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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. In this instance it was the only way Rex could get Rob out of his guest room.
  2. I'm not sure what you guys were debating, because I didn't read everything, but I like Fitz, he is a football player. Fitz and Chan did a very good job on offense with very little. That being said what we saw of Fitz in that last game is exactly who he is. He will break you heart more often then not.I like TT and I think he is just going to get better.
  3. Not that I want to insinuate myself in your discussion, but I believe Fitz started for the Bengals for the majority of 2008 the year before he joined the Bills.
  4. Ok, but first I would like to discuss exactly how to fix the team and once we are all in agreement I will head over the hotel.
  5. If they keep the same MO as last year. Everybody but the Pegulas are staying at a hotel two blocks from where I live. Should I go down there and give them a collective piece of our mind? And tell them how to fix everything?
  6. It was 43 first round picks! Come on get it right!
  7. Saban had a losing record with the Dolphins and quit after assuring them he would not. Al Groh? He was a Parcells' assistant. So the only one from the Belicheck tree with a winning record in the NFL is O'Brien.
  8. Why are these guys solid candidates? They are the coordinators du jour, it happens every year. I don't know enough about Gase and McDermott, but I can use the Google to check their head coaching record, which is 0-0 for both. Jackson may have gotten a raw deal in Oakland, but McDaniels? He was a disaster in Denver. There were times when I questioned his sanity, and what New England coordinator has gone on to have success as a head coach? I can't think of any. You're the one that said they were viable.
  9. Hugh Jackson 8-8 fired after one year. Josh McDanials 11-17, didn't he go all in on Tebow? Adam Gase, Sean McDermott no head coaching experience at any level. I'm not a Rex fan, but these guys are a bad example.
  10. "We're gonna win the game. I guarantee it."
  11. Why not start with one team and see how that works? There is a reason that LA has not had a franchise in decades. Which of these three is the question. Rams reason for leaving is least compelling, clause in their lease about having state of the art stadium. Although they never should have left LA. Why the Raiders didn't make a deal to share new stadium with 49ers, ala Giants and Jets, is head scratching. Can't see them getting new stadium in Oakland. Their owner doesn't have enough money and is a nut. Chargers? If there is a plan on the table to build a new stadium in San Diego,they should stay.
  12. "Just keep matriculatin' the ball down the field, boys."
  13. What's insane is nit picking Taylor. I think he exceeded most people's expectations. I know he did mine. So he didn't pass enough? Weren't we told multiple times that the offense was going to ground and pound? Seems to me they succeeded at that. I don't know the stat, but he probably pulled it down and ran more than most. I don't have a problem with that as long as he learns to slide, he is insanely fast. He doesn't throw over the middle. Has anyone considered that they were protecting him from interceptions? Helping to build his confidence, for some reason I think I read that. Throws outside the hash marks are harder, but less likely to be intercepted. For the most part his accuracy was insane. First year starter, first year in this offense, first year playing with these guys. He is smart, he can make all the throws, he's insanely athletic. Give him another WR weapon, protect him and I believe he is just going to get better.
  14. Except he didn't catch it and the Bills won. Most games are decided by a couple of plays. McKelvin interception was a thing of beauty. Dareus drilled Fitz to cause that interception. Sammy made Revis look like he was lost on an island. I don't understand denigrating them. The Bills showed up with a bunch of guys off the street and beat a Jet team, whose offense had set a team record and has a very good D. The Bills had nothing to play for and the Jets had everything and yet they got beat.
  15. That's a whole lot of conjecture with a smattering of facts. By the way Joe Philbin was the Dolphins coach in week three. The reason the Jets are not a playoff team is the Bills. All of the starting QBs you named that weren't good enough were also not in their first year as a starter.
  16. I'm not a big fan of either Ryan or Sullivan, but Sullivan's tone in this article seems to stem from the fact that Ryan defended himself.
  17. Schwartz isn't going to work for Marrone and Marrone isn't going to work for Schwartz. So no this is not happening.
  18. I know, but Johnson's contract is crazy and I get the feeling they are going to blow it up in Detroit. He'll probably end up in New England.
  19. You just know they are going to blow it up in Detroit, could happen.
  20. When Lofton showed up Reed and the Bills offense on the whole got much better. Lofton was near the end of his career, some viewed him as done. Bills need to pick up a vet WR in the off season. Who's going to be available? Maybe Calvin Johnson? Sammy was great today.
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