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Everything posted by Romeo

  1. Yeah...you were clear about that.... It's 4am and whenever you reply my phone makes a sound. Forgive my sensitivity.
  2. I don't smoke Señor. Think of something else to seem witty...
  3. They sell Jelly Watches too...
  4. It's a 12-man head to head league, only SERIOUS owners need apply. Fee is 150.00 per year, title winner receives trophy, ring and fee waiver for following season. If you're interested message me here. Thanks & GO BILLS! 2012 NFL Season obviously.
  5. It's 10pm? Why aren't you watching syndicated "According to Jim"?
  6. Add Lee Marvin to that list...
  7. I wasn't responding to you Señor, just making an observation in jest. No harm intended. I won't pretend to know much about "Arab Slave Trade", if it's anything like Asian "Snakeheaf" slave trade I foresee a Jet LLi/Chris Rock joint on the horizon... (Obviously a joke at 2AM)
  8. What was the Tea Party's aim again? I assume it was to familiarize inner city youths with Conway Twitty & Ward Bond as role models.
  9. Well at least I'm no longer subject to "No end I'm sight" documentaries. I tire of hearing the same narrator for each of em'! Where is the soothing voice of Bobcat Goldthwait or Fran Drescher? "We cannot police the world" line is getting old. Iraqi's at some point must rule themselves, neither Balfour nor Chamberlain are here to stammer through a speech to right the wrongs. The "Arab Spring" is inspirational and it's depressing. Inspirational because maybe peace isn't too far off or depressing that younger dictators are likely to take their predecessors footsteps. Eitherway it's tense, it's on MSNBC and it's going to end exactly the way "we" fear it will. Needless to say I highly doubt Verizon is setting up shop anytime soon...
  10. Your faith is your faith. My conversion to Islam took place without coercion and that's my approach. If you're a practicing Christian or whatever I don't pressure my faith upon anyone. But I also do not condone bashing ANY faith. I hope we all can find a common ground one day. Honestly.
  11. If I had to pick I'd say Buddhist. Had a Buddhist roommate in college, quiet and never once talked about religion to. Live and live sorta cat.
  12. I have Christian friends and Family can't say I've had any issues in that department.
  13. Desperation makes people in general resort to horrible things. Countries that are under occupation just so happen to be countries the predominantly have Muslim populations. People are the result of their surroundings, the entire middle east is in a transitional period. The people are revolting against these sponsored tyrants. In time that desperate mentality of extremists will serve no purpose. Through peace desperation's seed can find no purchase.
  14. My family is from Portugal/Spain/Germany It's sad those sorts of things happen. I honestly believe it's the result of frustration, misguidance and corruption. I've never met a Muslim that resorts to violence.
  15. I think a person who responds with violence over an issue of faith is misinformed and ignorant of civilized society. As for people insult Mohammed, Jesus, David or whoever it shows their ignorance.
  16. Sorry Tom if I was on the defensive earlier, my bad(HONESTLY). The meeting I was in happened to be mandatory so I couldn't just leave. Thanks for the understanding.
  17. Granada? Dude you're mentally ill. We're getting attacked by 6 or 7 other people besides you so your "questions" can get lost in the mix.
  18. I'm pretty sure he'll try and portray the peaceful Muslim as a minority and the terrorist as the ordinary everyday Muslim.
  19. LOL There is no point arguing with you. Your entire goal is to be a schmuck, mission accomplished.
  20. Believe it or not a lot of people disagree with you. Herb,
  21. It's funny how you demand us to admit to be radical or having a radical element when you cannot admit the same! Also how did "we" start this, the title is offense you moron! This entire time you've attacked us and you're surprised at the response? Dude you're a manipulator! You cannot answer a simple !@#$ing question!
  22. How old were you in 1st grade? Answer that and you'll see my point. Dude you attack people personally and you don't expect them to get upset? !@#$ing child.
  23. I never claimed a world euphoria, my point this entire time is that all people are the result of provocation and that religion is not the reason for their woes. Christians, Muslims, Jews, ect. It doesn't matter, politics have always determined man's great plight, the United States currently rules supreme over the world as the Puppet Master(or Puppet, opinions vary) but they're apart of the downward spiral this world is experiencing. I'm an American, my Grandfather served in WWII and I was in the US Navy reserve and I'm sick of seeing this country ruin itself for the sake of greed. We wage war for oil deposits & "positioning", we invade distant lands and neglect the people of our own nation. We're not going to agree, we both want to be right and that is the purest definition of greed. Guilty as charged. Hopefully you feel the same...
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