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Everything posted by jester43

  1. i think it will be a much different story when he is playing for a defensive coach who is not lining him up 10 yards off the line on every play
  2. i don't know much, but i swear to god i knew that guy was smoke and mirrors from day one.
  3. won't happen due to sam's health...he's said all along that this is about all he can do.
  4. good god, did EVERY ONE OF YOU get your period today? everytime i think the volume of pissing and moaning cannot possibly get any worse, it goes to a whole new level! and it is much more depressing than the new coaching hire. i have no idea how this guy is going to do, but no one else here does either! just watch and wait...THEN you can cry when we still suck in a year or two. it is mind-boggling!
  5. that guy...man, what a meathead...i still lmao everytime i think about him getting so flusterd and flummoxed at training camp that he just got on his harley and rode away....right in the middle of practice! now there's a sure-fire way to get the team to rally behind you!
  6. can't you see people are going out of their way to be cranky and miserable here? quit trying to add a sober perspective to all the bellyaching.
  7. i know seattle hasn't gotten enough credit for all they've accomplished this year, but i can't help but think the steelers are going to clobber them. i think they are going to pester hasselbeck into a total meltdown.
  8. $cha-ching$! have a great monday everyone!
  9. yeah but you sort of have to throw out the games that rothlisberger missed, don't you?
  10. ok let me make this CRYSTAL CLEAR for you guys since i don't think you picked up on the tone of the original post: i know the coaches are more important than the uniforms. i just wish we could get the throwbacks made permanent cause i really like them. but whatever. sorry i brought it up now at this very tense and delicate moment in buffalo bills history. in other news, i don't know if you noticed, but it's friday. hope that doesn't agitate you too much.
  11. he has been nice enough to compensate me for making accurate predictions last week, so i thought i 'd test his generosity again. i am thinking pgh +3 and car/sea over 43.5. i like the steelers' defense and their ability to play well on the road. also, i like ben much better than plummer. no knock on plummer, but i think ben is a notch above him. in the nfc game, i am leaning toward carolina +3.5 but not too confidently...i am more comfortable that both teams will score...i know the panthers D is solid, but i think sattle can put up a few TDs at home. anybody have thoughts to share?
  12. hopefully this business with the coaching staff will be wrapped up quick so we can move on to the important stuff, LIKE PERMANENTLY CHANGING TO THE THROWBACK UNIFORMS. seriously, is it too late to make the change for next season? i would think now would be the PERFECT time to make the change...if ralph wants us to orget about TD this is a good first step!
  13. whooooaaaa....THAT Faafetai Tupa’i???! SWEET!!!
  14. outstanding.
  15. wait a minute...what the $#!@^ is "www.!@#$.com?" when i enter it, i get this: "http:////"
  16. maybe that was part of his job??
  17. a 34 year old guy with one year of d.c. experience? in new york of all places? i am setting the over/under right now at 2 seasons.
  18. the sound of one hand clapping, though it is occasionally punctuated by the chirp of a lone cricket. at least they're honest about it.
  19. i'm sorry, but i can't take anything i read on that ridiculous site seriously. i think it is about one step up from TSW on the credibility scale....that's not a bust on this place, because i don't come here for news...i come here to bull-$h!t and read gossip and other regular-guy opinions. and no one with an ounce of sense thinks the wall is for anything OTHER than that. but this stupid "realfootball365" site is a gossip column trying to pass itself off as football news. i mean, good grief if this doesn't spell it out clearly enough, i don't know what would.
  20. this is one of the most absurd things i have ever read on this site. and that is saying something.
  21. i think there is a better chance dungy will quit coaching than be fired. he still has to be in some serious pain.
  22. i can't. watch it for me and tell me what you see.
  23. this was/is/will be the easiest call of the weekend imo. i guess we'll see...
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