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Everything posted by Romeo

  1. So American and British troops singing "Onward Christian Soldier" before they slaughtered the citizens of Dresden, Germany was...what? The Ku Klux Klan saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ" before each hanging...Um, how about American troops murdering citizens in Iraq as they represent the "Cross"... Yea dude your post has so many holes in it that it's just laughable.
  2. It's funny how "NoJustice" just fires back at you all and you act as if he started the fight LOL Really you're taking a real GWB approach to debate aren't ya? The Title is meant to be offensive, everyone has commented with every intention to be offensive and now because he defends himself you're ready to call him out? It's obvious most of you are doing this because you're bored, there isn't an adult thought running through your heads as you attack, make sport and attempt to belittle. Facts are facts, once upon a time Christians were quite hardcore and while they were they maintained a moral structure that is absent in it's morphed form now. Muslims saw the ways of Christianity, they saw how it became corrupted and turned into something it never was meant to be. Because of this example Muslims refuse to allow themselves to be cornered into changing for profit and for this you hate them. Are there people who call themselves Muslims that have done horrible things in the name of God? Yes. This is true of many people's though, often crimes are carried out by people who attend Church/Temple/Prayer frequently. It's the shadow of good they used to cloak their evil and because of their ways they will be punished by God. But to generalize or lump an entire religion into a category of evil based upon acts carried out by sinister people who cloak themselves in it is just ignorant. But since that is your aim, mission accomplished. Sound familiar? Nice "Stripes" quote.
  3. Tom is a riot! He says "You're an idiot" and like magic you're reduced to being considered a fool. This is only true if you give a ****, luckily enough for me I don't give a **** and it's because I don't give a **** that I'm able to find the humor in this. Tom's about as intelligent as Ryan Seacrest or a Kardashian sister, but he likes to fancy himself otherwise. Fact is Tom you're a pathetic herb who cannot answer a !@#$ing question without a little bit of Brian Griffin in his inner voice. Me? I'm a Muslim. I'm a Bills fan and I'm better than Tom.
  4. Really? LOL Actually "NoJustice" is a friend of mine that I've known for years and it's not internet based, so I like how you drew that from what I said...nicely done herb. As for "Terrorists" during Pershing's time isn't accurate, they were rebels and their acts of "Terrorism" were pretty common for that period. Do you consider the Vietnamese terrorists? The American Rebels terrorists? Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism you herb.
  5. Here is the big contrast between you and I Tom, unlike you I actually personally know someone on this board and hang out with them often. Yes a fellow Muslim, so I'm sure your imagination is running wild about what it is we do while we "Hang out", just remind yourself though that the people in nursing homes have have plants live longer than the people in nursing homes without plants. Relationships are important in life, I highly suggest you venture out into the sun to chat with other humans on a personal level. Starbucks doesn't count. Pizza delivery personnel doesn't count nor does "face time". Take care O'Wise Tom. That's your retort? LOL Why Tom it appears you're no genius at all, just some nerd clicking away at life on keystroke at a time...
  6. Tom, here's reality. You're never going to admit that you're a pathetic herb even though the evidence is just staggering and I'm never going to admit a pathetic herb has bested me. You post just to post. That's who you are and if you like being that person the more power to ya, but I personally think the amount of time you spending blogging is sad. As for continuing with the thread, you're right I should've stuck to my guns and left it at that. I've drawn the attention of the Almighty Tom, woe as me-woe as me indeed. Now if you'd excuse me I've got to go put some water in ya momma's dish...
  7. 31,000 in 10 years? Dude seriously you've got some issues with encountering the real world. This is a message board, to me that's all it is, something I visit on and off every six or so months. For you this is part of your daily life, as important as showering, working and relationships with REAL PEOPLE. It's not childish to assume someone who posts at a rate you obviously do and only surface to make jokes instead of serious commentary is a pathetic shut in who spends more time on the message board than he does in society with REAL PEOPLE. So...yea-you're a joke. But congrats on the 31,000 posts, the 300,000 you've read during your time as DC Tom...God only knows how many other usernames you have... Tom I'd next call you a virgin, I'm sure you've paid for sex several times during you life and I'm sure maybe at some point during high school you got someother dorky emo to sleep with you too. What makes you a herb is you don't attack the facts of a post, you just make little nerdie remarks about this world you love so very much-INTERNET. Um, as for the username, My first name is Romeo...
