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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I remember seeing both the good and bad at the Rockpile. Great games and great players in mid-sixties. Then the decline, I was at the 1966 championship game. You just knew the Bills run was over. My favorite memory has nothing to do with football. I was going to a game with my father. Two kids waived him into a driveway to park. He paid them and off we went to the game. After the game we walk up to our car and a very angry woman comes out of the house and just lays into my father, " how dare you park in my driveway?". The two kids didn't live there and were no where to be found, the homeowner had been at church. As a twelve year old it was really funny watching my father get yelled at and backpedal.
  2. This is dumb, but I never thought of it that way. Now I do think they should always go for two, unless it would be a game winning kick with little or no time.
  3. Is there anything new on Lawson's shoulder? Is he rehabbing yet?
  4. This has nothing to do with this, other than the tandem bike. A bar owner friend of mine borrowed a tandem bike from customers and went for a ride with another customer and friend. She on the front he on the back, as they approached a long line of people in front of a movie theater, he grabbed her boobs and started to peddle hard, so she couldn't stop or let go. I thought she was going to kill him.
  5. I was going to go with Kay, it was between Stephenson, Johnson, Rauch or Bullough.
  6. The more turmoil on the Jets the better.
  7. If Karlos isn't careful he could find himself out of a job.
  8. I think he gets cut. Too much completion to show up out of shape.
  9. I'm not a big Rex fan, but didn't he work for the Ravens from 1999-2008?
  10. I'm not really into the Bills anymore. I think I'll go to a Bills site and write about it.
  11. Didn't somebody post an article about how mobile QBs tend to throw over the middle less?
  12. That bison is not malingering, he is waiting for the snap.
  13. Was Scotch and Sirloin the place with the big round fireplace?
  14. I haven't lived in Buffalo in a long time and I'll admit to not being a big steakhouse fan, but I like Peter Luger's in Brooklyn. The aging is really important and hard to replicate in different locations. The steaks at the Peter Luger's in Great Neck are not as good. As to the sous vide, it's looks interesting. I think I saw something about some chef using this method for cooking something. Maybe I'll give it a try.
  15. Hondo, that is great. I remember when Gilchrist was traded and how the Bills tried to sell the fans on Billy Joe. What an awful trade. As to the Stratton, Sestak argument, Stratton played twice as long for the Bills. That's not to take anything away from Sestak, but it has to be considered.
  16. Ok, I was GM of one of the most famous restaurants in the world and owned another one that I sold to Bobby Flay. What the hell are you guys talking about?
  17. So apparently this is the only topic on which we all agree.
  18. How can you call yourself "OldTimer 1960" when you never even saw Stratton play? I saw all of them play. The list is correct.
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