Yes, this one is really not all that hard: he's too fat, therefore too slow and injury-prone. Why is he too fat? Because he doesn't want to play bad enough. If he cared, he'd be in better shape. It's a shame, really.
people loved lou because he was CLUTCH. but yeah, he was not as strong a producer as we remember him to be. those stats were eye-opening to say the least!
but i totally understand...the older i get, the faster i used to be also!
whichever one can't play is the one donohoe will pick.
seriously, unless TD is fired, i can't even look at the draft order as a positive...because we're not gonna draft enough good players for it to make a difference.
i live among a great many eagle fans here in the capitol region of PA, and i can assure you that i don't feel the least bit sorry for them. as far as football goes, i got my own problems.
hell, at least the people running the eagles franchise seem to have a concept of what it takes to put a team in the playoffs.
moulds has gotten more milage out of only a couple really good seasons than any player in nfl history. remember it took him 3 years to produce anything at all when he got here. he's a good player, but he's nowhere near good enough for all the crying we've heard from him the last couple years. he acts like he's the only one suffering from all the SUCKING this franchise has done over the past 5 seasons. fricken baby.
haha...good one...but, yeah why not?
i see the avs have gone to the back up for pd 2. that USUALLY bodes well. but this sabre team is not the 85 oilers. so stay tuned...