  8. I'm not going to trade barbs with DC Tom, a tech support genius with unlimited amounts of "spare" time on his hand to post endlessly. Hey Tom how's the weather in your Mom's basement?
  9. Whopper(WOPR) is a pun based on the 1983 film "War Games", Joshua was the name of the program that Matthew Broderick's character tried convincing that nuclear was cannot be won. Officer Barbrady often tells people "There's nothing to see here", he stands for the informed ignorance within society. If 8 of his men(which he jailed mind you) were guilty of crimes of torture & humiliation against the Moro Rebels, then wouldn't every General who occupied Europe be guilty of the crimes their troops commited against the citizen populations of Germany & Italy? It's an urban legend and that's clear. Get real guys.
  10. It's obvious none of you got the jokes I mixed in with my closing remarks, they were jabs aimed at "3rdnlng", dude has been arguing like a kid for the last two pages and I responded to him in a manner he'd understand. Then again I wouldn't expect two guys with a collection of 58,000 posts to do anything other than add to their meaningless list of posts. Where do you guys find the time for such waste?
  11. It's funny that if you're defending Islam you can suggest something totally logical and you're considered an extremist LOL How dare a Muslim give advice on personal finance and issues relating to it! How dare he/she...
  12. Um actually you twisted the "Truth" by referencing STUFF that NEVER HAPPENED. Interesting how you offer no factual dispute to my response to your clear view on Urban Legends as historical fact lol
  13. I like how you're searching through the internet right now slowly realizing you made yourself sound like a complete moron. LOL
  14. Fiction? First off, "Black Jack" Pershing is a proven myth. General John J Pershing though was a pretty fair and civilized man, he was Governor for four years and he jailed many of his own men who took part in torturing or humiliating the "Rebels". If we're learning from fiction maybe you should reference General Reinwald LOL.
  15. looking for me to cite all of this? "Avalon Project" by Yale University. Good check it all out.
  16. For someone portraying themself as someone who deserves an "A" you seriously neglect citing your references don't you? As I said before...you must be a Professor at Tufts. Below are cited FACTS, not aimless rantings by a forgotten Hitler Youth. These are the dates EACH nation involves either entered the fray or took diplomatic measures. 9/1/1939 Germany Invades POLAND September 6 The Union of South Africa declares war on Germany. September 10 Canada declares war on Germany. September 17 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics invades Poland. November 30 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics invades Finland. 1940 March 12 Finland signs peace treaty with Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. April 8 Germany invades Denmark and Norway. Norway declares war on Germany. May 10 Germany invades Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Denmark breaks diplomatic relations with the Netherlands. June 10 Italy declares war on France and Great Britain. June 11 France declares war on Italy. Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa at war with Italy. June 12 Egypt breaks diplomatic relations with Italy. June 13 Norway breaks diplomatic relations with Italy. June 22 France signs an armistice with Germany. June 24 France signs an armistice with Italy. July 7 Vichy France breaks diplomatic relations with Great Britain. July 15 Denmark breaks diplomatic relations with Belgium and Norway. The Netherlands breaks diplomatic relations with Denmark. September 5 Vichy France breaks diplomatic relations with Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway. Luxembourg breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. September 22 Japanese troops occupy French Indochina. September 23 Vichy France breaks diplomatic relations with Poland. October 28 Italy invades Greece. November 5 Poland breaks diplomatic relations with Romania. November 13 Poland breaks diplomatic relations with Italy. November 23 Belgium declares war on Italy. 1941 January 1 Poland breaks diplomatic relations with Hungary. February 11 The Netherlands breaks diplomatic relations with Romania. February 12 Belgium breaks diplomatic relations with Romania. February 21 Norway breaks diplomatic relations with Romania. March 4 Bulgaria breaks diplomatic relations with Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland. March 5 Belgium and Poland break diplomatic relations with Bulgaria. March 9 The Netherlands breaks diplomatic relations with Bulgaria. April 6 Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia. Italy declares war on Yugoslavia. April 7 Great Britain and Greece break diplomatic relations with Hungary. Greece breaks diplomatic relations with Bulgaria. April 9 The Netherlands breaks diplomatic relations with Hungary. April 10 Yugoslavia invaded by Hungary. April 13 Japan signs five year neutrality pact with Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. April 19 British forces occupy Iraqi port of Basra under terms of Anglo-Iraqi Treaty. April 22 Yugoslavia breaks diplomatic relations with Finland. April 23 Greece signs armistice with Axis Powers. April 24 Bulgaria declares war on Greece, Hungary and Yugoslavia. May 9 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics breaks diplomatic relations with Belgium, Norway