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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. It is not! His ceiling is sheet rock covered with knock down! In the film room the ceiling is drop down, practice facility has vaulted, but those are not TT ceilings.
  2. Gee what a surprise an arbitrator thinks arbitration is important.
  3. Don't ask me why, but I just used the Google machine to look up the history of Bills first round picks. It goes back to 1966, year of the merger. There are at least a dozen guys that were complete busts and a bunch of mediocre ones. That list is depressing.
  4. My brother, who lives part of the year close to NYC, intensly dislikes Rex and said so from the minute he was hired. I think his opinion is based on more exposure. I on the other hand tried to give Rex the benefit of the doubt. Last year did not help. I'm not in favor of the constant coaching-go-round, but Rex has to show something this year.
  5. Rookie contract $18mil and $31mil for four years in 2012, but not getting paid in year four, 2016. Fed, state and local taxes could exceed 40%, agent 5-10 %, nine years of living expense and legal fees n both NY and CA. How much do you think is left? Tyler Lockett said he helped him? That doesn't make hm the Hawks 401k advisor.
  6. Your description is the definition of a tapas restaurant, hence the name, Aro Topas.
  7. Yes it is that. My point is that Lynch is 30 years old. He has been paid something in the vicinity of $30-$35 million, he did not fulfill his last contract. After taxes, agent, expenses and some legal fees. He could have $15 million left. Trinity University did a study a few years ago that said of you don't want to out live your money, invest conservatively and live on 4%. That's $600k per year, which most could easily live on. But what's next for him? Going back to his old neighborhood and playing video games all day? A second career in TV or coaching seems pretty far fetched. Getting married moving to the suburbs and enjoy raising children? Although he stayed out of trouble for the last few years, what happens when there is no more accountability to the league or an agent to babysit? Lynch has in the past displayed a penchant for bad decisions. I'm afraid that and boredom are going to lead to problems.
  8. It depends on what the venues are. I know people that take the whole family to Disney World twice a year. It's not cheap.
  9. John bringing your own alcohol into a bar is not frugal its criminal. It would be theft of services.
  10. How eactly is he the Hawks 401k advisor? I own a financial service company, as part of that business we provide 401k plans. There are regulations and laws from both FINRA and Department of Labor. Even licensed securities representatives are only allowed to educate participants not to advise. There are also fiduciary issues for plan sponsors pertaining to who gives advice. In my years in the business I have seen a lot of self proclaimed advisors, most of their advise is bad.
  11. Then why did he fly from Seattle to Oakland on Tuesdays just to smell the air?
  12. I have said this before, the reason for these mega stadiums with multiple restaurants and amusement park like venues is that they want us in the building, not in the parking lot. The NFL would like to end tailgating.
  13. While I hope I'm wrong, my guess is that Lynch will be broke, or worse in a few years. I know that is not really going out on a limb. I think he's under the impression that somehow he is going to continue to be paid millions. He seems to be doing all the wrong things, starting with hanging around his old neighborhood. The smart guys recognize that sports is a way out. After some time away from the game no one is going to care or want to bother with him. It always amazes me when people in professional sports fail to grasp they are in the entertainment business.
  14. You forgot "prolly"."If you lamb baste him for this he will prolly lose his self of steam." There fixed it.
  15. Those numbers are unimpressive. I don't get it with these guys. Rob had a couple of good years here and there, not really consistent. Rex is living off his Ravens D, which had a couple of HOF players and his success with the Jets years ago. How are the Ryan's precieved as defensive geniuses? They have anointed themselves. I don't even understand Buddy, that Bear D was great but what about the rest of his career? That "Ryan name" nonsense is just that.
  16. Rex is a foot man not an ass man, so of course he immediately reached out to Sammy.What too soon?
  17. There is currently 13 WR on the roster, they probably keep 6. Watkins, Woods and Easly (if his knee is ok and because of ST) make it. That leaves 10 guys to compete for 3 spots. There has to be three guys that can contribute.
  18. We forget sometimes that most rookies are kids. Tough year for him, I think he'll bounce back. If he does and they get even adequate play at RT, the OL could be very good.
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