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Everything posted by jester43

  1. Why shouldn't he have a picture of his wife's feet?
  2. I HAVE NEVER SAID THAT... EVER. :wallbash: :wallbash: My point is that it is way over the top and way premature to assume that we have anything at all at QB. Is that clear enough for you? If these two guys were #1 and #2 for any team that we considered a rival we'd be licking our chops, and that is that. i want them both to be hall-of-famers in scarlet and royal, but SHEESH.... :doh:
  3. you might want to tone it down until he actually sees the field in a game and shows something. Good grief all of a sudden it's like Steve young backing up Montana all over again around here
  4. that Charger guy who is almost identical to carpenter on FGs...does he kick off for himself too, or does he also need a stuntman? that's my criticism of Carpenter...yes you've been reliable, and you look like another one of us local gaunches...but at the expense of 2 roster spots?
  5. True. My only complaint about the story, is that I don't see why we won't be better than the Jets.
  6. Oh my gosh are you for real? I'm sorry... i don't read your posts enough to know whether you're trolling. I know Maybin was here a year before Whaley...my point is when that guy is the previous regime's pick at 11, it's not very hard to upgrade talent when you take over. Please tell me you're trolling.
  7. it's not ingrained anything...it's called objectivity! For the record, i want 19-0! But i can't just dismiss people who have reasonable reasons to be skeptical...and Barnwell's are. Year after year these guys mostly predict bad things about our team, and year after year they are proven right. So now he doesn't know what he's talking about because Bills fans are optimistic? No one asked my what my expectations are. I'll be disappointed if we don't win 11. But I can't fault someone who doesn't agree...at least for the reasons he listed in that story.
  8. Yes, two new guards: a journeyman and a rookie. Hopefully the coaches can coax more out of this crew, and I am not saying they can't, but it is a fair criticism. The Bills OL was horrible last year, and the suddenly-shaky kicker was a huge reason we eked out 9 wins. if Carpenter goes back to being the guy Miami cut we have a big problem. There is just no margin for error without at least a top-10 (or so) passer. And until proven otherwise, we don't have one!
  9. Again: "increasing talent" for the Bills is not that hard. I don't disagree that has happened. But FFS, we had just drafted Aaron Maybin when Whaley came here (and was sold as a prodigy to fans). We are better for sure, but he has not done anything special yet. It's sort of like talking about Robert Woods as a star receiver just because he hasn't proved he sucks yet. The bar is always low in Buffalo because the team has been so bad for so long.
  10. The kneejerk management defenders on this site will point to his successes, and there have been some- though the "success" bar is set really low when you are the Bills GM. I can look handsome hanging in certain circles (pits at a stock car track, chess tournament, TBD tailgate), but does that does not necessarily make me good looking. However, his two biggest moves were, at best, dubious: EJ and Watkins. When I hear him speak I'm not sure even he knows what's going to come out. He's like the opposite of Rex. That does not make me confident at all...he sounds like a teacher who never plans lessons...just wings it. I won't trust him until we start wining.
  11. that was a weird exchange. can't blame graham for being annoyed that those guys got on the air and slammed him without mentioning his name or inviting him on to clarify. i like coller ok, but he could have disagreed with the reporting without making it sound like the graham was being unethical. he was sort of asking for it. everyone takes this sharing of opinions way too seriously. in general, i like all these guys, even though i don't always agree with everything they say/write. heck they're in the paper and online reporting ands opining on my favorite teams....what's not to like!
  12. i cant even describe it
  13. welcome to the team Cassel
  14. All I can say is I told you so. That PF injury he faked in Buffalo is an overuse injury...it comes on over weeks and is painful to train on...and for it to be a 6-8 week thing (whatever it was), he would have been abusing it day in and day out fow weeks on end. He did not abuse himself that way while sitting out in a contract dispute. Players use the off-season to heal, not abuse chronic injuries. I said as much then, and was told I didn't "KNOW" because I wasn't in his body. That much is true, but what is also true is that his story did not add up at all...and it was a little disappointing that no one in the Buffalo sports media could take the time to learn more about the typical etiology of that injury and injury and report it. I was told by one of the many reviled BN writers that you're really on shaky ground when you start accusing players of not being in pain, so he was not going there. Fine, but the fact remains that everything about that situation pointed to him faking the injury. So all i can say to the Saints organization is ha-effing-ha.
  15. good writer. i don't share his pessimism about the team. I miss him on WGR. He and Mike Schopp were really good together.
  16. my order is taylor, manuel, cassel...but i don't begrudge anyone their opinion
  17. I just wish i had as much time to listen to the show as he does. I really like it.
  18. lol....oh yes, please do!! :lol:
  19. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
  20. Effing guy (and all NFL players) can do ANY DAMN PED HE WANTS. Any type of roids, hgh, epo, peptide, etc etc. In Brady's case, he can certainly afford to keep a cadre of Drs on call to keep him right at the threshold of a positive test....they way t&f people have been doing it for years. It's called microdosing, and Brady no doubt plans to engage in it if he expects to be a productive NFL qb up to the preposterous age of 45. What an incredible narcissist.
  21. To quote your favorite president: There he goes again. "THE MEDIA" he says. every beat writer every broadcaster every columnist every blogger They all are hasty, inaccurate, biased. Which is, of course, in stark contrast to the fans who post their ramblings on twobillsdrive.com. Ok, sure.
  22. The reason this is not true is that evil genius that coaches them always figures out what is wrong with their team and fixes it as the season goes on. So it really matters very little how bad they look in a pre-season game. Even if Brady sits all four games and they start 0-4, they probably will still win 10 or 11 of the remaining 12. Their o-line was horrible at the start of last season...and remember how Brady was "in decline"...then what?
  23. How/why is "the media" one thing/person? This latest meanie Buffalo sportswriter B word-fest is about one particular writer who wrote a weak column. But "THE MEDIA" is telling lies? Good grief, cue the boogey-man music.
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