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Everything posted by jester43

  1. i'm not a big fan of the guy myself, but i say he plays in buffalo this season.
  2. lol....belichek just sold his soul to the DEVIL! does that mean they're gonna cut that receiver with the googley eyes who dropped all those balls in the playoffs?
  3. i hear ya, but the problem is, if you don't want "scumbags" on your roster, you'll be playing with mostly substandard talent. willis aside, i'm sure plenty of scumbags are already on the bills' roster, we just don't knwo who they are or why they are. i think you could make a list of famous transgressions by super bowl-era bills and conclude a lot of those guys were "scumbags" too....that is, if you wanted to.
  4. i think mcmichael is underrated around here...i'd take him in a minute, assuming he can behave.
  5. lol.... :blink: "He has a great passion for working with student-athletes and motivating them to achieve their full potential. He is a great competitor with a tremendous work ethic."
  6. briere is better than drury.
  7. i'm glad someone else seems to have caught this too...more affirmation that FLETCHER IS NOT THE GUY WE NEED AT MLB. Obviously marv knows this. Marv came right out and said it: "you need linebackers in this type of defense who attack the line, and not just pursuit-tackle."
  8. yeah, because if my man wouldn't have bought him a round, ol' Bobber CLEARLY would have cut his losses right then and gone home! so much for "personal responsibility." good story man...Bobber sounds like jerk-off and I'm sure there are some happy folks in his office. Seriously, people who let themselves behave that way usually are a PIA when sober as well.
  9. yeah really....they peddle one H.O.R.S.E.S.H.I.T act after another and wonder why people don't want to pay for music. you can't find anything the slightest bit off-kilter or experimental on regular radio, so there's no way truly innovative acts to be discovered. every "new" act is some cookie-cutter version of the one that preceded it....all stylized and sanitized and accesorized for the masses.
  10. in North Dakota? Well.... i met a guy that used to coach there...he pronounced it "MY-nut."
  11. i laid the 7 also...i wanted to parlay the under but my guy offers such lousy odds that it wasn't worth the risk. anyway, i tip my hat to you.
  12. marv albert referred to it as "dolphins stadium" on sirius.
  13. sort of a bizarre way to express your political views.
  14. i thought the number of empty seats was astonishing...i realize it was pouring rain but, good grief. the game was sort of a mess, but what do you expect in those conditions?
  15. interesting that some of the most savage Italian soccer criminals were characterized as having "extreme right-wing leanings."
  16. it's -11 here in eau claire wi...not sure what the wind chill is, but really, who the hell cares...supposed to be -23 overnight.
  17. i had to lay 7, but i'm looking good w/ 2mins left....$cha-ching$!
  18. i think he could be the next heavyweight champ.
  19. my analysis? still depressing.
  20. maybe for the same reason they barely mention hockey on espn?
  21. i assumed it was sick and/or dying when they found it since it wasn't 2000 feet below the surface.
  22. the '63 bills jersey was cool too... http://www.weirdwolf.net/ffp/images/1960/Buffalo62.gif
  23. can anyone who has played on an organized football team in the past 20 years verify whether coaches or players ever use the term "jewing" your way down the field? i've heard the stereotype, but it just sounds so STUPID i find it hard to believe he really meant it. but i guess you have to consider the souce, and salisbury is quite a meathead...
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