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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I didn’t get it either. But now that you’ve mentioned a strip club, did McCoy and his friends ever get into a fight with off duty O.P.P.s there?
  2. Some of McCoy’s greatest hits: -Party bus trip from Philly to NYC his bodyguard “Big John” and others start spraying women on the bus with water. One women seriously objects, McCoy tells “Big John” to get her. They pour champagne over her head and leave her on the side of the Jersey Turnpike. Other women complain so they let her back on the bus and dump her at next rest stop. -Mother of McCoy’s child accuses him of physically abusing her and child. -Strip club fight with cops -While with Bills during bye week he plans women only party in Philly (because he loves Buffalo so much). Bills management convinced him to call it off. -Ex-girlfriend that he can’t get out of his house in Atlanta (why does he have a house in Atlanta?)gets roughed up and “robbed”. Suddenly she moves out. McCoy’s excuse every time was that it was a shakedown.
  3. In an interview Eric Dickerson told a story about how early in his career he was still hanging around with punks from old neighborhood, he got a call from his cousin who was a gangster. His cousin told him to stay away from those guys and stay away from him. Told him he was out, could have a whole new life, which should not include hanging with thugs. McCoy never learned that lesson. You missed the point it’s not about the cops, it’s about putting yourself in that situation to begin with, especially when you are a star athlete. It is one thing to make one dumb mistake, McCoy has made mistakes multiple times.
  4. I’ve stayed at the Marriott Canalside a couple of times, nice lake view.
  5. We have Miami at home and first Pats game is at home, by the time we play the Pats in NE it will be over.
  6. Not so easily, Ahmad Rashad, J.D. Hill and Bob Chandler were pretty good.
  7. That is one meaningless stat. That being said I like Moss, I also like Singletary. They are good team players, don’t complain about sharing touches.
  8. Because it was our extra game it counts as extra credit for the grade.
  9. Hasn’t Moss had a fumbling problem? Hasn’t he been benched a couple times because of it? At least we can be honest can’t we? Both of these guys have strengths and weaknesses, but the combination is perfect for this team. They don’t complain about splitting time. They work hard.
  10. I thought this topic was about the offensive line game plan? Since Josh was not sacked I’d say the game plan was good. Am I missing something?
  11. I went to a bunch of games at the Old Rockpile, one in particular comes to mind. Freezing cold, windy and snowing, there was nowhere to hide in that building. No place to even get out of the wind. It was go home or die.
  12. It was a joke, Josh got the metaphor right. I was referencing former Bills head coach Hank Bullough who famously got it wrong.
  13. Josh Allen on 97 yard drive to start second half, “A long drive, it takes the wind out of their sails, for sure,” didn’t he get that wrong? Isn’t it “sail out of their winds”?
  14. So should I be as worried about Davis Mills as some on this site told me to worry about Taylor Heineke?
  15. So some college kid says he knows about falsified tax returns you think everyone from Long Island cheets on their taxes? Quite the leap. I have lived on Long Island, no one ever told me to pronounce it that way, nor did most Long Islanders pronounce it that way. You may recall that your original premise was that students at SUNY Buffalo from Long Island were attending UB because their “rich parents were too cheep to send them to private schools”. Rich and cheep is an anti-Semitic trope and it has been for centuries. That and your stereotyping pronunciation lead me to the ant-Semitic conclusion, I stand by that. Who is the “them” that I cheerlead? Do you mean “those people”?
  16. I lived on Long Island for years, no one ever suggested I pronounce it that way and furthermore most of them didn’t pronounce it that way, even the Italian ones. In the original post that you admittedly didn’t read in its entirety, the poster objected to students from LI attending UB. His premise, as he mocked the accent, was that their rich and cheep parents should send them to private schools. “Rich and cheep” is an anti Semitic trope, centuries old, Shakespeare wrote a whole play about in the sixteenth century and it was probably centuries old then. If the original used that accent and the implied that the students from LI had a horse’s head cut off and put in the Dean’s bed, then he would have been talking about Italians.
  17. No not all it depends on where you are. The original poster objects to students from Long Island because their parents are rich and cheep. Rich and cheep is a Jewish stereotype and has been for centuries, the Irish and Italians have their own stereotypes, which is not rich and cheep. When you combine rich and cheep with that particular accent who do you conclude he is writing about?
  18. Did you read his entire post? He also says everyone from Long Island is rich and cheep at best that statement is stereotyping at worst it is a racial trope. I lived on Long Island and no not everyone is Jewish, but that particular accent both you and the original poster mimicked would be stereotyping a NYC area Jewish American accent. You took Social Studies in 11th and 12th grade? The Franciscan nuns taught me Social Studies in 5th and 6th grade. If I recall correctly Social Studies combined geography with culture, I don’t remember it ridiculing regional accents.
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