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Posts posted by jester43

  1. I loved Kiko on the Bills but I honestly thought he was a bit overrated. There is no question the guy is a playmaker and can make game changing plays, but he struggles against the run as he is small and can be over aggressive at times

    i agree. he reminded me of another overrated linebacker among Bills fans...London Fletcher. He was Fletcher with better hands. Solid, but not worth all the hype. People think these guys are future hall of famers because we haven't had a true stud at MLB since Sam Cowart.


    Nonetheless, I feel bad for the guy if that knee is wrecked again. He's so young and he was impressive in week 1.

  2. For those that don't know me, I'm SteveStojan. I've been here a while. I'm from Buffalo but don't live there anymore. I'm the definition of pessimist when it comes to the Bills. This year is different.


    I think my perspective is better as a die hard Bills fans who doesn't live in WNY anymore. Not listening to WGR and also hearing perspective from people who are fans of the Skins, Steelers, 'Boys, and yes Pats (without a stupid asterisk because they are the best team in football.) leaves me with this:


    Tyrod is the real deal. I've never been more happy with a QB since JK. He throws a frozen rope on the long ball and can run. Shady has looked awesome considering he has one semi-flat tire. Our WRs are top 5 in the league. We got beat, by a TD, by the best team this century when our defense didn't show up. We let up 40 points. That won't ever happen again.


    So, who wants to bet. I take 11+. You take 10 and under.


    Name the wager. It can't be straight cash since, ya know, that's illegal and all. But name it. Bills win 11.


    That is all.

    if i win, i get smartyjoneswinsthetriplecrown.com


    if you win i will stalk any lawyer who bothers you.

  3. 1 game, 1 freaking game against one of the best QBs and coaches in NFL history. My god, get a grip people.

    it's not about "1 game"...it's about the pats, YET AGAIN, rolling up and down the field at will. we're getting nowhere against these guys. team was way overhyped and just played stupid. don't kid yourself...it was not a close game.

  4. The Bills need to be in passing packages at all times


    1. McCoy has run much better in wide open sets with WRs and no FBs. This is true through the first two weeks and his career in Philly.
    2. Robert Woods is a better number 3 WR than opponents #3 DB (as is Hogan).
    3. Robert Woods is better than Mulligan (as is Hogan).
    4. Charles Clay shouldn't have been paid the money he was paid to chip DEs and settle into the flat as a check down.
    5. Putting players into routes, rather than extra protection is a means to help the offensive line, by having quick hitters.


    Spreading the field puts the Bills most talented players on the field, and presents the best situation to run out of. Can't fit a square peg into a round hole. Greg Roman, make the adjustments.


  5. Thank you to:

    • The Bills fans chanting "We Want Brady"
    • Rex Ryan for bringing the media circus to Buffalo so everyone could see how crap we are
    • Roman, for being completely ineffective in having his team prepared
    • Our 200+ million defensive line for getting absolutely no pressure all game
    • Whoever our D Coordinator is for not being able to cover 2 people. And the same 2 people we knew it would be
    • The announcers for showing the stat of Brady being only 3 TD's short of 400. You knew he'd be going for it
    • The Refs for needing to get their quality TV time
    • Aaron Williams for just giving away 15 yards at a time

    But most importantly, Thank you to the Buffalo Bills organization for letting me know early that we won't be contenders again this year as long as the Pats are in the league. You can't stand a chance against the best, you'll always be in the middle

    i don't blame the guy for being pissed. that was truly a pathetic defensive display. did dareus even suit up? SAME OLD BILLS.



    this is 100% correct..


    But wearing an opposing jersey to an NFL game can take the choice/options away.


    Hell, I went to the Flyers/Sabres road games in Philly and handled it as good as I can possibly handle it and was still almost attacked by a family "just because". I refused to take my hands out of my pockets and they didnt hit me. Too many lunatics and randomness at an NFL game.

    I took an old girlfriend to a Flyers/Sabres game in Philly once...it was the one where Biron dove across the crease and made a ridiculous save on a sure goal by just getting his stick blade on it...most Sabre fans have probably seen the highlight.


