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Everything posted by Romeo

  1. Tom, sometimes while one is at work they have to sit through a lecture or a meeting and that was the case with me today. I still don't get why I'm "under the knife", I haven't questioned all the devout Christians about their daily rituals concerning their faith. Obviously this is an attempt to make me seem like a "Bad Muslim" or whatever but really it's childish to assume any of that. As for why I can text on here it's because I'm in room with eight other people sitting through an instruction lecture(one I've sat through three times so it's not important I pay attention/No, I'm not sitting through it again because I couldn't get it right. I sat through it at school, G.Y.S. & a week ago, but someone forgot to tell Dr. "No".)... All of that crap aside Tom, you're a pretty smart dude and even though you like to !@#$ with people from time to time you're alright.
  2. Do you consider pre-k & k school? You know for something to be "good natured" and all that you kinda have to know the person or be on good terms with them. You're an annoying !@#$ who throughout this entire thread has misrepresented himself as both intelligent and well meaning. You're just one of those pathetic herbs who patrols the internet looking to piss someone off for whatever reason. !@#$in' Patton Oswalt clone.
  3. Depends on the day really. Today I'll make up for the three i'll miss. Uh...never said I was "Pre-Med", I'm a med student who works full time and much like anyone who has ever graduated college began around...age 7? So yeah- I've been in school K-12, undergrad, nursing school and now medical school. I'm 29 so do the math and stop being an !@#$.
  4. I can post on my phone, I cannot pray on my phone and believe it or not I get weird looks if I start prayer in the middle of a hospital.
  5. When I'm at work I typically do not pray, I usually make up prayer in the evening.
  6. So now am I "Legion"? After thirteen pages what have we learned? That Muslims are inherently evil and drawn to chaos? Or that Christians are the light of the world and that through their persistence shall bring a Starbucks to every street corner in the Middle East? DC Tom would have you believe he is indeed the most insightful political analyst this side of Mary Matalin's standard double bed. He should be in Washington right now saving our nation from the ills of bureaucratic malfeasance. Though reality is far from his view of fiction, he's no prophet and surely he is not the most learned person on this forum. I'll give him his credit though, he's a good writer, he's quick witted and for the most part he doesn't go out of his way to be wrong. Much like with Christians & Muslims the members on this board are at war with one another and wouldn't ya know it, misinformation is the culprit. So honestly from now on I could care less if DC Tom approves, I could care less if someone accuses me of being some resurrected wraith incarnate and certainly am not going to waste my time lying to myself that the point of all of this is the defense of my faith. When in actuality it's all a maze, a mass of morons all ganging up what they hear is so very evil and so damaging to their "Way of Life". It's a classroom without a teacher, it's the chance for them to say all they wish to say in person but can only express behind closed doors. Home of the brave eh? So say whatever you want about Islam but it only amplifies the lack of understanding you have for your own faiths. TRUE Muslims believe in protecting one another, Jews & Christians included. Destroying a Church or Synagogue is the same as destroying a Mosque in our eyes, for God is worshiped there in. So I don't have anything but pity for Christians & Jews, I feel sorry for them due to their lack of knowledge and their intolerance. I am a convert, I was born into a Roman Catholic household and lived twenty-six years of my life as a "Catholic". I've been a Muslim since August 27th 2010, though I made the decision to convert eight days earlier, I can honestly say that since that day I have felt at peace. It's from that feeling of peace that I understand Christians & Jews better, they both went through periods in World History when they were both hunted and haunted for their faiths. Unlike them though I hope that this pyrrhic persecution does not change us as it did the both of them and most important of all that we survive. Because unlike in times past the world is connected more so than ever, the technology for distruction isn't limited to "The First Born" or feeding believers to the Lions, Muslims today are subject to chemical warfare & genocide the likes none has ever seen. So yes the extremists are dancing on razor blades, the true peacefull believer prays for forgiveness of their enemies and those in between hope for a miracle. Divine intervention cannot come soon enough... Now I'm sure someone will respond like an ape, I'm sure someone will rip this apart piece by piece and call me a "Bozo", but when children speak...does the adult feel slighted?
  7. Threatening the use of your bestowed authority on the message board, that's like being Captain of a Cereal Box. Goodnight bro, it's all in fun.
  8. You like that word don't ya? Deduction. I like it too. Can I use it too? Can I, Can I! You're clever there aren't ya Big Fella, I'm gonna have to watch you man...you're clever... I figured out what FNG means. You're clever.
  9. Jauronimo, When you're trying figure out the motive behind a crime you have to examine the events leading up to the current state of affairs. The Western World has been playing chess with the rest of the world for the last century and yet you're still surprised by the hostility and the pockets of extemists? For a guy who writes as well as you do I'd figure you'd have far more intelligent stance other than, "I don't care what happened yesterday, today is all that matters".
