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Everything posted by jester43

  1. i feel i have been patient and tolerant of the navy, crimson, nickel gray with royal trim abominations long enough. after today i never want to see them again. and really, when the nicest thing i have ever been able to say about them is that they are not as bad as the sabres uniforms...well, that tells you we are due for an upgrade anyway. other than buying throwback jersies like mad (i have been waiting for them to offer them in a few more players), is there anything else we can do to affect a permanent change? i am thinking about when the jets brought theirs out a few years ago and everyone loved them so much they just kept them. any ideas?? hmm....
  2. they were going after each other pretty hard, but frankly i thought it was a good thing. somebody obviously screwed up, and it really doesn't matter who; the important thing is they didn't waste time getting it sorted out. and anyway they were joking later on.
  3. yikes. dude,and this is coming with someone who agrees with you... calm down!
  4. in remembrance of the "windows on the world" staff. it's personal.
  5. i think the initial post makes a reasonable point. maybe the jets do play it differently if we beat pgh. but who the hell knows what WOULD have happened? bottom line is we freakin CHOKED when it mattered. not just bledsoe, the bills. choked. coughed it up. a-hack hack hack gag spit. end of season. but that is ancient history at this point, and right now i am a lot more worried about whether we can open any holes in the texan's d-line. it's hard for me to believe this thread made it to a page 2!
  6. yes. our offensive line is the biggest concern by far. mcgahee will need SOME room!
  7. yes and that will make this an UGLY game.
  8. joey! yes it is definitely a relief to see you online again...i did'nt start worrying till about 8-9 days had passed, but still... whew!
  9. bills 11 (lindell picks up the bad snap and runs it in for two...also nails a 45 yarder). texans 5 (losman takes another safety) mcgahee 31 carries for 83 yards...this place will go berserk on monday.
  10. you guys know what causes a guys cholesterol to go through the roof at that age don't you?...
  11. the 90 bills (sb25). followed closely by the 91 team. the 94 team is not even close.
  12. you're catching on. oh dear me...why would anyone ever make such a reckless gamble?
  13. sometimes i wish there really was a "hell."
  14. tucker?? NOOOOOO....
  15. though i am too lazy to look it up, i am almost positive armour played for the niners...two seasons, three tops. i thought that cut would come back to haunt us, but fortunately i don't know sh-- (other than the fact that people overreact to pre-season games).
  16. pre-season.
  17. no problem...the state can just use all that money they had set aside to build the new olympic stadium in new york!
  18. the fans have overreacted to each of the prior pre-season games, why wouldn't they overreact to this one?
  19. people change. i don't think he's the same guy that we all hated when he came into the league. could you really beat him up? wow!
  20. i fill up when i dip below half. or at least...i used to...
  21. holy shite! make that $3.60!! 80cents in three days. that is !@#$ing bull sh--.
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