and Yugoslavia. June 3 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics breaks diplomatic relations with Greece. June 22 Germany, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria declare war on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Slovakia breaks diplomatic relations with Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. June 24 Finland breaks diplomatic relations with Poland. Hungary breaks diplomatic relations with Greece. June 25 Finland declares war on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. June 26 Denmark breaks diplomatic relations with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. June 27 Hungary declares war on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. June 28 The Netherlands breaks diplomatic relations with Finland. June 29 Belgium breaks diplomatic relations with Finland. June 30 Vichy France breaks diplomatic relations with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. July 2 China breaks diplomatic relations with Germany and Italy. July 7 Iceland occupied by the United States. July 28 Finland breaks diplomatic relations with Great Britain. July 30 Poland signs peace treaty with Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. August 1 Great Britain breaks diplomatic relations with Finland. August 5 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics re-establishes diplomatic relations with Greece and Norway. August 7 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics re-establishes diplomatic relations with Belgium. August 22 Vichy France breaks diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia. August 25 Iran invaded by Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. September 9 Iran accepts British and Soviet terms of occupation. September 16 Iran brakes diplomatic relations with Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy and Romania. October 5 Japan breaks diplomatic relations with Poland. November 16 Iraq breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. December 6 Finland and Romania declare war on Great Britain. December 7 Japan declares war on the United States of America, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa. Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Finland, Hungary and Romania. Canada declares war on Finland, Hungary, Japan and Romania. Panama declares war on Japan. Greece breaks diplomatic relations with Japan. Nicaragua breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. Norway breaks relations with Finland. Yugoslavia at war with Japan. December 8 The United States of America, Great Britain, Australia, Costa Rica, The Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, The Netherlands, New Zealand and Nicaragua declare war on Japan. The Union of South Africa declares war on Finland, Hungary, Japan and Romania. Belgium, Colombia and Mexico break diplomatic relations with Japan. Free French National Council declares war on Germany. Manchukuo declares war on the United States. December 9 China declares war with Germany, Italy and Japan. Cuba and Guatemala declare war on Japan. Egypt and Norway break diplomatic relations with Japan. The Netherlands breaks diplomatic relations with Thailand. December 11 Germany and Italy declare war on the United States of America. "The United States having violated in the most flagrant manner and in ever-increasing measure all rules of neutrality in favor of the adversaries of Germany and having continually been guilty of the most severe provocations toward Germany and since the outbreak of the European war, provoked by the British declaration of war against Germany on September 3, 1939, has finally resorted to open military acts of aggression. On September 11, 1941, the President of the United States publicly declared that he had ordered the American Navy and Air Force to shoot on sight at any German war vessel. In his speech of October 27, 1941, he once more expressly affirmed that this order was in force. Acting under this order, vessels of the American Navy, since early September 1941, have systematically attacked German naval forces. Thus, American destroyers, as for instance the Greer, the Kearny and the Rueben James, have opened fire on German submarines according to plan. The Secretary of the American Navy, Mr. Knox, himself confirmed that American destroyers attacked German submarines. Furthermore, the naval forces of the United States, under order of their Government and contrary to international law have treated and seized German merchant vessels on the high seas as enemy ships. The German Government therefore establishes the following facts: Although Germany on her part has strictly adhered to the rules of international law in her relations with the United States during every period of the present war, the Government of the United States from initial violations of neutrality has finally proceeded to open acts of war against Germany. The Government of the United States has thereby virtually created a state of war. The German Government, consequently, discontinues diplomatic relations with the United States of America and declares that under these circumstances brought about by President Roosevelt, Germany too, as from today, considers herself as being in a state of war with the United States of America. Accept, Mr. Charge d'Affairs, the expression of my high consideration." Hungary breaks diplomatic relations with the United States of America. Mexico breaks relations with Germany and Italy. The Netherlands declares war on Italy. Poland