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Everything posted by jester43

  1. he was also about 15 years younger than marv is right now.
  2. "everyone" isn't, but some of us think he was already past his prime when he resigned 10 years ago, and see no reason to think he can realisitically turn this team into contenders as either coach or GM.
  3. i agree with you...the vitriol that surrounds coaching/management changes in this town is just a little ridiculous. tom donohoe is not a bad guy. nor was gregg williams, wade phillips, john butler or marv levy. yet when EVERY ONE of them left the team, there were fans lining up here and/or on the radio to take potshots at them. even marv- i remember it vividly because i found it so surprising at the time. now i know better. the culture of big-time sports is a lot of fun most of the time, but TDs firing will prove yet again that it can also bring out the worst in some people.
  4. or maybe mularkey put them on the field for a change.
  5. i said when they let him go here that would probably happen. that doesn't make it so, but williams is a very smart guy and is probably capable of learning from his own mistakes. we shall see. i think he will get a chance to prove himself somewhere soon.
  6. god that's hilarious.
  7. are you sure? i thought this was exposed to be some sort of "urban legend." i've been hearing it for years.
  8. for a crazy dingo, you make a lot of sense.
  9. thanks everyone...i am home now, having a great time. hope you all are too. (ps. see you at the sabres game tomorrow night!)
  10. here, this should cheer you up!
  11. i say the colts steamroll everyone in honor of their beloved coach dungy.
  12. there has been no turning point because we have never stopped sucking since donohoe got here! 9-7 last year was 100% SMOKE AND MIRRORS...the steelers proved that. this year we had a little extra bad luck in the form of spikes' injury, but this basically make up for the unusual good luck last year with turnovers and ST touchdowns. we have averaged 6 wins a year since donohoe got here which is about right considering the talent and coaching he's given us.
  13. thanks... i laughed out loud at that.
  14. imagine when we dump moulds, and then our receivers next year are evans, reed, aiken, parrish and peerless price. if we don't get a top-5 pick this year, we sure will then.
  15. just a buch of typical 18 year old fake gangsta wanna-be crap, replete with pot smoking and cop-hating references. also lots of threatening talk about murdering you if you look at him the wrong way, and plenty of tYpInG iN tHaT rEaLlY cOoL wAy ThAt KiDs TyPe when they want you to know how hip they are. nothing more pathetic than a rich child of privilege pretending to be a murderous thug on the internet. the poor kid definitely had some issues. sad sad sad.
  16. cheer up man. don't worry- the bills are really good at losing whether you're there or not. and the sabres had to drop one eventually. my advice to you is to go to the next sabres/leafs game in buffalo...even with 8000 of their own fans there, the leafs will find a way to lose.
  17. yeah cause you can't have too many munchkin WRs on your roster these days.
  18. mercifully, the site is down. it sure wasn't very flattering for poor coach dungy, was it?
  19. don't worry about that, because mularkey and donohoe are gone. but either way, i could never root for the bills to lose. one or two spots up or down in the draft order will mean next to nothing in the long-term for this franchise. we need way too many players for it to make a difference. i hope we beat cincinatti 38-0. and chad johnson and his endzone "celebrations" can both suck my d!ck.
  20. you know it brother....every time somebody reminisces on that goddam LITTLE FAIRY DANCE (i couldn't have said it any better so i won't even try ), all i can think about is how his touchdowns kept us out of the superbowl. meanwhile, i hope nate clements takes an 8-point buck rack and shoves it straight up johnson's ass.
  21. ok fine. but BILLS FANS are lining up to fellate him on that other thread. i don't get it.
  22. imagine you buy one of those jerseys....allllll that money....and 20 years from now, you get to look back wistfully at the year it was worn- WHEN WE WERE 4 AND FRIGIN 12! the only place any jerseys from this season belong is in a huge bonfire.
  23. yeah good luck...may you recover 10x quicker than i have from my "minor" knee procedures!
  24. no marv levy. sorry.
  25. i would post that the various conspiracy theories that have popped up about williams', sam's and jp's injuries are absurd, but the bills bring this crap on themselves by being so unnecessarily secretive about them.
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