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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. How do you get "good news" from that? I am seriously asking. Is there some code I am unaware of? Or is it just because he hasn't tweeted in months?
  2. Well, that's what he was wearing and I didn't say they were ugly. They were actually very stylish in 1970 and who knows maybe orange is his favorite color.
  3. Funny In the same vein, I think I'll wear a clear plastic bag.
  4. I don't know how odd it is but I met OJ walking down Main St. Downtown right after the Bills drafted him. He was with a bunch of front office people. He was wearing orange platform shoes, odd that I would remember that detail.
  5. Great! Brought tears to my eyes. God I'm a sap.
  6. I have a confession to make. I rooted for the Patriots to beat The Rams in that Super Bowl. I even went to a bar named Boston's for the second half. Needless to say it was full of Patriot fans. In way of an explanation I tend to root for old AFL teams. I also tend to root for teams that have never won anything. I had no idea I was in league with the devil. I had no idea how much misery that franchise would heap upon me over the next decade. As I stated in another thread, I am sick of the Patriots. I'll take a Bills win but I would like to embarrass them, run it up like they have done to the Bills.i like to see Bady and Belichick pleading with the refs to no avail. I want it to be the beginning of the end for them. I want to go back to that bar for the second half and watch those smug fans make excuses and cry in their beers. That would be wicked awesome!
  7. I'm not sure having Fitz/Gaily still both with the Bills is a good thing. Gailey admittedly paid little attention to the defense and Fitz, well he is a nice back up. A role he would not play again with the Bills.
  8. My father had season tickets from the Bills inception. I know that my brother went to the first game, because he reminds me all the time. I remember when the Houston Oilers won the first AFL championship. That being said I think I really became a fan in 1963.
  9. Beat me to it. Seems like a nice kid. I hope he can play, the Bills need him.
  10. No I would not. I was going to give my reasoning but it should not be necessary.
  11. I am baffled by you guys. Kolb has proven that he is nothing more than a back up in this league, twice. I know that E. J. Manuel has done nothing in the NFL but he has not failed in the NFL. Manuel has not been given the starting job twice and lost it twice.
  12. Okay, but can't we see how they stack up against competitors at full strength like the Jets rather than the Patriots? I'm just so sick of them. I'm sick of them being fawned over. I'm sick of how brilliant their every move is. I'm sick of Belichick behaving as though he is running the NSA instead of a football team, and I'm sick of the special treatment Brady receives. I just want the Bills to beat them and I don't care how or why!
  13. Just saw a report that said he was at home.
  14. The coaches and players don't hope for opponents to be at full strength, why would you? Based on your logic why not just assemble an All Star team and have the Bills play them to see how they perform. As I stated earlier injuries and suspensions are part of the game. I don't remember the Patriots or any other team cutting the Bills any slack when they have injuries or suspensions.
  15. Not Shane Falco, Edie Falco! You know what I meant.
  16. I wasn't hoping for Aaron Hernandez to be involved in a homicide, I was hoping Brady would. Just kidding, kind of. Seriously though, I think most teams, coaches and fans would prefer an opponent that is not at full strength. Do you think that the Patriots would have rather faced the Ravens without Falco, Reed and Lewis?
  17. A few years ago when the Bills had an inordinate amount of injuries going into a game against New England, a smug Patriots fan said to me that injuries are not an excuse. Teams must over come injury. Every team has injuries, every team has attrition and sadly many have suspensions. It is not pathetic it is the nature of the league.
  18. Whisenhunt was the coach when they made the trade for Kolb. Do you think Whisenhunt had no input? Why would Arizona trade for a guy that doesn't fit the system the head coach wants to play?
  19. It is one of the reasons. I was in the Georgia Dome this past weekend. There is nothing wrong with that building. I have another theory. The league and owners want you on the building spending money. They don't want you in the parking lot eating and drinking. So all these new stadiums have restaurants and bars. I'm surprised they don't have amusement parks.
  20. You're right I don't like to be corrected, which is why the auto correct on this iPad did not fix "lept"!
  21. Leapt Ok I fixed it. At least I didn't write "prolly lept".
  22. Does everyone understand that Kolb lost his job to John Skelton? Not because of injury. After Arizona traded for Kolb in 2011, he was beaten out of his job in camp and preseason by a guy from Fordam University. So after being the starter in 2011 he lost the job in 2012 and people think a rookie that started for two years at FSU can't beat this guy out.
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