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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. So the fact that Jackson recognizes he is gripping the ball wrong and is trying to correct it makes him stupid? Okay got it.
  2. Wasn’t there an article from Cover 1 posted a few days ago praising the Bills for adjusting there offense to take advantage of Josh Allen’s skill set?
  3. The inference here is that Lamar Jackson is stupid and or lazy. It has been pointed out that he scored 13 on the Wonderlic, by the way Jim Kelly scored 15. He must be dumb because his mother is his agent, I’m guessing his mother truly has his best interest at heart, agents at best are duplicitous. Furthermore his representation won’t become important for a few years. He is such a bad QB that a Super Bowl winning coach traded a Super Bowl winning QB.
  4. He was with the Vikings it was 2010.
  5. Bart was pretty good at the 2nd and inches bomb.
  6. So true, I once read War and Peace in the original Russian and I don’t speak Russian.
  7. What possessed you to become a Bills fan in the late 1960s? They were just dreadful.
  8. Apparently they rarely do injury settlements with vets. I wasn’t really clear on how that works. It is concerning to put it mildly that he immediately re-injured that foot.
  9. Is an injury settlement considered being cut?
  10. I think the problem with KB was lack of effort. What I read was that they saw success with WR with physical abilities like speed. From what I’ve read about Duke Williams is that his physical ability is his strength. He appears to play with nastiness. He is going to be interesting to watch in camp.
  11. Did Kroft have surgery on that foot last year? What is the prognosis? I know he’s out for 3-4 months. Is he a candidate for an injury settlement?
  12. Kyle was 6’ 1” 303 pounds, when you’re up around 300 pounds does 16 pounds make that much difference?
  13. I’m not sure if there are positions where they got worse, but there are some that are “wait and see”. All I can think of as to Clay is him not making an effort on what would have been a game winning touchdown, even I know that when your QB is scrambling receivers are supposed to come back to him. Not sure they are worse at TE, we shall see. So correct me if I’m wrong and I’m sure you will, but isn’t Lotulelei’s job unglamorous? Isn’t he supposed to keep blockers occupied? Meaning keep guys off Edmunds. Kyle Williams will be missed for a lot of reasons, but we don’t know what Ed Oliver brings, but it’s not like the position wasn’t addressed. As to the OL, if all they did was add Morse they would have to be better, but that isn’t all they did. RB? Was McCoy’s slide a result of age or bad OL? Is Gore better than Ivory? What does Yeldon bring? Can Singletary play against this level of competition? We shall see, but sure feels better than last year. WR? It could not possibly be worse than last year. I could keep going, but you get my drift.
  14. Thought this was going to be about Tommy Tedesco from Niagara Falls and the band he played with.
  15. Winning translates to ticket sales, television ratings and advertising sales. All of those things are acutely connected. Lose and you lose your job, because it affects revenue.
  16. All of them get paid by dollars generated by entertainment, if your premise is correct the coaches should do their job for free.
  17. So if the NFL is not in the entertainment business what is it? Why not do all of it in secret? No sports writers, no pregame or post game analysis, no advertising. Play the games at undisclosed locations. I’ve never understood why coaches act like ***** at press conferences.
  18. Exactly, who was there? What were they wearing?
  19. If that were true why did the league create a network to talk about team news for hours every day? Why hold a huge media event for the draft? The NFL wants you the fan not only to watch the games, but watch their network, watch the draft, watch video from training camp and watch preseason games, which are really just practice.
  20. Giving them some space was not what I was responding to, rather the premise that the media should be given as little access as possible.
  21. The NFL is in the entertainment business, why would ownership deny media access? They went so far as to create their own network. We the fans pay everyone involved, the owners, the coaches, the front office, the back office and the players. Why would you not want the fans engaged?
  22. I opened this not really knowing what this was about. Some RB examples were mentioned regarding rhythm. Simpson and Campbell were guys that wore defenders down, Csonka always had a sidekick so to speak, Kick and then Morris. Allen extended his career by becoming a role player. Not so sure about the rhythm thing.
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