the one thing they did that pissed me off yesterday has gone unmentioned from what I can see...
the bills got the ball back in the shadow of their own goal posts after stopping the chargers late in the first half. there was 2:45 on the clock. instead of trying to mount a drive with some short passes, no huddle type stuff, jauron and/or fairchild decide to run the ball up the middle 3 times with willis in an apparent attempt to kill time. all they managed to do was get stuffed, and 1:40 later, they are in punt formation. i thought RIGHT THEN, "here comes a San Diego touchdonw." 30 seconds later, it's 17-0.
what the was up with that? i thought we were letting losman play his position now?
as absurd as some of the officiating was yesterday, to me, that series of plays was what killed us. i was pissed at jauron for not showing the confidence in his offense to at leat TRY to mount a drive, and we wound up getting burned for it.
i wish sullivan or somebody would call the coaching staff out for was WEAK.