is going to be fun.


    I have such confidence in their inability to win football games that I am hoping his suspension is overturned. He's got nothin.


    Put a fork in them Buffalo.


    It. Is. Over.

    I'll have whatever he's having.


    And I could also say that a narcissist was butthurt that WGR on air personalities didn't like the results of the first poll, and decided to start an inane thread on a message board, and then proclaimed that he's the one who spurred the on-air discussion in the first place.

    I just wish i had as much time to listen to the show as he does. I really like it.

  12. A poster in the other WGR thread mentioned that the best way to get your complains heard is to contact their advertisers, rather than WGR directly. Well I think that is a great idea!


    Here are a couple of their smaller advertisers (the ones more likely to hear your complaints). Feel free to contact them and tell them how you really feel about WGR's coverage. Let them know that you prefer TBD for your Bills football and perhaps they should advertise here instead.


    Original Pizza Logs




    Outlet Liquors




    Belknap Heating and Cooling



    Consumers Beverage



    lol....oh yes, please do!! :lol: :lol:

  13. I've been to 2 practices and was at the first game. But, your argument here is irrelevant: we are talking about specific, observed behavior by WGR. They've said it, and I'm nailing them for it. Interpreted opinion <> empirical data. Whether or not they are biased is its own, standalone issue. # of times at practice has 0 bearing on bias == one may attend 0, 1 or all of the Bills games and practices, and be biased, unbiased, or somewhere in the middle. Thus, your argument is irrelevant.

    Easy: nobody I know of is claiming either one of those things. :lol: If they do, by all means, squish them.

    The customers, by 2-1 want to talk about EJ, yet, because BrooklynBills and the minority don't want to talk about a topic, the majority has to put up with that? Um, no. That's not how life works. And, again, nobody is forcing these people to work at WGR. How can they claim to be impartial, competent observers and then throw a hissy fit, at the same time?

    Again, that's not what this thread is about, and, again, I don't see only 2 ultimate outcomes here. There's a time for absolutes, and clearly, given "tea leaves" being involved here, this is not it!

    Yeah, that's what happened. I believe there's empirical evidence below that directly contradicts you. But, I don't want to spoil the surprise. I will say: nobody gets more butthurt than WEO when I write thread a lot of posters like.

    :wallbash: Um I specifically said there is no massive conspiracy. Nobody cares whether you, or I, like Schopp or not in this thread. It's not what it's about. I don't have to like bad behavior, because I like the person responsible. More incoherence: you're defending bad behavior with a strawman. Nobody here thinks that if EJ fails/succeeds, it will have anything to do with Schopp.


    Christ, when will the incoherence end?

    Ah HA! You've caught me. Yes, one of the hoped for outcomes of this thread...is precisely what you've identified. I was thinking it would come out later, actually. But, yeah, there is great irony here. Whining about doing a job you get paid to do. Whining about EJ supporters, and then ignoring every bad thing Taylor does. Whining when objective analysis, using WGRs own words against them, reveals a whole new level of irony.



    Yeah, I'm the one being manipulated here. :lol: Once again we see that it's the other way around. No. I've found on 3 separate occaisions, when I go all out, "college thesis" style (If they only knew, right PPP?) on WGR...that there are instant behavior changes.


    This is merely the 4th time over the last 10 years. I didn't even listen today. But, that was intentional. Why? Because I KNEW something like the above would be posted, and that I could use it. It's merely the same pattern as always. I haven't looked at this board all day, and didn't start writing this until midnight.


    How's that for predictable, WEO? :lol: You keep telling yourself you're flying above everybody on this board...in your helicopter. Meanwhile, I'll keep flying above you in my jet.

    Funny. I don't feel hot or bothered. In fact, once again, I'm LMFAO.


    Once again, you have things exactly backwards. All I have to do is write a 10 minute, albeit "college thesis" style post, and I can force WGR's capitulation. Let me say it correctly for you: They know all of us are listening, and if they behave poorly, any of us can write a thread that forces them to correct, provided that thread is quality, and THAT is all that matters.