declares war on Japan. December 12 Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia declare war on the United States of America and Great Britain. Haiti, El Salvador and Panama declare war on Germany and Italy. Romania declares war on the United States of America. December 13 Great Britain, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa declare war on Bulgaria. Honduras declares war on Germany and Italy. Italy declares war on Cuba and Guatemala. December 14 Croatia declares war on the United States of America. December 15 Egypt breaks diplomatic relations with Hungary and Romania. December 16 Czechoslovakia declares war on all countries at war with the United States of America, Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. December 17 Albania declares war on the United States of America. December 19 Colombia breaks relations with Germany and Italy. Mexico breaks diplomatic relations with Hungary. Nicaragua declares war on Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. December 20 Belgium declares war on Japan. Mexico breaks diplomatic relations with Bulgaria. December 24 Haiti declares war on Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. December 31 Venezuela breaks diplomatic relations with Germany, Italy and Japan. 1942 January 5 Egypt breaks diplomatic relations with Bulgaria and Finland. January 6 Australia declares war on Bulgaria. Egypt breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. January 11 Japan declares war on The Netherlands. January 24 Peru breaks diplomatic relations with Germany, Italy and Japan. January 25 Great Britain, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa declare war on Thailand. Thailand declares war on the United States of America and Great Britain. Uruguay breaks diplomatic relations with Germany, Italy and Japan. January 28 Brazil and Paraguay break diplomatic relations with Germany, Italy and Japan. January 29 Ecuador breaks diplomatic relations with Germany, Italy and Japan. February 5 Iran breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. April 13 Iran breaks diplomatic relations with Japan. April 23 The Union of South Africa breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. March 2 Australia declares war on Thailand. Hungary breaks diplomatic relations with Brazil. March 6 Romania breaks diplomatic relations with Brazil. May 4 Hungary breaks diplomatic relations with Uruguay. May 15 Costa Rica breaks diplomatic relations with Hungary and Romania. May 22 Mexico declares war on Germany, Italy and Japan. June 5 The United States of America declares war on Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. July 8 Vichy France breaks diplomatic relations with Greece. August 22 Brazil declares war on Germany and Italy. August 29 Denmark placed under German martial law, King Christian interned, cabinet resigns. November 8 Vichy France breaks diplomatic relations with the United States of America. November 9 Canada, Cuba and Mexico break diplomatic relations with Vichy France. November 10 Haiti breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. November 11 Dominican Republic breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. Germany and Italy invade unoccupied zone of France. November 12 Guatemala breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. November 13 Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras and Panama break diplomatic relations with Vichy France. November 17 New Zealand breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. November 26 Colombia breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. November 27 Venezuela breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. December 14 Ethiopia declares war on Germany, Italy and Japan. 1943 January 9 Japanese puppet "National Government of China" in Nanking declares war on the United States of America and Great Britain. January 17 Iraq declares war on German, Italy and Japan. January 20 Chile breaks diplomatic relations with Germany, Italy and Japan. January 26 Peru breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. April 7 Bolivia declares war on the Axis Powers by Presidential decree. April 25 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics breaks diplomatic relations with Poland. May 12 Uruguay breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. May 18 Chile breaks diplomatic relations with Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Vichy France. August 1 Burma declares war on Great Britain and the United States of America. China breaks diplomatic relations with Vichy France. September 3 Italy signs military armistice with the Allied Powers. September 8 Italy signs unconditional surrender to the Allies at 6:30 p.m. September 9 Iran declares war on Germany. October 12 Portugal remains neutral but grants bases in the Azores to Great Britain. October 13 Italy declares war on Germany. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Two hours ago Italy declared war on Germany. A proclamation by Marshal Badoglio brands the Germans with savagery against the civil population and says there can be no peace while a single German remains on Italian soil. Italy's new step has been acknowledged in London, Washington and Moscow. Her status will be that of a co-belligerent and not an ally." BBC Newscast, October 13, 1943 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 26 Colombian senate declares state of belligerency with Germany. December 4 Bolivian cabinet declares war on Axis Powers. 