absoluetely. i live in wisconsin now...on the opposite side of the state from green bay...MUCH closer to where the vikes play. people are still nuts about the pack. and the weather is colder and they STILL are climbing all over each other for tickets. i think they could get 90000 fans a week if the lambeau had room. and not only is green bay a smaller markert, but the entire state of wisconsin only has about 5 million people. and it's a decent sized state.
i have felt for a very long time that bills fans are not as hardcore as they like to believe they are, and to me, the last 2 weeks proves it. frankly, i think they're just sort of embittered from the whole experience of coming so close but never winning. it has just sort of stuck itself in everyone's paw, and i think folks are just discouraged. 6 years of sucking is a long time anyway...