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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I agree with you. The two teams mentioned on ESPN are Lions and Ravens, unless one is willing to way over pay are there any compelling reasons to go to one of those teams?
  2. He was, the Browns were in the NFL the Bills were the AFL.
  3. Cookerly I cheated better this time.
  4. Yes it would be. I was at a game that Ed Rutkowski started at QB, just awful.
  5. Who were they? Wait the Google machine was wrong!
  6. Stan Barron and Jefferson Kaye. I cheated. Two Bills starting QBs from the Ivy League? One is easy the second not so much.
  7. QB that started replacement game for Bills and what he was famous for?
  8. This doesn't apply to all active military only military academies. Excluding the Coast Guard total student body of West Point, Naval Academy and Air Force Academy is about 13,000. So one tenth of one percent is 13.
  9. Don't both Shaq and Washington have a background in the 4-3? This is a better defense for both of them. Who had Ragland dropping in the draft? He was picked right were he was projected, late first early second.
  10. The BN writers just can't give it up, Vic's article today is the definition of beating a dead horse.
  11. Last year they should have finished 8-8, Jet game was a joke. Rex was awful. With some actual coaching that team could have won more games. I believe this year will be better, I'm optimistic.
  12. What exactly do you do everyday?
  13. I agree, what was the point with Orton? He wasn't going to be the future no matter what. Bringing a guy out of retirement only happens when a teams starter gets injured.
  14. I was at that game. The field goal attempt was from 47 yards with 47 seconds on the clock and since it was after midnight it was September 17, which made it Blanda's 47th birthday.
  15. This tells me that if he has a good 2017 he stays for 2018.
  16. It just stuck me how well the whole continuity thing is working for Pegula.
  17. I'm not saying they don't deserve it, but after months of calling for Whaley's head they can't stop.
  18. What's to like? Suddenly because they fired Whaley all is well? The first big decision the Pegulas made was to hire Rex Ryan. Now they put the future of the franchise in the hands of a rookie head coach. What could possibly go wrong? Am I the only one that finds how this thing went down as odd? What was the point of not firing Whaley in January? Torture? The guy was vilified in the press for four months. Why not fire him with Ryan? And allow the man a modicum of dignity? Instead he was required to do a months long walk of shame. If you were going to let McDermott run the show why not at least let Whaley go after his hiring? I don't think Whaley did a bad job, but I understand the Pegulas feeling it was time for a change. I understand those that point to his mistakes, but they tend to dismiss the good moves. Someone is going to respond to this post by writing that it was smart to keep him until after the draft, why? To get McDermott coffee?
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