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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I'm going to keep this short. 1. I saw Dareus back in coverage once. 2. Taylor should hold the ball longer. 3. Ryan needs to watch the two NY Giant SB wins. 4. Did I say I saw Dareus in COVERAGE,
  2. You know, I read that and thought what a jerk.
  3. Was Belichick or Carroll the coach in the "just give it to them" game?
  4. "I spent a lot of time in Buffalo before moving to Hell".
  5. The only physical confrontation, and it wasn't much of one, was with a Bills fan at a game in Miami. Thought I was a Phins fan because I had a tan. Alcohol was the primary culprit.
  6. No, no, no, the Giants in those two SB wins gave the formula. Get pressure with four.
  7. When the score was 24-8 I was sure we were in trouble. My wife asked "why can't you just enjoy the game?". I looked at her like she was insane.
  8. The stripes on that shirt are actually straight. Tyrod is so fast he faked them out of alignment.
  9. What the hell do mean your not a football expert!
  10. I really hope next Monday's headline is "Marcell Dareus hands Brady a fourteen game suspension!"
  11. I don't know if this is the right thread but I think I heard on a post game show that Irsay has said that he is not sure about Pagano's future with the team. If true that should make for a great season.
  12. I've gone through my rituals. I'm excited and nervous. Have fun everybody.
  13. Took over the business with a leveraged buy out, in 1968. That is not generally a friendly transaction. Oh, I forgot about the Hartford Whalers/Patriots.
  14. This I never realized what scum he really is until recently. He stole his father in law's business. He then extorted the previous three owners of the team until it was his.
  15. Why would they? The Bills have been irrelevant for years. Except to all of us of course.
  16. Did Goodwin break or bruise his ribs?
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