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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I couldn't believe they didn't kick the FG. It was dumb. Why play for a tie? What does their OL look like going forward? I know they had some injuries. If healthy and exclusive of FA and draft, is that line still bad? My favorite play was when they put in an extra lineman and Miller just ran around him to hit Brady.
  2. What exactly was wrong with him? Didn't Woods and Hogan play thru some painful injuries? I don't think Harvin wants to play football. He seems to do just enough to get paid. I wish I was wrong.
  3. I think in a roundabout way he does. They Bills should take a shot on Gordon, why not?
  4. The sad thing is you are all right. Rex screwed up a good defense, Mario quit, still can't beat the Patriots and we have to give Rex another year. We have no choice.
  5. Played on a broken leg! Did you ever read "Fatso" Art Donovan's book?
  6. As soon as I saw he topic I thought old timers. Those guys could legally get the crap kicked out of them. Ferguson playoff game against Chargers on a broken leg.
  7. That was not his finest moment. When he was HC of the Lions didn't he have some dust up with Jim Harbaugh?
  8. I can never ever never root for the Patriots. I did root for them (except when playing the Bills), but it was before they won anything. Some sort of twisted old AFL loyalty.
  9. I think John's list is on the money. That being said I can't stand Tomlin either. That move of trying to trip the guy running down the sideline is as bush as it gets. I was going to say it was right there with Woody Hayes punching the Clemson player, but at least Hayes didn't try to claim it was an accident.
  10. I think this is more one word followed by a sentence than a treatise.
  11. I felt that they were developing Taylor this year. Not throwing over the middle was by design. More likely to throw interceptions over the middle. The throws he was making to the outside were harder. I think they add more over middle his year. Why have him throw 50 times with that running game? That's just dumb.
  12. John Locke wrote treatises. I'm pretty sure he didn't start with his conclusion and then adjust the facts to support it. I'm also fairly sure your writing is an essay not a treatise
  13. I was at that AFL Champlonship game in 1966 and no the Bills should not have won. It was obvious over the course of that season that the Bills were on the decline. I remember having little hope walking into the "Old Rock Pile" that day.
  14. I agree, I worry about his health. The good news and the bad news is that he is so competitive that he will fight for for yards rather than slide. Fitz is the same way, Orton not so much. I hope he learns he is more important than that one play. I don't worry about him not throwing over the middle, I think some of that was by design. I don't think it has to do with his height, but rather helping build his confidence by not risking interceptions. I believe he is just going to get better.
  15. You're kidding right? The "ham" is he's a lazy, entitled punk.
  16. I think the Pegulas should have been the ones asking questions. If I'm signing the checks I'd want to know what happened. Your points are valid except maybe on Mario. I think he quit on his teammates, I don't know how to fix or accept that.
  17. Now you've gone to far! This is an insulte to all baffoons!
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