1944 January 26 Argentina breaks diplomatic relations with Germany and Japan. Bolivia breaks diplomatic relations with Germany, Italy and Japan. January 27 Liberia declares war on Germany and Japan. February 4 Argentina breaks diplomatic relations with Bulgaria, Vichy France, Hungary and Romania. March 20 Germany occupies Hungary. March 27 Argentina declares war on Germany and Japan. August 2 Turkey breaks diplomatic relations with Germany. August 23 Romania accepts armistice terms offered by the United States of America, Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. August 25 Romania declares war on Germany. August 26 Bulgaria declares itself neutral (not recognized by the Allies). September 5 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics declares war on Bulgaria. September 7 Hungary declares war on Romania. Romania declares war on Hungary. September 9 Bulgaria signs armistice with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. September 12 Romania signs armistice with the Allies. September 19 Finland signs armistice with Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Finland breaks diplomatic relations with Hungary, Croatia and Slovakia. September 21 San Marino declares war on Germany. September 22 Finland breaks diplomatic relations with Japan. October 28 Bulgaria signs armistice with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States of America and Great Britain. 1945 January 20 Hungary signs armistice with United States of America, Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Hungary declares war on Germany. February 2 Ecuador announces that it has been at war with Japan since Dec. 7, 1941. February 7 Paraguay declares war on Germany and Japan. February 12 Peru in state of belligerency with Germany and Japan. February 15 Venezuela and Uruguay declare war on Germany and Japan. February 23 Turkey declares war on Germany and Japan effective Mar. 1, 1945. February 24 Egypt declares war on Germany and Japan. February 26 Syria declares war on Germany and Japan. February 27 Lebanon declares war on Germany and Japan. March 1 Iran declares war on Japan retroactive to Feb. 28, 1945. Saudi Arabia declares war on Japan. March 3 Finland declares war on Germany retroactive to Sept. 15, 1944. March 7 Romania declares war on Japan. April 11 Chile declares war on Japan. Spain breaks diplomatic relations with Japan. May 4 German troops in Denmark surrender. German troops in the Netherlands surrender. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The German command agrees to the surrender of all German armed forces in Holland, in northwest Germany including the Frislian Islands and Heligoland and all other islands, in Schleswig-Holstein, and in Denmark to the Commander in Chief 21st Army Group. This to include all naval ships in these areas. These forces to laydown their arms and surrender unconditionally. All hostilities on land, on sea or in the air by German Forces in the above areas to cease at 0800 hours British Double Summer Time on Saturday the 5th of May, 1945." Field Marshal Montgomery Announcing the surrender of German forces from his Headquarters at Luneberg Heath, Germany 6:10 a.m. - May 4, 1945 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 6 Portugal breaks diplomatic relations with Germany. May 7 Germany signs unconditional surrender to the Allies at 2:41 am local time in Reims, France. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "General, with this signature the German people and the German Wehrmacht are for better or for worse delivered into the victors hands." Colonel General Alfred Jodl to General Walter Bedell-Smith May 8, 1945 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweden breaks relations with Germany. May 8 German troops in Norway surrender. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yesterday morning at 2:41 a.m. at General Eisenhower's headquarters General Jodl, the representative of the German high command and of Grand Admiral Donitz, the designated head of the German State, signed the act of unconditional surrender of all German land, sea and air forces in Europe to the Allied Expeditionary Force and simultaneously to the Soviet high command. We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing but let us not forget for a moment the toils and efforts that lye ahead Japan with all her treachery and greed remains unsubdued. The injuries she has inflicted upon Great Britain, the United States and other countries and her detestable cruelties call for justice and retribution. We must now devote all our strength and resources to the completion of our task both at home and abroad. Advance Britannia! Long live the cause of freedom! God save the King! Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill "This is a solemn but glorious hour. I only wish that Franklin D. Roosevelt had lived to witness this day. The flags of freedom fly all over Europe. For this victory we join in offering our thanks to the Providence which has guided and sustained us through the dark days of adversity." President Harry S Truman May 15 Japan abrogates all treaties with Germany, Italy and other Axis countries. May 17 Denmark breaks diplomatic relations with Japan. June 6 Brazil declares war on Japan. July 6 Norway announces that it had declared war on Japan on December 7, 1941. July 14 Italy declares war on Japan effective July 15, 1945. August 8 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics declares war on Japan effective Aug. 9, 1945. August 9 Mongolia declares war on Japan. August 14 Japan accepts