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Everything posted by jester43

  1. where is lori? she'll know. you watch.
  2. this is not what you want to hear, but i am going to say it anyway...let him go to YSC if he earns it and show him no sympathy. i spent a night there when i was 17, and it straightened my ass out quick. besides, they keep the really dangerous kids on a separate floor...at that time it was the 5th. sometimes people have to learn the hard way what the word "consequences" means.
  3. the "bickering bills" reference refers only to the '89 season, in which the abovementioned remark was made. things were not going well for the team and there was definitely some tension in the locker room. after thurman mouthed off on some talk show about kelly having too high an opinion of himself, it blew up in the media. thankfully marv had the people-skills to get everyone back together, and the bills squeaked into the playoffs. they were so done bickering by the time the playoffs started that i still remember them practically holding hands and singing kumbaya on the sidelines in cleveland. then ronnie harmon dropped an easy touchdown and we got beat. that sucked of course, but then we started winning, so by the 90s, they were no longer "the bickering bills."
  4. yes. and succinct too. thanks.
  5. ever heard of hank bullough?
  6. you mean like kelly's last season? his brains are still so scrambled from that experience he became a right-wing politician.
  7. i don't think so either, i am just hoping that, as usual, i am wrong! go bills!
  8. yeah we'll see about that...don't sell the maniacs short!
  9. yay for the pill. i hope he does great at UB.
  10. where is that "angry mob" guy when you need him?
  11. if nothing else comes from todays moves, it has at least brought some of the best wise-ass one-liners in TBD history.
  12. which one...we have several you know?
  13. yes
  14. i will say that the bit in ralph's press conference about the new boss not "micromanaging" mularkey caught my attention. the first thing i thought when i read that was that he was sort of blaming TD for some of the dumb decisions mularkey appeared to have made. but some of the stuff that happened in the heat of battle this year concerned me. unless donohoe was upstairs pulling strings like a puppeteer during the games, i don't know how mularkey gets off the hook for that. like i said before, i do think people can learn form their mistakes. i am crossing my fingers...
  15. that's a stretch, imo. swing passes to daimon shelton and shaud williams on 3rd down are not clements' fault if mularkey is calling the plays.
  16. my problem with mularkey is that he pulled some of our best players off the field way too often to suit his "system." i am talking about moulds, adams and mcgahee. yes, everyone of them was a pain in the ass this year, but i think i probably would have been to, under the circumstances. and you can't blame it on clements because he basically fired clements at mid-season so he could call theplays himself. that said, i've always believed people are capable of learning from their mistakes...let's hope marv points them out to him.
  17. it is amazing when you think about it, isn't it? it seemed like he hardly ever touched the ball in this cluster!@#$ offense.
  18. now that he's gone, does anyone really care??
  19. this is going to be entertaining, if nothing else
  20. if marv is truly going to be gm, moulds isn't going anywhere.
  21. usc by at least 2 touchdowns. not that i know sh--...
  22. things that make you go hmm...
  23. so it was our fault losman got benched twice?
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