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Everything posted by jester43

  1. somebody tell that douchebag that just because he got his ass kicked 3 straight times to end the season, that doesn't mean he can't go have sex with a mule or whatever it was he was bragging about doing vs. the bills. in fact he's got lots of time to rehearse now, and he ought to get busy.
  2. yes, bloody hard indeed.
  3. does thaqt mean it is safe for me to buy his jersey? (my other 2 jerseys are mike williams and rob johnson)
  4. my two thoughts while perusing this tread: 1 why the EFF do we always have to be the team that provides on-the-job training for the inexperienced? what about capers or cottrell or SOMEONE that has actually performed the duties of this position before? 2. by all means, let's keep the menstruation jokes, uh (ahem), flowing.
  5. i caught part of the replay last night and the first 90 mins of today's show...and i was pleasantly surprised! harrisburg was one of the first markets to lose the show after the change was announced, so i hadn't heard it in a long time. also, between the censorship and the 26mins of commercials per hour, it had become almost unlistenable anyway. the new and uncensored version is much funnier, plus they have announced that commercials will max out at 18mins per hour. still too much, but hopefully it will be tolerable.
  6. and people wonder why donohoe was embarrassed to be part of the community...i'm telling you, people take this sh-- way to seriously. that teacher is an assho*e
  7. during the 80's, arians had TWO winning season at temple. in my mind(that of a weary owl alum) that makes him a friggin genius and we should give him whatever he wants to come here!
  8. i got the sirius unit for xmas (thanks mom...i love you!) and actually FORGOT to tune it in this morning. dammit. i had kinda lost interest in the show the last few years, but i am very curious to hear what it sounds like now. hopefully i can catch a replay tonight.
  9. honestly, i am surprised anyone is even talking about this guy. he's an idiot and we don't want him on the roster AT ALL...even as an UDFA.
  10. does anyone know whether his breasts are still bothering him?
  11. really? i know the rams were 9-7 the year they almost knocked off the steelers...was the best in the nfc really only 11-5 that year?? interesting...
  12. seriously. take him to a sabres game.
  13. take him to a sabres game.
  14. forget it...i see they were 8-8 and 9-7 last year. forget what i said before....the bills suck and they're doomed forever.
  15. how many games did cinci and jacksonville win last year? that is the MAJORITY of this years playoff teams losing more than they won last year. i am as jaded as the next guy (with the possible exception of joe), but i think the evidence is pretty clear that losing teams CAN turn it around quick in this league.
  16. it's absurd to say he "built" the team that's playing today. he built the team that almost beat dallas in the 96 superbowl...i'll give him credit for that. but i think cowher deserves maybe just a LITTLE credit for his TENTH playoff appearance in 14 years. and yeah the bills suck, but did you realize that 5 of the 6 nfc playoff teams won between 5 and 7 games last year? the talent margin in the nfl is slim. you're never as far away as you think.
  17. who is Gratz, and why are the panthers picking him up so late in the season?
  18. this is the easiest $100 i ever made. i made up my mind the day the bills beat them that i would bet whoever played cinci in the first round. the bengals are a fraud and pittsburgh's B word as well. the palmer injury will be a convenient excuse for them, but this was destined to happen imo.
  19. let me clarify that question...was it kelly or hunter?
  20. aaron brooks sucks and has proved it over several seasons now. and we will never ever ever see that !@#$ vick in a bills uniform while marv is the GM. and as far as free agency being the best way to rebuild the lines, i could not disagree more. i think the pats have proven that. sam wyche will never be the OC here because his health will not permit it. and ralph still hates haslet from having to deal with his contract demands as a player; and if that did not !@#$ things up once and for all between haslet and the bills, i'd say his little trick of accusing kent hull of using roids did. so in short, i have to conclude that your plan is terrible. i do give you credit for posting it, though.
  21. who was the pick we got with cleveland's #1?
  22. yeah really what is it?
  23. if i may be permitted to quote myself from 2 years ago: "bring me coughlin." seriously.
  24. it's pretty hard to tell whether he's any good playing behind the line we had. about all we know for sure is that he was overwhelmed. that said, i'm not sold on him...but seriously, at this point, how can you tell?
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