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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Karlos doesn't want to play football anymore.
  2. I read yesterday that Tim Graham reported that Darius did not check into rehab facility. Rather he stayed local and received counseling. Is this being reported anywhere else?
  3. I come to this site every morning expecting to see someone else suspended. This comes as no surprise.
  4. When the Bills first signed Mario I felt cautiously optimistic. I never thought he lived up to being the first pick. He had suffered through a lot of mediocrity in Houston. Why come to Buffalo? It struck me that it was more about money than winning. Mario never gave the impression that he was a team leader. I always felt Mario was all about Mario. That being said he gave the Bills a couple of good years. Last year was very odd, his behavior justified my initial concern. Mario is like a petulant child, if he doesn't get his way he pouts. I think Miami can expect more of the same. If they let him do what he wants they will get a return on their investment, if not expect more pouting.
  5. It doesn't just depend on Tyrod, it depends on how Ryan's defense performs.
  6. Taylor two yard pass to Gronk. Play action everybody bites, baby Grong all by himself in the middle.
  7. I never understood how a guy can pass a physical with one team and fail with another. Was this guy injured in camp? This whole thing was odd.
  8. The thing I remember most about Donahoe is the press conference when he blamed, us the fans for Gregg Wiliams failure. Had I been Ralph Wilson I would have fired him then and there.
  9. No, I'm not going to struggle here, I'm just going to do my best to not appear ignorant. I'm not trying to be a pretentious jerk. I was trying to help out a fellow Bills fan.
  10. The correct word is "probably". You might want to stay away from the English language.
  11. No I don't have a permit, but the fact remains "prolly" is not a word.
  12. I'm sorry, I don't normally correct spelling or grammar, but "prolly" is not a word.
  13. I read the article this morning, which is why I wrote "why not". I haven't felt this good about a Bills QB in a long time.
  14. Optimism, 11-5 blah blah blah Pessimism, meteor strikes the Earth human race is extinct. Realism, you win some, you lose some and are always depressed.
  15. How can anyone read that article about how this kid grew up in a hell most of us could only imagine. Survived and got out. And then make this thread about how the writer is a jerk.
  16. I'm an eternal optimist, I just don't see the value in pessimism. Last year the Bills finished 8-8 with a new coach, which brings new systems. There was also a new QB. This year is year two for all, a consistency the Bills have lacked. So the reason that people think they will finish the same, or worse is injury. Lost for the season is a rookie LB and a second or third string TE that a few months ago many thought may not make the team. Lost for some games, pro bowl DL man and rookie LB. All teams have some weaknesses. The Bills have talent, their weakness is depth at some positions, namely OL, LB and TE. We have watched Bills teams win six games with bad coaching, no QB and serious lack of talent at skill positions. Which is why I don't get the 6-10 crowd. What is the same finish as last year based on? Mario Williams being gone? For all intents and purposes he was gone last year. Some point to the schedule, but every year there are teams that are supposed to be good that aren't and vise versa. Perhaps it all comes down to whether one things Ryan can coach, we shall see.
  17. I don't know about the rest of you, but I love a nice pair of Hogans.
  18. Pretty good list, but why put Jordan Gay on it? The odds of him being picked up by another team are pretty remote. They can just let him wait at home. If they decide they need him just resign him.
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