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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. That's a bit harsh. Reed was a great practicer, no show at game time. Woods is better than that. I'd like the Bills to find a veteran WR. I can't help but think of the difference James Lofton made. He was 32 at the time.
  2. The Patriots will look brilliant right up until Brady retires.
  3. Dave, three years $12m mostly guaranteed. His mother doesn't think he's worth that.
  4. This may be one of the strangest threads yet. How did it become a dissertation on the the integrity, or lack there of in television journalism? I'm cognisent of the fact the the NFL is a business and that they protect the brand, but I don't believe that there is some great Machiavellian plot to brainwash us into joining their cult. I'm a fan, I enjoy watching football. I'm a Bills fan because of where I grew up. I like reading about the team. I like discussing the team, which is why I come to this site.It doesn't matter if McGinest's remarks are scripted, or for that matter if he is channeling Vince Lombardi. The question is will Ryan pull this defense together in 2016? Is Ryan now or was he ever a defensive genius?
  5. It took a second for me to get it, funny.
  6. I remember when Lofton joined the Bills, he made everyone better. He was 33 and considered washed up.
  7. We already knew all of this. All one had to do was watch the games. The interviews with former players and coaches just confirmed it.
  8. I stand corrected, I thought you lived on the West Side. When I lived in NYC I read the Post, well only the sports section and of course Page Six to see if I was mentioned. My point was that most people in Buffalo don't read the Post, so reprinting if you will Scott's quotes would be informative.
  9. If Trump had the tape he would claim he had it because he was an advisor to Lombardi and that he was the reason the Packers won the game.
  10. Is this a correct use of parentheses? Seriously, I'm just curious. Just used the Google apparently this is correct.
  11. I'm not sure what your point is? Was Dunne suppose to get Scott to change his opinion? Those of us who do not live in NYC had not read the NY Post.
  12. Wow, the "drunken slut" as you put it was a 20 year old, which makes her under age. Her drunken state was facilitated by Rothisberger and his entourage, one of whom was an off duty police officer, who really should have known better. The incident also begs the question, what was Rothlisgerger doing in a Podunk college town in GA? Then of course there is the other incident in Reno. A celebrity being accused of sexual assault once could be questionable, but twice? I also found it interesting that Rothlisgerger suddenly found Jesus. At the very very least Rothlisgerger can be accused of great stupidity for putting himself in these situations, the same can be said of Manziel.
  13. Art Schlichter, Todd Marinovich, Ryan Leaf and Johnny Manziel.
  14. After the debacle that was the 2007 NBA All Star game, I really felt that there would never be any professional sports team in Las Vegas.
  15. In a 3-4 can Dareus and Kyle play D end? Because if they can do you find a big space eating nose tackle?
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