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Posts posted by jester43

  1. As others have said, it's the timing. You haven't played in a few weeks and you involved your agent? That screams immature. In his one big game in the NFL he got caught from behind celebrating too early. Later in that same game he celebrated again too early although he didn't get caught. Sammy needs to learn that he is a "professional " football player and keep things in house.

    i bet he's been keeping it "in house" for a long time already!


    let me ask you, which mode of expression do you think is likely to be more effective?

  2. oh, if only i had time to read all 22 pages of this.


    i think it's great that Sammy popped off. i want whoever is playing qb to feel pressure to get him the ball.


    I want the coaches feeling pressure to get him the ball.


    it is complete insanity and that teams can put 8 in the box and slow this offense to a crawl.


    my only concern is can Sammy stay healthy enough to shoulder that kind of burden? that's far from proven...and that's putting it nicely.


    he shouldn't make a habit of popping off, but i don't blame him for being frustrated. and in this case, it is warranted.

  3. my favorite Whaley moment was him lecturing the media a couple weeks ago on how "we now see that in today's NFL a QB needs to stand on the sideline and hone his craft for years...etc, etc..." when referring to Taylor.


    This is the same guy who was ok with throwing out a project rookie out there with no safety net just two years ago.


    He is full of crap and he just makes up stories after the fact to justify whatever his last move was.


    "Sammy was the number one player on our board"


    If that's true, he should be fired for that alone.


    What a clown this guy is.

  4. Bills teams in the past have been the type that can get up for the big games (though often falling short), but also playing down to the level of the competition. So for as many times as they pulled out a big win against a stronger opponent, they also fell flat and lost to teams they should have beaten. Those, to me, are signs of teams that needed better talent, better coaching, and better discipline.


    As many others have pointed out, this year certainly seems different than other years. We have much better talent, and we have solid coaching. Execution has been strong for the most part, though there were discipline issues in the Pats*** game that bit us in the ass.


    But over this three game stretch against Miami, the Giants, and Tennessee, I thought we would have a good opportunity to see the true character of this team. Three teams we definitely should beat, though each with its distinct challenges; Miami with its tough defensive front, the Giants with their SB-winning QB and tough receivers, and Tennessee with its stellar rookie QB, and two of those on the road. But despite those challenges, there is no reason this team should not be 4-1 heading into a showdown at home against the Bengals.


    The game against Miami was a sign to me that this isn't the same old Bills. On the road, they not only took care of business, but they held their foot on the gas and didn't let up. True, Miami is probably worse than any of us thought going into the season, but again, previous Bills teams would find a way to play down to their level and make it a close game. There are initial signs that this team has a different, stronger character.


    Now we have the Giants and Tennessee, and two more opportunities to show that this team is built for real success. Teams have more film on us, so they'll have more ways to attack our weaknesses. How this team responds against these two additional opponents will tell me a lot about who they truly are. I don't expect every game to be a 41-14 thrashing (sure would be nice, though), but if this really is a team with playoff expectations I expect them to execute well and take care of business these next two games. If not, well, I guess we will still have a ways to go.


    Go Bills!!



  5. Cleveland. The land of nothing.


    Brown helmet. That's it.


    What does that even mean? Clevland "Browns" They like the color brown THAT much??? (It probably means something. But dont care enough to google clevand browns wiki)


    What if there were The "Blacks" or "Whites" teams?


    The Los angeles "Whites" versus the Oklahoma "blacks" are going at it again. The winner of this game to face the "browns" next week.


    It's ok to suicide if you're a cleveland brown fan. Ouch....Okay even that is too much. On second thought. Nope. It's ok.

    What does it mean? Are you in high school?


    Paul Brown was one of the greatest coaches in NFL history.


    I know- they suck...their uniforms are dumb, etc. etc.


    but still... :doh:

  6. However good he is or isn't, I hope he gets the ball a ton, because now I'm paranoid about Karlos getting hurt. I know that makes no sense, but I'm afraid if Williams gets the ball 25 times this week because McCoy's out (especially against this rush D) we'll be down to ZERO healthy RBs that are good.


    Dixon may not have done much yet, but how much worse can he be than last year?


    Has anyone signed Brown yet?

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