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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. No, they have Brady and they sign a couple of talented players away from the Bills. So they not only have their draft picks but also have the Bills.
  2. But Belichick saw the need for Moss are you saying McDermott is a smarter coach than Belichick?
  3. You're not paying attention football has nothing to do with talent.
  4. I wasn't making a comparison, you didn't read the post I was responding too.
  5. By that logic if Randy Moss were in his prime and available the right move would be to pass?
  6. Apparently a team devoid of talent is the plan. McDermott: "we're building a team not accumulating talent"
  7. With any luck they will use all those draft picks on a bunch of water bug backs.
  8. I'm going to repeat this, part of the Patriots model is signing players away from the Bills. Furthermore when you have the greatest player in he game, possibly of all time, you can get away with some mediocre players. Let me know when the Bills have a player that is in the same class as Brady, because it is unlikely that will ever happen if you trade or let good players walk.
  9. And they can use that pick on WR, that's genius.
  10. I don't know if you noticed but the Patriots keep singing players the Bills let walk. Bills let Gilmore walk, have to draft White as replacement, on and on and on, that's the plan.
  11. Let me translate. "If Sammy had a bad year we weren't going to sign him. If Sammy had a great year we weren't going to pay him. Rookies are cheaper so we are going to trade players or let them walk and just have constant turn over." "EJ Gaines is short, but if you kind of squint he looks taller."
  12. It's so exciting that we get to blog about the draft for the next nine months, now that the season is pointless.
  13. Wash rinse repeat! This is how we do it. Makes me want to shout!
  14. All you need is a franchise QB, trade everyone else until you get one. It is a sure fire formula.
  15. Yes, they could keep trading and getting draft picks out to to 2030.
  16. Thank you, I don't know why people don't get this. Maybe not the two first round picks but two of the first three round picks. They do not have a number one WR and I'm guessing they are going to have to address CB. It's like a hamster wheel.
  17. The 1983 NFL draft had six QBs taken in the first round. This draft is considered to be greatest QB class ever. Three HOF QBs Elway Kelly and Marino. The other three are Blackledge, second QB taken, a bust, Eason take with the pick after Kelly, a bust and O'Brien, taken before Marino, okay career. The Chiefs, Patriots and Jets all blew it. My point is odds are that some of the 2018 QB class are going to be mediocre or busts. I know teams have to take the chance but it is not a guarantee that you get the right guy. Which is why it is dangerous to trade good players.
  18. Just to be clear none of the Bills WR are Jerry Rice. You need someone with speed to that can take the top off that defense have to respect. That means he has to not only have speed but he can catch. If not then the defense can keep everyone up, making catching and RAC much more difficult. Oh and Watkins made his living at Clemson with RAC.
  19. You do understand that in order to move up another team has to be willing to trade. It doesn't automatically happen.
  20. Those guys played thirty years ago. By your logic why have people run the forty at the combine?
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