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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. The best out come for this game would be, if a brawl broke out before the kickoff, both teams are disqualified and disbanded. The fields on which they play, salted so they lay fallow for 100 years!
  2. How is Poz a good LB? He can't shed blocks on runs, make tackles eight yards down field, too slow on bliz and can't cover anyone.
  3. Actually, the franchise that was the Buffalo Braves are now the Boston Celtics. There was some kind of a wierd swap, with the Celtics owner, before the move. Just saying.
  4. I posted this on a different thread, yesterday, but it works here. I was at a Bills Dolphins game, when Mularkey was coach. The Bills had a good lead, but then did a number of stupid things, that led to a Dolphin win. I conluded then, that nothing will really improve until there is a change of ownwership. This is a bad organization and has been, other than the luck that put Bill Polian in the GM position and whoever or however that championship team, of the early AFL happened, this organization has been inept. Want examples? Who trades Daryle Lamonica for Tom Flores (bad shoulder) and Art Powell (old)? Who hires a coach, John Roach, that wants to make first pick in the 1969 draft, OJ, into a wide out? Who decides not to pay a coach, Chuck Knox, that built a winning program and brought respectability? Who fired one the best GMs in football, Bill Polian, for arguing with his daughter? I could go on, I respect Ralph Wilson for what he did for the AFL. I am glade that he kept the team in Buffalo, but it is not like we didn't give our support. I ran into him about ten years ago. I liked him, his face lit up, talking about the Bills. I don't wish him any ill will. I just believe that nothing will chane until there is a change in ownership.
  5. I was at a Bills Dolphins game, when Mularkey was coach. The Bills had a good lead, but then did a number of stupid things, that led to a Dolphin win. I conluded then, that nothing will really improve until there is a change of ownwership. This is a bad organization and has been, other than the luck that put Bill Polian in the GM position and whoever or however that championship team, of the early AFL happened, this organization has been inept. Want examples? Who trades Daryle Lamonica for Tom Flores (bad shoulder) and Art Powell (old)? Who hires a coach, John Roach, that wants to make first pick in the 1969 draft, OJ, into a wide out? Who decides not to pay a coach, Chuck Knox, that built a winning program and brought respectability? Who fired one the best GMs in football, Bill Polian, for arguing with his daughter? I could go on, I respect Ralph Wilson for what he did for the AFL. I am glade that he kept the team in Buffalo, but it is not like we didn't give our support. I ran into him about ten years ago. I liked him, his face lit up, talking about the Bills. I don't wish him any ill will. I just believe that nothing will chane until there is a change in ownership.
  6. My brother and I have both been Bills fans from the begining. We recently discussed the possibility of the Bills moving. For LA to get an NFL team, a new stadium would have to be built. The state is bankrupt as is the city, so it would have to be built with private money. Who is going to do that for a team with no fan base, in a city that has already lost two teams? I know that there is talk of a stadium, but talk is cheap. The next available large city is San Antonio. The Cowboys spend part of their traning camp there. Jerry Jones considers this his territory. Do you think he is going to let another team move there? As to Toronto, I don't know, but RWS sells out, with a bad team and they can't give away the tickets in Toronto. It is, however smart to try and develope fans from Canada, as it is to develope fans in Central NY.
  7. The Harvey Johnson thing was bizarre. Imagine that happening today. It was the first thing I thought of, when I saw this thread.
  8. The only game the Bills won in 1968 was against the Jets. Who of course went on to win the Super Bowl. I also believe, that by the end of that season, Ed Rutkowski was playing QB, is he still available?
  9. Sign him to a four year extension, bench him, then cut him. I sense a pattern.
  10. I hope that Wang is a good player, for no other reason than to one day see this headline, "WANG EXTENDED"!
  11. I do think that something is up, but if they bring back Levi Brown, why use the roster spot? Can't he just go to the PS? Hopefully something is in the works for am OLB or OT.
  12. Like I said horrible officiating, I would include the missed call on the Spiller return.
  13. Horrible officiating. How about the off sides call on Maybin? He jumped, got back, then the WR, who was five yards away, moved, never seen anything like it.
  14. I agree, if Brohm sucks you can always go back to Fitz. This team has needs all over the place, OT, QB, OLB, DT. They need to find out who, on the roster, can play.
  15. The Jets drafted two QBs in 1965, Namath in the first and John Huarte in the third.
  16. Really? Then could Buddy give AJ the idea to trade us Rivers and his whole offensive line?
  17. The Bills should make trades for draft picks, not players. Go thru the roster and count the players you would keep, 15 maybe 20. We need to rebuild thru the draft.
  18. +1 and I pretty sure John Butler isn't the bills GM, any longer.
  19. I am not a big fan of Sully, mostly because I am not a big fan of anyone that is always negative. But how could people who get paid to judge talent, not have seen what most of us non professionals saw regarding Edwards? Most of us knew he isn't an NFL QB. So now they are going to start a guy, who is at best a good second string QB. Most of us know this, doesn't Gailey? I have not seen enough of Brohm to know what he is, he must be terrible in practice, because he was given no shot. But if you know what we know why not give Brohm a shot? Please don't misundrstand me, I am not a Trent or Fitz hater or a Brohm fan, but if we know what the first two guys can do and we have the third guy on the roster, why not find out? At least we could be less delusional and move forward.
  20. Just say no to drugs! The offense is mind numbing enough!
  21. Wasn't Mckelvin a rookie in 2008?
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