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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I don’t think that is correct, I believe it was a solid dome. I remember a scale model of it at the Boulevard Mall.
  2. Award franchise to cities that used to have one, Oakland, San Diego, St. Louis (they get two), Jacksonville and New York City (also gets two).
  3. Has anyone looked into the giant “Buffalo” hooded capes? How many wins with them?
  4. Please make it Sunday please please just get here Sunday!
  5. I think some patience is necessary, we have all heard how important cohesion is to offensive lines. This particular iteration has played together for three games. Let’s give them some time.
  6. This is kind of an interesting exercise, don’t know if it’s valid. I wonder how many Patriot’s players at their 2000 training camp thought Brady was going to be the greatest of all time?
  7. You magnificently eloquent bastard!
  8. I give you credit, I only wish I could play any musical instrument. It is a talent I do not have. I don’t know if you read the complete exchange between Scott and I, but his contention is that Lamar Jackson is a bad QB because he is a bad pocket passer and can only throw over the middle. The only reason I brought up my less than stellar time as a High School safety is that Scott believes that passing over the middle is easy, because the guy is right in front of you. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  9. You know how to get a bass player off your porch? Pay for the pizza.
  10. It was High School tough guy and you?
  11. You said it was the OC is it or isn’t it? That means they won 3, but you said teams only play “2 or 3” playoff teams in the regular season where you wrong about that? Could you also be wrong about passing over the middle being easy? They give the Lombardi Trophy for winning not for pocket passing. Having played safety I can unequivocal state that passing over the middle is the hardest thing for a QB a lot of traffic in there. What was your position?
  12. No not at all Scott stated that passing over the middle is easy, nothing could be further from the truth. Brady has been great because he is so good at it.
  13. So it’s the OC? You realize Greg Roman was the Bills OC under Ryan? You can’t know what he would have done with QB like Jackson, or what Chan would have done. Last year the Ravens played 7 regular season games against playoff teams. The record is all that matters. Brady has made a living passing over the middle. Passing over the middle is the single most important part of a QBs game.
  14. Isn’t it possible to play other playoff teams in the regular season? Is it possible that a regular season game be played against a team with a really good defense and a bad offense thus preventing them from making playoffs? Pocket passer or not I’d have taken a QB that wins almost 75% of the time during the Bills abysmal 20 year drought. How about you? Or is this just about bashing Lamar Jackson?
  15. 1-3, so during the regular season the Ravens play against teams without defense? Got it
  16. Jackson’s record is 35-12 or 74.4%
  17. What I don’t understand is why don’t coaches learn from other teams. The Bills rushed four all night last Sunday, the DE kept Mahomes in the pocket. He is not as dangerous in the pocket. Every time I looked up WFT defense was letting him out of the pocket.
  18. In his defense his hands were sore from beating his girlfriend.
  19. Put a smile on my face.
  20. Jim it’s okay for you to be thinking about Trevor Lawrence’s body hair or lack there of. Don’t let anyone tell you different.
  21. Remember before last season when some prognosticators were picking Miami to win AFC East.
  22. Only because it’s better than watching Sunday morning news shows.
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