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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I just liked the use of “pork roast”.
  2. “Kelvin Benjamin got released. This team gave up real draft picks for that pork roast.”
  3. I’ve been to Mercedes Benz Stadium, it is pretty nice. Big wide concourses, concessions and rest rooms everywhere. Comfortable places to hang out when not in your seat. Comfortable places to eat and drink. I did not find myself longing for the chain link “concourses “ of the Old Rockpile.
  4. Last summer I stayed at the Marriott Canal Side. I had not been to downtown Buffalo in decades. It is significantly better. I know there are a lot of people that would like the Bills to stay in Orchard Park. If my memory serves me, I believe they Bills ended up in Orchard Park by default. I think downtown still has a way to go. Just my opinion, but I think a stadium downtown is the right location.
  5. https://images.app.goo.gl/3yEUL3y5ZGptivRS8 Appears he is in stage three.
  6. I would like to keep 7 wr also. I’m confused by Demarco, can’t someone else fill that role?
  7. With a few exceptions we are all pretty much giddy. I’m an eternal optimist, because pessimism is a waste of time, I have had moments of delusion (see Rex), but I’ve not felt this way since late 1980s.
  8. This just in! EJ showed up and threw a pass that hit the VIP tent and damaged the lunch pails.
  9. The strength of his game will be demonstrated when the pads go on. In a few days we shall see if he is for real.
  10. I was just emailing a realtor in St. Barth about renting a house. Years ago I was there in a bar part owned by Jimmy Buffett called Autour du Rocher, Monday Night Football was on TV. I did a lot of rules explaining to a bunch of French guys. The powers that be in St. Barth could bully some Russian Oligarch into building a stadium. I’m good with this idea.
  11. He questioned my intelligence, I don’t like being called stupid, do you? Multiple posts have questioned intelligence based on standardized testing. I was making a point. I know really successful people that went to all the right schools that I’m sure did well on all the right tests. I also know people that went to all the right schools and probably did well on all the right tests that are a mess. I’ve worked with a lot of people, schools and tests rarely give insight into who will succeed. What’s been going on over these six pages is people judging a young man , who has certainly worked very hard to get to where he is. The narrative is adjusted to reach the conclusion that he is stupid. Why do you think that is? What is it about him that would create such vitriol? As to my sensitivity you are right I’m sensitive to prejudice.
  12. So Jackson is now an imbecile, and apparently so am I. Since you decided to make this personal. I’d like to enlighten you. I had a not so distinguished high school career at St. Joe’s, I took the SATs four times, to get a score that would at least be marginally acceptable. I was rejected by multiple universities and finally accepted to a marginal college probably because one of my brothers graduated from there. I don’t think my GPA was ever any better than 2.0. I have however built two distinctly different businesses. I’ve lived in NYC, Charleston SC. Venice Beach CA. the Hamptons and now for a number of years in Delray Beach FL. I’m writing this while sitting in a million dollar condominium a block from one of the nicest beaches in this country. My current business pays me whether I’m there or not. So if my rhetoric scores me a thirteen I’ll take it.
  13. Wow how astute. You know what the writer thought and how he reached his conclusion and how “many” people constitute “many”. Is it a burden being that insightful?
  14. The sentence you highlighted is referring to discussions held with Allen before the league season end and him leaving Buffalo to go home to California where he works out with Palmer. Except that the article used to start this topic clearly states that most people thought the offense would stay the same.
  15. You do understand that Jordan Palmer is not on the Bills coaching staff? The can tell him all the terminology they want. There is no mention of anyone from the Bills staff contacting Josh Allen. The Bills did not change coordinators. Are you say that the Ravens should have used a third party to relay new offense and playbook to Jackson?
  16. Okay, just so I’m clear on this, even though the article that was used to start this topic clearly states that most believed the offense would stay the same, it should have been obvious that it would not. Lamar Jackson could have given a vague answer, or said he already knew about a new offense because the team contacted him. Which would be a violation of a collective bargaining agreement, a contract. Resulting in fines and possibly suspensions. I think I understand.
  17. 1. Greg Roman was already on the staff, coaching in that offense. The article clear stares that “many believed the offense would be substantially the same”. 2. See above since “many” were under the same impression that the offense would be the same what should he have done? He answered honestly. 3.From the end of the season until the beginning of spring football, according to NFL rules under CBA, they can have no contact.
  18. This is a direct quote from the article you posted, “Greg Roman is replacing Marty Mornhinweg as offensive coordinator, but many believed the offense would be substantially the same. It won’t be.” In that contact between coaches and players are extremely limited until OTAs and if “many believed the offense would be substantially the same”, why is so hard to comprehend that Jackson was one of the “many”? I posted this an hour ago.
  19. I posted an article earlier that would dispute your assertion. I’ll summarize, Jackson was a good student in Junior High, he struggled in high school and was lost in the football program in Pompano. His mother moved him to Boynton Beach, enrolled him in Boynton Beach Community High School. The football coach there was and is Rick Swain, a coach for thirty years. When he first spots Lamar he told him to take care of his grades first and they would talk about football the following spring. Lamar received straight A s for the next two semesters before he was allowed in the football program. Don’t know what happened at Louisville, but my guess is Petrino didn’t give a damn about grades. https://247sports.com/Article/How-Lamar-Jackson-went-from-struggling-student-to-Heisman-contender-47448027/
  20. Professional athletes make adjustments all the time. How often do you hear about footwork or mechanics? Or a golfer adjusting his grip. In this case it is another reason to pile on Lamar Jackson. Why vilify this particular young man? Is he a bad person? What is it about Lamar Jackson that has so many casting aspersions? His intelligence has been questioned, his athleticism has been questioned. I don’t get it.
  21. https://247sports.com/Article/How-Lamar-Jackson-went-from-struggling-student-to-Heisman-contender-47448027/ After moving to Boynton Beach, with pressure from his coach he maintained straight A grades. Why would you call this young man stupid when you have zero knowledge or expertise to do so?
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