Allied surrender terms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Japan has today surrendered. The last of our enemies is laid low. Taking full advantage of surprise and treachery, the Japanese forces quickly overran the territories of ourselves and our allies in the Far East and at one time it appears as though they might even invade the mainland of Australia and advance far into India but the tide turned. First slowly then with an ever increasing speed and violence of the mighty forces of the United States and of the British Commonwealth and Empire and of their Allies and finally of Russia were brought to bare." Prime Minister Clement R. Atlee "Three months have passed since I asked you to join with me in an act of thanksgiving for the defeat of Germany. We then rejoiced that peace had returned to Europe but we knew that a strong and relentless enemy still remained to be conquered in Asia. No one could then tell how long or how heavy would prove the struggle that still awaited us but Japan has surrendered. So let us join in thanking Almighty God that war has ended throughout the world." King George VI August 16 Thailand declaration of war against United States and Great Britain ruled null and void. September 2 Japanese representatives sign the articles of surrender at 9:04 a.m. on the deck of the USS Missouri anchored in Tokyo Bay. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. A great victory has been won. The skies no longer rain death. The seas bare only commerce. Men everywhere walk upright in the sunlight. The entire world lies quietly at peace. The holy mission has been completed and in reporting this to you the people I speak for the thousands of silent lips forever stilled among the jungles and the beaches and in the deep waters of the Pacific which mark the way. I speak for the unnamed brave millions homeward bound to take up the challenge of that future which they did so much to salvage from the brink of disaster. As I look back on the long torturous trail from those grim days of Bataan and Corrigedor when an entire world lived in fear when democracy was on the defensive everywhere when modern civilization trembled in the balance I thank a merciful God that He has given us the faith, the courage and the power from which to mold victory. We have known the bitterness of defeat and the exultation of triumph and from both we have learned there can be no turning back. We must go forward to preserve in peace what we won in war." General Douglas MacArthur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 3 Japanese forces in the Philippines surrender to Major General Edmond H. Leavy at 1210. September 9 Japanese forces in Korea south of the 38th parallel surrender to the United States at 1630. September 12 Japanese forces in Southeast Asia surrender to the Supreme Allied Commander Louis Mountbatten in Singapore at 0341 GMT. October 24 United Nations Charter signed in San Francisco WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, and for these ends to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples. Have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims. Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Nazi Germany invades Russia for it's oil fields. Not Saudia Arabia. He HAD believed at one point that he may require their deposits but realized with the collective Allied Naval Blockade it would have been impossible to depend up those deposits as a sure and steady source of the petroleum needed to continue his conquets. Rommel agreed. -You said Nazi Germany and America had been in the Arabian Penninsula as well as the rest of the Middle East/Asia Minor since the "1920's". First off, Nazi Germany didn't exist until 1932/33, and the United States of America had LIMITED OIL INTERESTS in the Middle East. As for The United States nearing on the brink of war with Nazi Germany over these deposits that which belonged to "Her Majesty's Court" is absurd. The Soviet Union was more of a threat to British dominance in the Middle East(Hence the invansions/occupations listed above). -Granada, caqn be viewed as effecting the Middle East in many ways. Be it media pooling, be it the arms traffic that supplied many Middle Eastern governments or their enemies all flowed through(Finance Wise) banks within the Cayman Islands, Central America and to an extent Granada. Granada which had a small population, some of which were students and others that were Military personnel. Those that were military personnel were operatives that trained Afgans to resist the Soviets. But to make so much of so little is ignorant(to which I'm sure you'll reply, "If you thought it were little, obviously you don't know what really when on there and how it effected...blah, blah, blah). Until you, the Man Behind the Curtain, graces us with the knowledge on you have, it'll all be a mystery-er? You're a modern day Joseph Smith aren't ya? Looking into that hat for what only you can see? Get real. If you knew anything other that "History Channel" facts or the sort of crap you read in the Turner Diaries, you'd be spouting and citing away wouldn't ya? I'm done with this thread and by extension you as well. I could go on forever arguing with you but the WHOPPER taught me something many years ago and that is that continuing to play this game with you is lunacy. It's a sad game of tic-tac-toe, so Joshua...the only way to win is not to play. Take care and good luck with distorting history so as to further an ignorant racist agenda that stinks of Officer Barbrady.
