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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. That is true which supports my point. NFL doesn't need to do it because of weather, so why do it?
  2. I find the concept of holding training camp at a remote location archaic. It seems to me that it is based on MLB model, but it is from an age gone by. These players are professionals, if living in a tiny dorm room for three weeks is required to make them focus then they need to change careers.
  3. Last year's record is not on the running game. Even with no WRs at times, if that team had a coach and any semblance of a defense they make the playoffs.
  4. Decker's wife is a country pop star Jessie James.
  5. I was at that game in Miami, saw Ralph Wilson after, even at that age he looked like he wanted to punch someone.
  6. I just made Vichyssoise a la Ritz as an appetizer, I going to follow it up with steak au poivre.
  7. I've been in Pegula's bushes since yesterday, they seem to be preparing for some kind of party. Maybe party for big announcement? All I've eaten in 24 hours are power bars, could you knock off the food blogging!
  8. It finally stoped raining down here so I'm heading to Boca to assume my usual hiding spot in the bushes outside of the Pegula's house.
  9. I said that two hours ago and was told that Tempo was so passé
  10. I'm not losing any sleep over this, but why sign Ross if Maclin is done deal?
  11. Last time I was there during the summer stayed a my sister's on the lake. We were there for a week, it only rained twice, once four three days and once for four days.
  12. I'm going to ask this again, has anyone been dispatched to the airport?
  13. John, as a former bartender, bar manager and bar owner I can unequivocally state that when a physical confrontation occurs both parties are at fault. Confrontations progress from verbal to physical and it is invariably over something foolish. An intelligent adult ignores the childish verbal remarks and walks away.
  14. Is Tempo still the official restaurant of the Bills, or has McDefense changed that?
  15. I just keep thinking about how much better the Bills got when they picked up James Lofton.
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