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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. How long do you think McDermott tolerates Beasley creating a distraction. I’m I the only one that saw the exchange between them yesterday?
  2. You think McDermott is going to tolerate a distraction or pouting? You think that is part of the process?
  3. Gordon has played in one game in two years. He’s been with the Chefs for a week. You think he’s going to make a difference in this game?
  4. Beasley’s problem isn’t the vaccine or people booing, it’s McDermott.
  5. I’m sure, but wasn’t Gordon’s problem substance abuse? Do you not see the irony?
  6. “Really High on Gordon”, good one! Josh Gordon had one really good year and that was 2013, had an okay year in 2018. I don’t get it, but fans will be fans.
  7. Seems like they except a shootout, so they know their defense is bad. If our defense is what we think it is we win this.
  8. Please correct me if I’m wrong (like you need my permission), but I thought that KC defense was bad. Wouldn’t that bode well for Bills even in a shootout? Maybe their offense is better than our (not by much), but if our defense is significantly better than theirs that could make for a good day.
  9. Moved to Delray Beach in 1991, used to watch the Games at Boston’s on the Beach. Back then it was owned by guys from Worcester MA. Pats fans would get so pissed at me management would set me up with my own TV in a corner in the back.
  10. The statue is across the street from a “Tim Horton’s”. I think that the coffee and everything else stinks, but in Buffalo and surrounding area you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a “Tim Horton’s”. There original marketing plan was to saturate Western New York and expand from there.
  11. There is literally a statue of Tim Horton in Buffalo, it’s at one of the entrances to Canalside.
  12. Why aren’t we talking about Brady vs Belichick? NFL Network is having a four hour GameDay special dedicated to this event.
  13. In another thread someone linked an article that said statistics show that stadiums do little or nothing for local economy. That being said I think a retractable dome makes the building more useful. The current stadium ended up in Orchard Park by default. Original plan was a dome in Lancaster. New stadium is going to be about path of least resistance and money, which is why current plan is open air in Orchard Park.
  14. That’s a great concept “rebound coach”, the Bills had like 20 years of those.
  15. Just read an article that said smaller stadiums are the future. Can’t find it thus no link.
  16. God there is a lot of them. As I said before we fall in love around here more than Jennifer Lopez.
  17. He dropped her at a rest area only after other women pleaded with him to go back for her. He initially had her dropped on the side of the road. She did admit that McCoy never touched her, he told “Big John” to “get her” that is in the police report. “Big John” touched her. He held her while they dumped a “beverage” on her. And what does he need a bodyguard for? I don’t recall the name of Thurman’s bodyguard. Do you think Josh has a bodyguard? The charges were dropped in all these incidents because the victim withdrew the complaint after civil suits were settled. Through his attorneys and probably on their advice he paid them off.
  18. He didn’t know he just wanted to say that crap.
  19. How do you know she was white? Not only wasn’t her race divulged, neither was her name. All legal documents and press reports referred to he as “Mary Roe”.
  20. Unbelievable, not a criminal mastermind and not innocent. Those incidents all resulted in civil suits, he paid them off. I’m sure the woman that he intended to leave soaking wet, in the month of December, on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike doesn’t see his act as meaningless. She is someone’s daughter. How exactly do you think a despicable act like that is meaningless? Oh wait, now you’re going to say it was her fault or that she asked for it.
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