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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Rex's scheme stinks. He was handed a very good defense and because he believes his own BS he screwed it up. Your excuse is Williams quit, Brown was out of position and Bradham didn't show up. After the year they had last year what changed that could have caused this?
  2. Couldn't agree more, and we rarely agree. How did Dareus, Brown, Bradham all become bad?
  3. If I'm the Pegulas I would want an explanation on the defense. The scheme change obviously didn't work. The Bills are averaging almost 24 points per game. If the defense had performed at last years level, this team should have won 11 or 12 games. I'd also ask Rex if he is willing to adjust the scheme to play to the players strengths. In other words would he go back to last years scheme. If he says no, then you know it is about his ego.
  4. I agree, did Mario Williams, Darius, Brown and Bradham all suddenly become bad? Or is it the scheme? Our biggest issue going into the season was QB, Taylor's play, although not perfect exceeded my expectations. If you had been told before the season that this team would score more than 20 points in the majority of games how many games would you have though they'd win? This is on Rex and on Pegula for falling for Rex.
  5. To answer your question, no this group of people can only agree on one thing. The Bills should always be in Buffalo. If the QB was Johnny Unitas and the coach Vince Lombardi this group would find fault. I like Taylor, once he figures out the middle of the field, and I think he will, he is going to be a problem for defenses. I think that if the right QB is there in the draft you take him. As much as I'm disappointed in Ryan, I believe he was instrumental in brining in Taylor, which means odds are if they had hired a different HC, the Bills would still have a very big QB problem.
  6. If there was ever a thread that quickly spiraled out of control it is this one. Usually it takes more than three pages.
  7. Thank God I thought I was the not one completely stressed. Sometime I actually shake. My wife tells me to calm down and just enjoy the game. She doesn't get it. It's not supposed to be fun it is supposed to be cathartic. A Super Bowl would likely kill me.
  8. Closing out the book on Mulligan: 4 penalties and one pass reception for 2 yards. His net offensive contribution was -38 yards. The coverage he drew on the TD was a mistake by the Texans. I have more yards than Mulligan.
  9. At least he has gotten the HC thing out of the way. Pettine won't have to worry about that anymore.
  10. So if this is true, why not call time out and tell the officials? Or just throw the flag.
  11. I think Chip is a college coach. I don't think his system works in the NFL. I remember his first season with the Eagles, guys holding up pictures of Rocky or the Liberty Bell, just ridiculous.
  12. Same old Fitz, brains, guts, not enough arm. Throws the inevitable pick to end the game. I think he's the starter because of Chan.
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