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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Kelly was still running fast paced and having Sanchez throw. Run the ball make Miami use time outs, kick field goal ang take the lead, just unbelievable.
  2. You have to beat that blitz with slants, don't remember any.
  3. I think he thought he had the guy beat. He slipped, if he doesn't he goes in.
  4. I don't understand what people don't get about this. Naming captains because the once played for the opposing team is silly in a league where players move around constantly. In this instance it is at the very least disrespectful to one player, Calvin Pryor, because he said it was. Telling him it is not means nothing, because in his mind it is. Why give an opponent any extra motivation?
  5. The article doesn't say anything about players that previously played for the opponent. Captains are named weekly based on performance or if they are from the opponents region. IK is from Texas and played at LSU.
  6. As I stated earlier I think the concept of naming players as captains because they played for a team previously is dumb. Rex can't even do it every week. The IK thing just makes it dumber. The excuse is "this what we always do". This doesn't make it right or even gamesmanship. On any other team in any situation is a marginal player like IK named as a captain?
  7. I don't care who is outraged in NYC. I've been a Bills fan for over fifty years and I'm outraged. This is a dumb classless act and it reflects on the organization. Can you imagine Levy doing this?
  8. How about just doing the press conference like a normal human being. Rex thinks he's a stand up comedian and Belichick doesn't understand that the NFL is the entertainment business.
  9. You are correct. The concept of naming player or players that formerly played for the week's opponent is idiotic, but even more so in a situation like this. Further more, players move around in this league, their departure is not always acrimonious, it is often of their own volition. I don't get the point of this.
  10. So what's the reason? He used to be a Jet? And you guys are buying that?
  11. How exactly is this not disrespectful? IK is named captain strictly because he btoke a guy's jaw.
  12. This captain thing is silly and unprofessional. It's not like Rex names a captain or captains based on prior week's performance, but rather geography or some obscure event. In this case he is rewarding a guy with this designation because he broke someone's jaw over six hundred dollars.
  13. Good lord! Taylor is not perfect, but he is exciting. Think of all the mediocre bums we've had to endure. Can't we just enjoy this?
  14. There was some shoving between two players and Talib walked up to the Colt player and purposely poked him in the eye.
  15. He will get fined, but can he be suspended?
  16. I don't much like Gregg Williams, don't really care about either team, but it didn't look like a cheap shot to me.
  17. I had not thought of that, you could be entirely right. This whole thing could be CBF's fault!
  18. Cassel stinks and after the Bills realized it Whaley played the situation masterfully.
  19. Your welcome, I didn't know today was the day either, my wife told me. Today is her birthday, when I wished her happy birthday, she told me it was also the Bills birthday. She knew this because one of my cousins posted it on Facebook. My wife is not from Buffalo, she is a Bills fan by association. My father had season tickets from the beginning he and my brother went to the first game. I went to a lot at the Old Rock Pile and some momentous games at the Ralph. I don't regret one moment of the ride.
  20. One of my brother's friends at St. Joe's was Pat McGroder Jr. Pat senior had a Lincoln with the Bills logo on the doors.
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