    EDIT: They are reading what we say here, just as much as we are listening. They are able to get what they want, sure, but, so are we.




    For the rest of you keep these 3 things in mind:


    1. I specifically said "I'm not sure if WGR's coverage is biased". I haven't attended them enough. However, a large group of fans have paid attention to WGR, and have drawn this conclusion. What I do know: WGR's responses to that conclusion in the last 48 are typical of those who are, in fact, biased. I've lived this. I know it when I see it.


    2. I want the Bills to win the SB. Period. However we get there is however we get there. I root for the side of the helmet, not the back of the jersey, just like the vast majority of Bills fans. None of this has anything to do with recognizing a wacky pattern of behavior from the media. I haven't been able to change my avatar for years, which annoys me, because I KNEW the day EJ was drafted that we'd see a ton of wacky behavior. When it ends? I can go back to having fun with my avatar.


    3. You don't have to be an EJ supporter to recognize that something wacky is going on. I am a Bills supporter, and will cheer for whoever the QB is. I trust the coaching staff/GM of this team fully(finally, after many years). They have earned that trust: Jerry Hughes trade anyone? Trust is not about me expecting them to be perfect. Trust is about knowing that they will recognize their mistakes when they make them, and move quickly to rectify(such as bringing in Cassel and Taylor) them.


    WGR is currently(or was) doing the opposite: refusing to even consider that they are making mistakes, blaming everyone else, and/or trying to pretend that they are beset by conspiracy theorists, when in reality, they are only beset by their own bad choices.

    seek counseling.

  14. I have listened to WGR very sparingly over the last week, however, each and every time I have I heard the same 4-5 statements made by multiple hosts, with regard to their coverage of EJ this preseason.


    These statements are either bereft of logic, or, on par with the whining of a 2nd grader. Once again I heard Jeremy White re-hash this crap this morning, and normally I wouldn't care, but, enough is enough. So let's get to it:


    1. "We have been getting emails and tweets that our coverage has been biased against EJ"


    You don't say? :rolleyes::lol: Well, this morining Sal Capaccio said "We aren't as bad off at QB as was expected. It's a tribute to Greg Roman being able to get these QBs ready to play....EVEN EJ." Ah, when you say schit like this, what, exactly, do you expect listeners to conclude?


    Hey WGR? Fans have observed a clear pattern of behavior from you. Why the F else are you getting the response? Mass Hysteria? A conspiracy to troll you? :rolleyes: No. You are causing this problem with comments like that, and instead of introspection, it's blame the fans?


    I literally heard...what you say you aren't doing...in 2 separate instances this MORNING!, never mind this past week. :wallbash:


    I like Sal, but, Sal? You chose those words, not the fans. Why throw in the "...even EJ"? Greg Roman has done a good job with all 3 QBs. Well, that is supposedly Sal's premise. Greg Roman is being paid a compliment...so why is the "...even EJ" necessary? It is not. It's totally irrelevent...so why say it? Answer: bias, supporting the choice, made long ago, that EJ == Bad.


    2. "Either we are liars, or, we don't know how to do our jobs".


    Holy drama batman. :rolleyes: Yes, arguing to the extreme isn't a logical fallacy or anything. Follow that link fellas.


    Nobody is accusing you of being liars. Some of us have been accusing some of you of not doing your jobs for a decade+ (anybody want to have a meat draft? :rolleyes:) so this is nothing new, and not specific to EJ coverage.


    The simple fact is that these aren't the only 2 outcomes, and to suggest otherwise is childish. There is all sorts of research that shows the influenece one person or group can have on others. Both confidence bias, and choice-supportive bias are very real, every day occurances that are much more likely to be the culprits here, than intentional deceit, conspiracy, or staggering incompetence. Groupthink is also infinitely more likely, especially in this case, since the QB issue is so acute. Everyone knows the problem, its importance, and thus fears making a mistake, and its consequences, as both will be maginfied. It's much safer, and natural, for everybody to run in the herd together, and nobody strays too far away. This is prime Groupthink territory. Do the reading.