  17. Goodnight Chaps. I'm done with the debate/selective history lesson for this evening. To be continued.
  18. Why should I answer your question? You have yet to answer any of mine. Your move Professor. Let's get into the Falklands while we're at it. Herb.
  19. You do realize that by not responding at all to my defense you look ignorant of the subject matter? You're not a "Whiz" in history otherwise you'd retort,instead "What the F?" is your answer and it's your defense. Factless ignorance isn't educated genius. Now go scroll through some Wikipedia entries and get back to me. I like how you get to hand out the assignments. Even though you have yet to attack any of the events I exhibited to explain my position on this matter, "Look! There's Elvis!" You must cross blades with 8th graders often. Um, also we never claimed to be "Superior". You do like putting things in others mouths don't you? That's right, you're the Boy Scout Leader...almost forgot.
  20. Someone ought to remind buddy that this isn't for a grade, this is an unstructured forum debate and isn't intended to be "textbook" by any means. Though if it were for a grade I highly doubt he'd get anything other than a "D-" for his efforts. His distorted view on History, his narrow approach to cultural studies and his obvious lack of acknowledging FACT makes him quite the dullard. I think you'd make an interestion writer though, category: FICTION.
  21. You must be professor at Tufts.
  22. Confronting girls? I got it! You're in the Boy Scouts of America! So that's why you're so passionate about this issue. Both the Boy Scouts and Catholics have nasty stories about child molestation and you've come here to clear that good name, eh?
  23. So wait...I'm spouting things you know, whereas you're spouting things never before heard by mortal ears? Why praise Jesus! Um, er or someone else! The Messiah has arrived! -Never said "Christians are the only invaders", I brought up how they TOO have had their hand in the blood baths of the last 1,000 years. -Go take a course on Western Civilization? Hmmm...Perhaps living in it doesn't qualify right? -70%? 20% and...? Where are you getting your figures from? Me thinks you're pulling them from your arse... -I'm a "Newb", to this forum that much is true, however I have been human for twenty eight years(all but six of them in school), so it's safe to say I can debate with you without needing a permit. Listen, you're view is so one sided it's silly and yet you talk about "Revisionist History", you do realize that is such an ignorant term to use in defense don't you? Even more so when I used HISTORICAL FACT, not text books dug out of Hitler's bunker or Bin Laden's cave/luxury estate less than twenty minutes from Pakistan's "West Point". Your tactics to discredit met are pretty "Newb-ish", you call me a "Revisionist" which means you believe the Ku Klux Klan was what? The NAACP before it's time? Or that American settlers in the "West"(California, Oregon and Washington) were all welcoming to the "Coolie's"? I'm sure you've read text books too and you're not as ignorant as you let on, but you sound like an idiot right now and your obsession with "Schooling" Muslims is causing you to drop your I.Q. through these pursuits. Maybe you should take the advice you gave me and go back to school or perhaps maybe you should leave this debate for those who aren't going to make their "cause" seem ignorant solely based upon your representation. Books on tape. Just saying.
