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Everything posted by jester43

  1. i know...and i thought i was being kind to the colts by calling it a "flinch."
  2. oh yeah...that was YOUR post? i remembered it on tuesday. yeah well thanks, and as i type, peppers is rumbling into the endzone
  3. brady, but only because he plays well OUTSIDE in bad weather. he'd do much better in buffalo. manning is every bit the player, if not more so,than brady. by the way, i'm not blaming manning for his offensive line playing like sh-- today like some are. i just thought all week that (a)ben would play well, and (b) the steelers are the TOUGHER team.
  4. i was thinking "4 dogs with bacon please" all week long, but forgot to communicate my predictions in time yesterday...but i remembered today...lucky me
  5. since faneca's flinch was so tiny as to be almost invisible, it should have ben a 5 yard offside penalty on the colts. what bad calls went the steelers way? i can't think of one at the moment.
  6. that no-call on the pass interference in the first half and that play with polamalu on the OBVIOUS interception are two of the worst calls i've seen in a long time. also, that "no-foul" play where four colts were offsides on fnaeca's flinch...just ridiculous. bad day for the zebras...it looked like they thought they were calling a patriots game.
  7. yes...$cha-ching$ indeed!! i don't know about you, but my winnings are now riding on the panthers.
  8. ok how's this....i hate the !@#$er because he's good and he doesn't play for the bills. total 100% sour grapes. yum.
  9. great opening drive by the steelers...again i say, thank you for reminding me to call the bookie.
  10. yeah i wanted that guy something awful...but we didn't have a shot at him without trading up. besides, if we would have gotten him, he'd probably be dead by now.
  11. yeah i learned a little
  12. someone said it here and it is true...politics aside (for me, especially )he is so much like a "ronald reagan" figure, that you just can't help but FEEL reassured about his presence in the organization. the logical part of my brain says this probably isn't going to work, for any number of reasons. but i just feel so damn good all of a sudden i just don't care!
  13. thank you for remind me to call the bookie.
  14. you never know...enjoy the day!
  15. for those of you who, like me, would probably stand around a tailgate pretending that you already know all about this, but actually don't, i present this handy primer on zone blocking. party on.
  16. ...which is why i can't listen to that sh-- ever.
  17. aw hell...whose isn't?
  18. east africa = distance runners west africa = sprinters if paul tergat ever touched the ball in an nfl game, it would probably be the final day of his life!
  19. actually it IS impossible. even for olympic sprinters. you don't have enough stored energy(creatine phosphate, if i remember my ex. phys. correctly) in your muscle cells to go at absolute top effort for more than 6-7 secs. that is a fact of human physiology. the idea in sprinting is to be the first to reach top speed (usually about 30m), then hold it as long as possible (usually till 60-70m), then be the guy to slow down the LEAST over the remaining 30-40m. obviously this was not an olympic sprint race, so the situation is not 100% analogous. but yeah bailey had every reason to be tired. that said, HE TRIED TO FRIGGIN COAST IN, which is whyhe got caught. even tired, he certainly had enough left to stay on the gas 3-4 more strides, which is all it would have taken. but he is like 1000 other idiots who play this game, always looking to celebrate before the job is done. fuggin dipshit. i'm just glad it didn't cost them the game. because it certainly could have.
  20. can't really argue with you on that. go sabres.
  21. i tend to agree with this. also i think if they played last nights game about ten more times, new england wins about 8 of them. i hate them too, but they're not going anywhere.
  22. lol...we were literally singing that out loud in the bar last night. it was awesome.
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