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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I voted Jackson because I watched him play, I’ve never see Rudolph play and I know that is a bad reason. I’m going to defer to the brain trust at OBD, because what else can I do. I think having two first round picks allows them to gamble. I would absolutely use one of those picks on a QB. Why are pocket passing and running ability mutually exclusive?
  2. I’m still confused,it’s a conceptual offense? Not to bring up a sore subject, but when EJ was the QB one of the criticisms was that he came from dumbed down offense at FSU. That offense really only had a handful of plays that were run out of multiple formations. Isn’t that what Perkins/Erhardt offense is?
  3. I’m confused, how is an offense designed by Ray Perkins and Ron Erhardt a modern 2018 NFL offense?
  4. If the Bills scored 13.2 last week they’d have won, just sayin.
  5. All I can ever think of when I see Tomlin is when he tried to trip the guy returning a kick. I’d have fired him then.
  6. I still love you Bobby, you’re a Bills fan .
  7. What about that guy Lee, I hear he’s really good.
  8. Tarkenton is a bigger dude than I thought, but he probably bulked up with age. I haven’t run into him in a while.
  9. Can I get out of the Pegula’s bushes now?
  10. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NFL_players_by_games_played This is most games played, four QBs are from this era, Farve, Manning, Brady and Brees. After that is Tarkenton of all people who I believe played 14 game seasons. Next are Marino and Elway. I think that the fact that four are from an era where the rules are designed to protect the QB has to be considered. Farve was an animal, he had nineteen injuries and played through eighteen of them. I know at least early in his career he had some pharmaceutical help. Brady by comparison has had five played through four. I agree with you that conditioning, lifestyle, probably medical care have a good deal to do with longevity. By the way I once caught a pass from Tarkenton.
  11. Brady’s longevity is due to what? There isn’t that many choices, performance enhancing drugs, rules protect today’s QBs thus prolonging career or generically superior unaffected by age. Is there other options I’m missing? Or are you going to try and contribute it to kale cocktails and clean living?
  12. Should I go over to Boca Executive airport and hide in the bushes again?
  13. I don’t understand your point, are you saying that Brady is just a genetically superior human being? And that is the reason for his longevity? Not that NFL rules have changed? I think Unitas could be hit in the head and below the waist. Do your stats take into consideration that Fitzpatrick would take off and run and not always slide? It is obvious to anyone who has ever watched any NFL games that Boady gets call other QBs do not and furthermore it has become obvious that calls and non-calls help them more than other teams, 29 scoring drives extended by penalties most in the league.
  14. I think that the longevity of both Brady and Brees has more to do with the era they play in. QBs are more protected than ever, that along with healthier lifestyles contribute. I don’t watch the Saints as much as I watch Patriots. It is obvious to me that the officials protect Brady more tha any QB in the league and I believe opponents know that. Tyrod Taylor took a beating last week, had his head intentionally slammed into the ground with no call. I’ve seen Brady pushed by one hand on his shoulder result in a penalty. Last night’s game was just a microcosm of the issue. It was just so blatant and in your face. Then add to that the fact that Ron Torbert is an executive with company that was Gillette Stadium project manager, it just doesn’t smell right.
  15. The phantom offensive pass interference and the reversal of the call on fourth down are what happens in every Patriots game.
  16. How could you not believe it? The Patriots had 29 scoring drives extended by penalties by far the most in the NFL.
  17. Can the NFL be sued for claiming to be a sport? Didn’t wrestling have to declare they were not a sport?
  18. There will be a penalty that will extend a drive for the Patriots, they lead the league on those calls.
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