    So, please, enough with the incoherent emoting. Nobody is accusing you of anything...other than not seeing your own bias. And that's perfectly normal. IF you could see the bias, you wouldn't have it(unless you really did have an agenda).


    In ALL cases, liar/incompetent aren't the only 2 possible outcomes. I'm not sure WGR's coverage is biased, because I haven't listened enough. But,it sure smells like it given what I've heard in the last 24, especially the statements I've bolded.


    3. "We do this for a job"


    What are we doing? Running through EVERY logical fallacy? Now it's Argument from Authority? Thus, this thread is necessary.


    Do you really want to have this conversation? How about with X and Os, or draft, or other heavy content posters here? Why is it that every time I write a heavy content post here...my topic is discussed by WGR the next day?(Most recent example: 1985 Bears-->46 Defense == WGR articles and air devoted < 24 hours after my post.)


    This is 2 Bills Drive, and I have news: WE do this for a job too, often 2-3x better than you, and have for years. The only real difference is that we don't get paid, and we aren't "required by our job to watch the Jets game where EJ was horrible". We'd do that anyway. The WGR host/reporter/contributor who thinks they can go toe to toe on Bills Football with any heavy duty poster here is fooling themselves.


    According to some respected posters here: WGR has an anti-EJ bias. These people have a long history of being right about this team. WGR is just starting to get some football credibility with Sal Capaccio(ahem, see? I have no bias), who actually knows the Xs and Os well enough to discuss them(unlike others at WGR who refuse to learn the game, and defend that by telling us that Xs and Os are: boring...to Bills fans, of all people. :lol: /facepalm Hint: This is not Miami.)


    WGR: You have a problem. Stop blaming others. Don't argue from authority. Especially when you haven't earned said authority. Your work has been shoddy at best...which...is WHY 2 Bills Drive exists.


    4. "This is coming from some weird place amongst the fans".


    Um no, the reason fans are saying WGR's coverage is biased: is because it's empirical.


    Get over yourselves. Fans simply don't care that much about WGR. The notion that this started in some evil little corner of the internet/twitterverse, dedicated solely to the downfall of WGR, is patently retarded.


    The fans are responding to: you, WGR. If you don't want to hear the calls and see the emails? Simple: clean up your act. Be conscious of the feedback, aware that you DO say things like "...even EJ"...and make the necessary corrections. Realize that people aren't pointing this out because there's something wrong with them. They are pointing it out because there's something wrong with you. As soon as your behavior changes, the response will change.


    I am tired of the whining as well. You ARE getting paid to do a job. We AREN'T getting paid to listen to you. I am sick and tired of hearing you B word about doing a job you signed up for, and all that comes with it. Keep your whining to yourselves, look inside, realize you are the cause of your own problem, and, how's about resolving to do a better job?


    Beats the hell out of more incoherent/weak arguments and whining.


    5. My personal favorite "We are reading the TEA leaves from the coaches/We are merely reacting to what the coaches are saying"


    Q1: Who asks the coaches the questions?

    A1: The media.

    C1: What the "coaches are saying" is driven mostly by the media's questions and how they are framed.

    QED. The notion that the media is merely reacting in this situation, is patently retarded. Especially when we consider the fact that "reading the TEA leaves" is the basis for most of this analysis.


    WGR: You are telling us that most of your work is based solely on interpretation....EVERYWHERE! Interpretation of what you see on the field, interpretation of what the coaches are saying, interpretation of how EJ answers the question "How do you expect things to go at your next team?" :rolleyes: (No bias in that question at all)


    NOTHING here is empirical. ALL is based on interpretation...and WGR people are trying to tell us that there's 0 chance for bias? :lol:


    Here's what I do for a job: tell people like WGR that they are the opposite of right, because this environment is the MOST likely to produce bias. Enough delusion, dissonance, problem denial and shifting the blame to fans as though they are the cause.


