actually it IS impossible. even for olympic sprinters. you don't have enough stored energy(creatine phosphate, if i remember my ex. phys. correctly) in your muscle cells to go at absolute top effort for more than 6-7 secs. that is a fact of human physiology. the idea in sprinting is to be the first to reach top speed (usually about 30m), then hold it as long as possible (usually till 60-70m), then be the guy to slow down the LEAST over the remaining 30-40m.
obviously this was not an olympic sprint race, so the situation is not 100% analogous. but yeah bailey had every reason to be tired. that said, HE TRIED TO FRIGGIN COAST IN, which is whyhe got caught. even tired, he certainly had enough left to stay on the gas 3-4 more strides, which is all it would have taken. but he is like 1000 other idiots who play this game, always looking to celebrate before the job is done. fuggin dipshit. i'm just glad it didn't cost them the game. because it certainly could have.