    Anyway, we were there rooting for the Sabres and sitting alongside my buddy and his girl who were Flyer fans. We weren't crazy about it, but it was an exciting game and we cheered for our team.


    Sabres eventually lose in OT. As the crowd is filing out, a guy a couple rows in front of us with two adolescent kids turns around and starts yapping at us to "get out of here...back to buffalo...etc. etc." I'm just ignoring him, as I never get into that crap.


    But for some reason my g.f. lost and it and screams at the guy..."OH YEAH? GO F--- YOURSELF!!" Totally out of character for her, and we were not even drunk! I'm just looking at her thinking "huh? who are you and what have you done with Katie!?"


    So now the guy's looking around like he's the victim...going "oh yeah, real nice language around kids. nice."




    Now everyone stops to see what's going to happen and I'm starting to think I'm going to be brawling soon...when I hear a HUGE Flyers fan in the row behind me yell to the guy. "SHE HAS A POINT."


    End of confrontation :)

  7. Frankly, Im glad Pats fans are nervous and scared about coming into OUR house. We've had too many Pats fans coming in and strutting around for way too long. The Gronkowski family sits in the box right behind my seats and it makes me sick to see all the Pats jerseys in there being worn by a group of Buffalonians. The amount of Pats fans infiltrating our gates has been growing every year, and it's time we flush them out with the rest of the turds.

    this is how I feel. i don't want fights per se....but i want these jerkoffs to not want to show up.

  8. I think that the first time Tom Brady lines up behind center, everyone should just go:



    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



    hhahahahaaa......oh please let this happen!


    do you think if 70000 people made that noise all at once it would be audible on tv??? that is hilarious.


    is it too late to get this on a billboard overlooking 219?

  9. i guess this is a safe place to post this...


    the penalties were annoying (though there were a couple of bs ones on the colts as well) but my big beef is with the rushing attack. the colts D line is supposed to suck and they were minus their best (supposedly) player, yet we really didn't accomplish much on the ground.


    27 points or not, we're going to struggle offensively if teams can crown the line and take away our rushing attack.


    i can't see us winning again this weekend averaging 3 yards a carry.

  10. I think it's the greatest thing ever that he has a foot fetish for his own wife and he does not give a good god damn who knows about it.


    I'm dying to know what went on with Kim and Terry the night he spent there before he signed.


    Did Kim go open-toed to let him know they were serious? I think so. Did Michelle notice and love it? And did she and Rex get so turned on they went to have wild millionaire we-love-each-other sex that night before he agreed? I think yes


    Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,

    Old Time is still a-flying;

    And this same flower that smiles today

    To-morrow will be dying.


    We have the best coach, no doubt.


    Go Bills!


    All this began when the speculation about the preseason game 3 starter was ramping up. WGR hosts felt the need to trash EJ when callers suggested that it should be EJ, mostly in the name of a fair competition but also in an acknowledgement of how well EJ had showed in the prior outings. Wanted tp justify that it wouldn't happen since game 3 was so important to the #1 QB. Schopp got really annoyed with this and gave his "He's horrilble (terrible?)" X3 line. He then asked for someone to explain why EJ was getting so much support, I e-mailed this to him:



