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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Our WR have plenty of separation, they are all about 2500 miles away.
  2. When Dallas was 0-5 and decided to make the Herschel Walker trade, they first considered trading Irvin, Al Davis talked them out of it.
  3. It is sad, I have never watched a Bills game and rooted against them. Wanting them to fail because you hate Taylor or have fallen in love with some college QB that could turn out to be the next Jim Kelley or the next Todd Blackledge is head scathing. Why watch the games? Why come to this site? It's all about being right and saying "I told you so". You're right it is sad.
  4. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9266053/ezgif.com_optimize.gif Jones turns the wrong way, if Taylor throws it to outside shoulder Jones goes out of bounds. If Jones runs more vertical route that is a TD.
  5. I didn't say I didn't like Rosen. He should have perfect drives against inferior teams. What he shouldn't do is make those three bad decisions. This is a cliche, but it is true, football games are decided by a handful of plays.
  6. They were playing Memphis, I don't care how bad the UCLA defense is. Memphis D wasn't any better. If Rosen is arguably the best QB in college football he needs to take over the game.Today Anthony Miller was the best player on the field.
  7. Did you watch the game? Rosen made some horrible decisions.
  8. What is happening? I had to evacuate so I'm in confusion protocol.
  9. At my nephew's house in Alpharetta GA. Watched game with family. Still stressed about Irma, even though we live on east coast of FL. Feel bad for people in the Keys and alone west coast.
  10. This would be hurricane number eight for me, but after having the eye of Wilma pass over us I vowed to never stay for anything over a 2, and besides I'd probably miss the game. So I'm outa here.
  11. Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in.
  12. Why would he Bills tip their hand on who the starter is going to be?
  13. How long do they after signing do they have to cut a player?
  14. Now they can use one of those draft picks on a running back, genius!
  15. Both of those are examples of failure as first time HCs, by that standard McDermott will have success in his next HC job.
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