    Enough whining and blaming fans for merely responding to what they can clearly see is broken.

    The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


    HGH keeps one young. I have no idea what Brady is doing but for anyone that followed his college career, his arm is DIFFERENT now. He was drafted in the 6th round for a reason and that was his terrible arm. Even in his first few years in the league, Brady never threw more than 15 yards. 5 years later and he is now throwing all over the field. Another Patriot miracle.

    Effing guy (and all NFL players) can do ANY DAMN PED HE WANTS. Any type of roids, hgh, epo, peptide, etc etc. In Brady's case, he can certainly afford to keep a cadre of Drs on call to keep him right at the threshold of a positive test....they way t&f people have been doing it for years.


    It's called microdosing, and Brady no doubt plans to engage in it if he expects to be a productive NFL qb up to the preposterous age of 45.


    What an incredible narcissist.

  16. sarcasm -- plain and simple.


    my issue with the media is they often post things in haste, get it wrong, then issue a retraction or correction.


    Is it wrong to expect them to get it right the first time? To give unbiased reports?

    To quote your favorite president: There he goes again.


    "THE MEDIA" he says.


    every beat writer


    every broadcaster


    every columnist


    every blogger


    They all are hasty, inaccurate, biased.


    Which is, of course, in stark contrast to the fans who post their ramblings on twobillsdrive.com.


    Ok, sure.

  17. Amid all the talks of Deflategate;

    of Suh signing in Miami;

    of Geno getting his jaw broken;


    I'm curious if anyone has tuned into any AFC Eastern preseason games this summer?


    For once, in the decade and a half reign of the Patriots*, they don't just look beatable--they look bad.


    Last night against the Saints starters, Tommy and the Patriots looked equally as inept as the Bills offense from 2009--you may recall, the offense that led to AVP getting canned as Buf's OC the week before the season started. And their defense, (the one that lost Revis, Wilfork, Browner), to paraphrase a much earlier observation by Bart Scott "couldn't stop a nose bleed".


    In about a quarter of game action last night, the Saints starters raced out to a 21-0 lead and absolutely embarrassed the Patriots. Yes, the Patriots eventually "won" the game, with the bottom of their roster putting up 12 points in the fourth quarter to salvage a 26-24 win. But make no mistake, this is NOT a talented Patriots team. If you factor in the likelihood that Tom Brady will have to play with regulation equipment this year, and other teams may be on a witch hunt to expose their cheating once and for all, meaning the organization may have to play by the rules outlined for the other 31 clubs... Dare I say the Patriots might be lucky to break .500?


    As a thought experiment: Imagine a game against the Patriots where Brady throws the ball like he did against Kansas City, their offense turns the ball over at a clip equal to other NFL teams (both due to playing with balls inflated to legal PSI's). What would be the results? Likely similar to the first quarter of last night's game against New Orleans, which very much looked like a team with no talent, led by a 6th round QB, getting pancaked by a far superior Saints squad. Now imagine the push of our defensive line complicating things, or the Jets D line (Leonard Williams could win league MVP, forget rookie of the year), or the Dolphins D line with Suh.


    Contrast that with the Bills, who finally... for once... look like a "modern" NFL team: Their defense is off the field quickly, their special teams are electric and create good field position, and the first team offense has been moving the ball fairly well--despite missing nearly their entire stable of skill players. The Bills have the look, demeanor, and general talent level to win 10 games with their eyes closed, and 12-14 wins seems very much in play.


    When you factor in the Patriots other 4 games against tougher divisional opponents, not to mention a (possible) Brady suspension, it is damn hard to imagine that team winning more than 8 games.



    The reason this is not true is that evil genius that coaches them always figures out what is wrong with their team and fixes it as the season goes on. So it really matters very little how bad they look in a pre-season game. Even if Brady sits all four games and they start 0-4, they probably will still win 10 or 11 of the remaining 12.


    Their o-line was horrible at the start of last season...and remember how Brady was "in decline"...then what?

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