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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Self proclaimed defensive genius, just like his brother and if you say it enough others start doing the same.
  2. Agree, rule changes have made CB the second most difficult position.
  3. Why would we want any coach that has anything to do with this offense?
  4. You're right, what did they ever see in Oswieler to give him they contract?
  5. You misunderstood me, I don't think just yelling will do anything. I think developing a relationship based on respect, understanding, accountability along with a bit of yelling is what's needed.
  6. I watched Wanny on the Fox pre pre game show, I'm surprised he can tie his shoes.
  7. Obviously your boss is not a mentor, coach or leader. I haven't had a boss in thirty years. I have built two businesses and employed a number of people. I have no idea what the second part of that sentence means, but if your boss yells at you undeservedly do something else. Different people need different guidance. Dareus is not a criminal nor is he lazy, you do not make to the NFL if you are lazy. He is immature and had more personal loss at a young age than anyone should endure. He needs structure and guidance.
  8. Marcell Dareus is a man child that needs a guy like this. I think Waufle, Frazier and McDermott are the best thing that could happen to him.
  9. When I first looked at the title I thought it said "Chad Kelly".
  10. It says Marv's last college coaching stop was William and Mary, well which is it?
  11. OMG (sorry couldn't resist) that's my method! Maybe we could be co-oc.
  12. I do a pretty good job from my living room. Providing they let me work from home why not?
  13. Did Mike McCoy definitely take the job in Denver? TBN article on Leslie Frazier seems to infer he is still in play.
  14. And this is what people want in Buffalo. This will not turn out well.
  15. So you're a new comer who doesn't remember the Buster Ramsey era.
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