  24. "OCinBuffalo" is Exhibit "A" You must have never picked up a history book detailing the exploits of "Christian" gorverments for the last 2,000 years. How ridiculous is it Muslims are to blame for the world's woes these last fifty years when they've been provoked by "Christian" governments during that EXACT period of time. Once again, MUSLIMS were no concern UNTIL this American sow decided to drink from someone else's milkshake. So by your logic Christians are responsible. They're responsible because the followers of Christianity just so happen to live in countries ruled by governments that have waged war on each corner of the Earth. How many wars has the United States been involved in since 1900? Spanish-American War, World Wars I &II, Korean Conflict, Vietnam and the middle east for the last 35 years... Chrisitans aren't evil. Nor are Jews, Muslims, Hindis or whoever, it's the tyrants who guide the idle hands of naive populations. Also before you say, "When was the last time a Christian did..." Ku Klux Klan. An organization run by former military personnel and men of the cloth(Priests and such) went out to wage a private war against African Americans. American Anti-Chinese Organization(Pretty popular in the 1880's) murdered and terrorized the wave of Asian immigrants who came to this land of liberty seeking asylum. They were met by WHITE MEN holding crosses and shotguns. I can go on for hours about the horrors committed under the "Cross". Muslims are just the latest object of this nation's obsession. While the population concerns itself with this crap they neglect who is running their town, city, county, state and country. They neglect their banking, their savings, their stocks, their insurance and their morals. Get yourself right before you come on here holding that "Cross". Maybe you ought to nail yourself to it for a more dramatic effect.
  25. Obviously this a complex issue, obviously many of you feel strongly about your position and obviously most of you don't know what you're talking about. The Christian versus Muslim issue is a thousand year debate that has no end in sight. To really get to the core of the issue you've got to start from and understand the begining of their affairs with one another. For those who prefer to press fast forward here's the skinny, the Western World has only had tension with the Islamic World during the last sixty years. The tensions have been born due to the Western World's interests in Arabian Oil Deposits, the Western World since the 1920's has negotiated with these "Arabs" for drilling rights on their lands. Following World War II the climate changed the accords they had with one another, a people who had been terrorized in Nazi Germany were in search of a home for their People/Religion/??? and this gave birth to modern day Israel. Racism is reality. It's going to surface whenever you introduce an unfamiliar people into a region dominated by another ethnic branch and the European Jews were unfamiliar to the Arabs who had been there for...fourteen hundred years undisturbed. Once again the West walks the tight rope, pouring money, weaponry and technology into this "Israel Project" while the neighboring Arabs were still...either people's without a nation or growing angry at a nation backed by the West. Over the next forty years America sponsored dictators to take power solely based upon their willingness to barter a better deal on Oil Futures, men such as Gadaffi-Sadaam-List goes on...The very same men who "Grew too big for their britches" and eventually would up being invaded by their old pal Uncle Same. America built the climate in the Middle East, they sponsored Bin Laden during the 1980's to carry out their dirty work against the Soviets and are right now positioning themselves with the new governments in Iraq, Libya & Egypt for round two of this ignorant game. Muslims(The vast Arab population in the MIDDLE EAST) are tired of being the pawns in a never ending game of chess. They've resorted to drastic measures and "We" as Americans hate them for it. Where does the blame lie? The fact is no one is without blood on our hands, Coke/Pot/Smack all are minor drugs compared to the lust we have for Oil. No end in sight? Let's get real. Muslims aren't the only religion to resort to drastic measures, Christians have terrorized the world for a thousand years in the pursuit of cleansing the world of "Non-Believers". Crusades, Inquisitions, conquests into the Americas and in Asia. You cannot deny historical fact, you cannot deny that religion WHEN USED BY GOVERNING TYRANTS TO FURTHER AN AGENDA is evil. Man destroys the virtue of the pure and beautiful meanings of these texts and we gladly continue the trend of ignorance by waging war with the believers instead of the abusers. Remember that you cannot see the birth of a Tsunami, but surely the aftermath is there for all to see. Now some buckshot. Any moron who thinks liquor is "Okay" is just that, a complete moron. It's been the cause of ruin for almost everyone it influences, be it drunk driving(See, Something's wrong with Aunt Diane), abuse at home, rape, depression, cancer and ect...Don't defend Liqour because it's "Fun", so is "Coke" for some people and so was cigarettes. But a few catchy/trendy commercials and we all now think smoking is taboo? LOL Get real. Muslims aren't your enemy. Politicians who further the myth we must remain dependent on petroleum are you enemies. You're an American, who gives a crap what's going on over there? Ever see an angry guy taking a crap in a public bathroom? He's most likely pissed because your watching him take a dump. Leave the Middle East alone, start concerning yourselves with American issues domestically! Oh...by the way I converted to Islam last year. Rome
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