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Everything posted by edg77

  1. Poor Tommy. "this can't be happening to me, don't you know who I am?" Those Bills covers bring back memories. Back when we were relevant. Now when the Bills get mentioned it seems like its something from a distant era, like taking about how the Providence Greys won the World Series or something.
  2. Watch out Dallas, Jets fans there want to "mark their territory". Better cover the furniture.
  3. Smug Pats fans, probably left to file a grievance. Nobody sits in their seats at that stadium anyway, too many retail options, everyone is always up buying **** to eat or wear, watching the game on screens. Can't blame them the team is pretty boring to watch. Glad they are out. Now the meme can take root: they can't win the big games anymore. Can't get too excited for the Jets though, not as long as that dbag in the fireman's hat is still in the stands.
  4. From the people that brought you "Bench Flutie, let's see what Johnson can do..." Sit Fitz? Ah, No. I don't think so. Anyway Tawmmy has the flu or sniffles or something, maybe they should sit him?
  5. I would love it more than anything, but I have no hope. We have found a new awful gut twisting way to lose to these guys every time for 14 straight, and even going back to "just give it to them". Weird sh*t happens. If ever the League were to retroactively change the outcome of a game it would be Pats/Bills. Imagine a Monday morning: "Upon further review... Pats win in decision..." Nothing would surprise me. Except a Bills win. But boy would I love it.
  6. Until we can beat him we might as well make fun of him. Wearing a helmet must be rough on the scalp. btw Eugene great avatar. funny post too.
  7. Wow. They pulled the goal posts down after winning the division? Can't imagine what would have happened had they won it all. And, was Daniel Boone still on TV just 22 years ago? TV has changed.
  8. I think they should do nothing but gadget plays the entire game. They will be known for it, the wild and wacky unpredicti-bills. Put the right roster together and they could be the Harlem Globetrotters of the NFL. Too bad they are working on matching the Washington Generals win/loss record.
  9. Yea! We won't get blown out by 39 points! The team's on the rise. This one will be ugly. We will show some improvement in one area I predict: we won't give up two points on a safety this week. Talkn' proud.
  10. I live in Pats* country and nothing would make me happier than to beat them but until it happens I can't get behind any theories that it will. How many times have we had them "beat" only to find some new way to get sick? From The Very Special Teddy Bruschi Memorial Comeback Spectacular to last season's opening debacle it's been too much to take. I have no hope.
  11. The AFC East has one proven QB and a whole bunch of guys who have shown at various times both promise and severe flaws. They all have much to prove. I think they are pretty much interchangeable at this point, meaning that change out any one for another last year and the fate of each team would have remained the same.
  12. Are we talking Andre or Josh Reed? I'd be happy if "Rasscoe" made it into a Steve Tasker level as a WR.
  13. I've been reading Bills Daily for years, it's my number one source for info since I've been stuck in Pats* land. Amazing that it's been going for so long. I only wish our team could have been as solid and consistent as the site dedicated to it. Thanks man.
  14. Thanks for that. I remember a bunch of those and I could never understand Favre mania. Madden would have had his baby if it were at all possible. An exciting player? sure thing if you love crushing INTs at the worse possble moments. Has to be exhausting for fans of what ever team he is playing for.
  15. And yet you, who are so wise in the ways of the world posted. Now I don't know what to think. You know the internet is not just for porn. You can have a laugh while at work too.
  16. An hour and change to go! I can hardly wait... This thread has been entertaining though. Thurman finding his helmet, that was great! But the molasses flood is the best random history factoid I've read in a long time. Nicely done. My guess is they have struck a deal with Danny Wegman for a new Bills cereal.
  17. TheChimp is predicting Bills scoring 41. He's on drugs, I have to think.
  18. I live in pats* country and it's been rough, i hate those guys and all of the smug sports writers that kiss their a*ses every week. I have never been so depressed at the start of the season as this. We are going to get killed. How can it be any other way? Seems to me to beat these guys we need: A relentless pass rush to knock prettytom around play after play. What do we have? O.K, how about a tough ball control offense to chew up tons of clock, oh wait, we're running the no huddle this year... and how is that going? 3 points? I see... how about a smart QB that can make plays with his arm and legs and can read complex defenses in a flash... well how about a smart coaching staff, smart enough take advantage of every weakness and to exploit the fact that we are playing a bunch of arrogant SOB's who do not expect to lose and may be taking this game a little lightly... like what happened to prettytom and his O line against the Gints in that super bowl thing. Who's on our coaching staff? Oh yeah, well how about a boat load of lucky breaks, some officials on the take and deus ex machina. It's awful, like we aren't even in the NFL anymore. Only good thing is getting the embarrassment out of the way early. Just heard that Bruschi is retiring tomorrow. That means we can look forward to another Teddy Bruschi comeback night for the home game. I wanna puke.
  19. I wish I had your memory.
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