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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. So you’re saying there is a chance we could get Scarlett Johansson.
  2. I’m optimistic, the coaching staff got more out of this squad than most expected. The Bills have a bunch of draft picks, cap space and owners willing to spend money. The hardest piece is obvious, QB, need to draft one and get a vet. Since the QB is more than likely not currently on the team a change at offensive coordinator is not that big a deal. If you can upgrade do it. QB aside the offense needs WR upgrade a healthy Benjamin will help. I don’t know what to make of Mathews, liked him in college and wanted Bills to draft him. He had some good years with Eagles in a bad situation. O line needs to get younger. All the RB should go but McCoy. Need to get a pass rush. I think in today’s NFL and based on the fact that Bills success goes through Brady, interior D lineman are the key. They need linebackers the only guy I keep is Milano. If they accomplish 60% of this I think they could be good.
  3. Tom Donahoe is a HOF jerk. I would have fired him when he blamed the fans for his mistake in hiring Gregg Williams resulting in having to fire him. History has demonstrated what a bad hire that was. You forgot Lee Evans and trading up for Losman. You’re right Marv was not a good GM. Ralph panicked and went to his comfort zone. The one constant for fifty plus years was Ralph Wilson. Mularkey new that when he took the job, as did Lou Saban, twice, Chuck Knox and Marv Levy, the only Bills coaches that accomplished anything. Mularkey left because he knew Losman was not an NFL QB.
  4. This is conjecture, but I think what happened was Mularkey realized that he had made a mistake by going all in on Losman. That is why he bailed.
  5. You said it was a rumor, which means unsubstantiated. What we know is Marv said Mularkey would be retained and Mularkey guit. Those are the facts.
  6. Mularkey named Losman as the starting QBs for 2005. Bleadsoe then demanded his release. Try using Google to check facts.
  7. Ralph fired Donahoe, who had hired both Williams and Mularkey when they were on no one else’s radar. I always felt Donahoe did so because he lost a power struggle with Cower in Pittsburgh. He hired them as HC so they owed him. When Marv was named GM he told Mularkey he would be retained, Mularkey then quit. Why? Was Marv so inferior to Donahoe? Which one os in the HOF?
  8. Okay, fair enough, it also means he quit on the players, his team, which would apparently make him the polar opposite of McDermott.
  9. Last week the Titans beat the Jags, were the Jags playing for anything?or were they just going through the motions? Titans are not good.
  10. That fine, but I was replying to a post that stated the Patriots made the playoffs in 2008.
  11. I'm not trying too be a jerk, but if it was private how could you know?
  12. My aunt was a Spanish teacher at Kenmore East.
  13. City of Tonawanda, North Tonwanda, or Town of Tonawanda? Being from the City of Tonawanda I simply abhor it when people lump the three together. City of Tonawadians use words like “abhor”.
  14. If I were you I'd go to Bills first playoff game in 17 years.
  15. I did the same thing, my brother pointed out Mills was back.
  16. Out of respect for helping end the drought please change "Bungles" to Bengals.
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