    You're an analytics proponent so here is an analytical case.
    I would assume that you are familiar with the concept of "quality start" for pitchers. Three or less earned runs and seven or more innings pitched. The idea being that the pitcher has given his team a decent chance to win.
    Well, apply this type of measure to NFL QBs. What to use as the criteria? I particlarly do not favor the NFL's passer rating as a comprehensive measure. It does not consider sacks, fumbles, rush yards gained nor the game context of when the stats it does track are acquired. I do favor ESPN's tQBR which was developed by Football Outsiders as a comprehensive measure of QB play. I am sure it has its flaws as any measure would have that tries to isolate a QB's play from that of the rest of the offense. The tQBR scale is 0 to 100 with 50 being midscale. I think it's fair to say this would also be a fair measure of a QB performance that gives his team a chance to win.
    In EJ's 14 starts, he hit 50+ 8 times. The Bills were 5 and 3 in those games with the 3 losses coming against NE (the SJ drop you mentioned earlier) Cle (EJ's 3rd quarter injury and all the bad things that happened after he left) and Atlanta (4th quarter and OT fumbles by SJ and Chandler.) This tells me that the 50+ measure is fair in that EJ played decently enough to give his team a chance but other factors made the result a loss.
    What is 8 of 14 as a measure? What does it say? Here are how some others stack up.
    Kyle Orton was 4 of 12 in 2014. This is the guy that was giving the Bills the best chance to win?
    Joe Flacco was 6 of 16 his rookie year and 9 of 16 in 2013, the year after the Super Bowl win. He starts 16 games every year so credit the Bills for identifying Tyrod Taylor as someone that could be a great QB candidate without much direct evidence.
    Matt Cassel is 6 of 18 in his last 3 years. As you said today, this is not compatible with "game manager." He would have to play much better to earn that title. I think "game manager" is the title he gets when projecting him as a successful QB in this offense. If they decide to start him, "game manager" is the hoped for outcome. I do not think it's racial. It's the best we could hope for from him.
    Geno Smith is 8 of 30 for his career. He and EJ have not had similar careers to date.
    Ryan Tannehill had 8, 8 and 7 of 16, respectively, in his 3 years although he has seen an improvement in that he has had fewer "crappy games."
    Derek Carr was 7 of 16 in 2014.
    Blake Bortles was 4 of 14 in 2014.
    Eli Manning was 9 of 16 in 2007, his 4th NFL season, with 3 games at <10. In 2013, he was 5 of 16.
    In 2014, Aaron Rodgers was 13 of 16 with 2 other games in the 40's and one other, against the Bills, at 12.4.
    So, what to think of EJ? I think he has played decently in more games than most would think. His last two games were disastrous but they were heavily influenced by 1) 30+ mph winds and poor protection and 2) extremely poor protection and JJ Watt. In that last game, EJ took 18 hits but only 2 sacks which is an odd, 9:1 ratio. The WRs were credited with 5 drops and the coaching staff called pass to run plays at an inexplicable 2:1 ratio. Even with all that, EJ had the Bills driving to get the lead when a gutless, PI nocall on Robert Woods (that's my opinion, but check it out--it was PI that lasted over 15 yards and probably for 2+ seconds) that lead to the int that sealed the loss.
    It's these last two games that have most heavily weighed in on how most percoieve EJ. Fans remember them quite well but back-to-back poor games are not uncommon, especially for QBs earlier in their careers. It's not the norm for a HC to bench them for a 4 of 12 talent like Kyle Orton.
    I see him as a guy that was considered a decent QB prospect that needed development. Give him Nate Hackett as his QB coach his rookie year, sign Kevin Kolb to be the template, mentor QB but see him get concussed out of the NFL in preseason, have him suffer 3 separate knee injuries which forced him to miss 6+ weeks of game prep practice, set him up behind an unsettled, deteriorating o-line which offered particularly poor protection up-the-middle and then ask him to play well with JJ Watt in his face and at his knees. With all these bad circumstances, EJ still managed to be 8 of 14 for "quality starts" in his brief career. A 6 and 8 career record which is really 6 and 7 when you consider that he did not finish the game in Cle (a baseball pitcher does not get credit for a loss like that.) A career 7 and 6 record if either of his teammates protected the ball from trailing defenders.
    When did patience become so obsolete? How many other QBs took 3 or 4 years in the league to show some progress toward the upper echelons of NFL QBs? This is actually the norm with a few notable exceptions. None of this says he has to start. It all says that he is worth keeping on the roster should they need to go 3 deep like they did in 2013. Retaining him while on his rookie contract to see if he will continue the improvement he has shown this preseason seems prudent. And maybe it says that it would be worth it to give him a chance in game action with the starting group.
    I never heard back from him.


    No kidding...he fell asleep in the third paragraph.

  12. Michaels was blowing Robert Kraft. It's embarrassing. Nobody begrudges Russell Wilson and others for their success

    the funniest part was the look on that whore Al Michaels' face as he said that "some have accused the PAts**** of cheating..."


    ...it was like the thought that anyone would say that is just so contemptible... he kind of threw his hands up like he was thinking "can you believe anyone would say that?"


    he held his tongue, but it was written all over his face.


    They are truly swine.

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