  10. Also a Moderator on a Political forum/Football forum who has piled up 31,000 posts calling me a loser is sweet-sweet irony.
  11. First off I was jabbing at time while making a playful pun out of your username. After seeing proof you can read and write I doubt you voted Palin, however I'm sure you vote Nader.
  12. Jauronimo owns a rape whistle.
  13. It also just so happens that the division of these ethnic groups pinned Christians versus Muslim. Herb.
  14. I'm going to take a page from DC Tom's book and say...sounds like someone voted Palin.
  15. I love America(circa 1953) too but this country was built on !@#$ing over the darker peoples of the world and after 150 of fighting other round eye's we got back to our roots these last 70 years with some good ol' fashioned bigotry. **** smells just like apple pie to me.
  16. Cuz I'm a fan of irony and exhibitionism.
  17. I still love that this civilized Western World was the last Christian nation to abolish slavery. Sixty years ago this country had segregated racial groups. So please refrain from using the term Western World as if it stands for tolerance. Every conflict over the last 300 years seems to involve this Christian country. Does that mean all Christians are evil? Nope. But beware anyone holding s cross talking **** about peace...
  18. Seriously you're defending bankers? LOL Wow apparently you weren't effected by the de-regulated market? You must've voted Bush.
  19. You want a few groups besides Muslims or Jihadists to worry about? Republicans. Democrats. Bankers. Reality TV Executive Producers. Just naming a few...
  20. DC Tom is likely to respond with, "Unless it's 6,000,000 it doesn't count".
  21. I never 300,000 I said 128,000 was the Bosnian estimate and the Rwanada estimate was 837-838,000 Both of which are FACTS. Unlike you Tom I pick one topic that is PERSONAL and defend my position. You on the other hand troll dozens of threads to throw fiction out as fact. You're a moron. You've proved it yet again. Congrats! The Bosniak estimate reflects the estimated cases of rape. The Rwanadan estimate reflects murders. Yet again, both are facts. As for Bosniaks, about 8,000 were confirmed to have murdered.
  22. Central Intelligence Agency officials estimate the number of dead at 837,000-838,000. So the number NoJustice listed earlier is hardly exaggerated. And the how are you trying to portray the USA's involvement as favorable? They dragged their feet and let nearly a million people die. The Bosniak ethnic group suffered nearly 80,000 casualties. Reports of rape reached at high as 128,000.
  23. Atrocities are carried out by the mad and misguided. Islam and Christianity are not the problems. Remind yourself of that when you want to verbally abuse another person's faith.
  24. Some of the most ignorant things are done in the name of religion. It's not exclusive to Christianity or Islam. Since the beginning of time people have misinterpreted religion purposely to further an agenda or gain control of an uneducated mass. So to lump terrorists with Muslims is !@#$ing retarded. If you want to continue that crap then go ahead, you're retards. !@#$ off.
  25. According to NAF, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, property crimes committed against abortion providers have included 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 91 attempted bombings or arsons, 619 bomb threats, 1630 incidents of trespassing, 1264 incidents of vandalism, and 100 attacks with butyric acid ("stink bombs"). The first clinic arson occurred in Oregon in March 1976 and the first bombing occurred in February 1978 in Ohio. More recent incidents have included: * October 1999: Martin Uphoff set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, causing US$100 worth of damage. He was later sentenced to 60 months in prison. * May 28, 2000: An arson at a clinic in Concord, New Hampshire on resulted in damage estimated at US$20,000. * October 1, 2000: A Catholic priest drove his car into the Northern Illinois Health Clinic after learning that the FDA had approved the drug RU-486. He pulled out an ax before being shot at by a security guard. * June 11, 2001: A bombing at a clinic in Tacoma, Washington on destroyed a wall, resulting in US$6000 in damages * July 4, 2005: A clinic Palm Beach, Florida was the target of an arson. * December 12, 2005: Patricia Hughes and Jeremy Dunahoe threw a Molotov cocktail at a clinic in Shreveport, Louisiana. The device missed the building and no damage was caused. In August 2006, Hughes was sentenced to six years in prison, and Dunahoe to one year. * September 13, 2006 David McMenemy of Rochester Hills, Michigan crashed his car into the Edgerton Women's Care Center in Davenport, Iowa. He then doused the lobby in gasoline and then started a fire. McMenemy committed these acts in the belief that the center was performing abortions, however Edgerton is not an abortion clinc. * April 25, 2007: A package left at a women's health clinic in Austin, Texas contained an explosive device capable of inflicting serious injury or death. A bomb squad detonated the device. * May 9, 2007: An unidentified person deliberately set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Virginia Beach, Virginia. * December 6, 2007: Two unidentified persons set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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