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Everything posted by jester43

  1. it always embarrasses me to see how many solid bills brethren get their panties in a wad over the comments of the talking heads. i'll take a win like this over a little ballwashing from sterling, TJ, mike, mad dog, nick buoniconti, skip ball-less or any other nationally syndicated douchebag you wish to fuss over. you know they're out there waiting to smarm. i'm telling you now, just LET THEM GO and enjoy a precedent-setting win
  2. huh? that's your fault for giving a F what espn says.
  3. no. that would have been the call for the old bills that couldn't get out of theuir own way. a team that is a winning team adds 3 points to their lead. especially when you have a good kicker. when you start playing like pu$$ies it gives the other team hope. that's the old bills. not these guys.
  4. i'm thrilled. very good win over a good team...2 in a row in fact. we're legit. we're really legit. it's still hard to believe but what else can you say? it's only 2 games, but even the team that blew out n.e. in week one didn't look this rugged along both lines.
  5. what the hell are they reviewing?
  6. they're entitled to their opinion...but our DEs are not scaring brett favre, that's for sure.
  7. they're tired...they've been on the field for the last 2 hours it seems like...that turnover couldn't have come at a worse time.
  8. wheels are coming off
  9. That's too bad. I noticed from the Olympics that Bulgaria has easily the most kick-ass national anthem in existence. It made me want to go fight Darth Vader or something. Shame to follow it up with an 82 goal loss....how is that even possible?
  10. dude, that's great! bon voyage...guess you're probably in the air by now. wear that ABs jersey proudly! I still have the flag up in front of my home in honor of the fantastic tri-nations finale, which you no doubt enjoyed as well. check this out: i just met doug howlett a couple weeks ago: http://flickr.com/photos/22356709@N07/sets...57606930935415/ we shelled out the bucks for VIP tickets at the USA-Munster game and were therefore invited to the players post-game reception. good times.
  11. fair on both counts.
  12. here i was all excited that ub won...and then i clicked the link and saw who they beat. aw well...go bulls and go owls.
  13. i just went into the kitchen and saw a mouse dancing on top of a bottle of beer. i asked him "what are you doing?!" he just pointed down at the lid. can you guess what it said?
  14. all the best to you millbank. a nice guy who came through with some great advice for me when i needed it a couple years ago. i hope all is well.
  15. bull sh--. where'd you get that picture of ice?
  16. same thing happened to my 02 mini a couple years ago. there were 4-5 dozen dings and a smashed windshield. the insurance took care of it with a new hood, roof and fenders and paint job. the car looked so brand new that i turned around and sold it for almost what i had paid for it. my rates did not go up a dime because it was not my fault. ps...it took them a week to do the work, because they do have to take the car completely apart, but my insurance also got me $$ toward a rental car. of course i had just SWITCHED to horace mann from geico. good luck.
  17. does not liking to be "shat" upon automatically make you bitter?
  18. i dug this up looking for info on bob allen, the wuwu station manager. does anyone else remember when he hijacked the signal by locking himself in the transmission tower with like 10 albums because they wanted to tighten up and restrict the format? iirc, they called the cops to get him out of there and he was fired.
  19. he and curt gowdy were my favorite network guys. sad to hear that he's passed. man, what a week
  20. 7 pages of a thread about a complete non-story. wow.
  21. godddammit....NOW can we get rid of Darcy and Quinn? i am fast losing respect for golisano too. i'm sure he'll be pleading poverty at the end of the season. how can you go from powerhouse to kluster!@#$ this fast??!
  22. man, i hate when that happens.
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