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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I agree with almost everything except FSU runs a simplified offense, where are you getting that from? I can't find anything anywhere that says that. As I've previously stated I have asked some FSU fans. The consensus is that their offense is really only a few plays but they are run from multiple formations. Have you watched any FSU games? I have asked this before and it has gone unanswered. Have you ever seen EJ Manuel play football?
  2. If the Patriots were playing the Taliban, I'd root for the Taliban.
  3. Last season the Bills started a second string QB, no offense Fitz. The WR situation could not be worse than last year. LB, again couldn't be worse than last year. I am sick of writting this, the Bills had no head coach! Gailey by his own admission did not pay attention to the defense. I believe that by definition a head coach is involved in all facets of the game. They still managed to win six. They pick a CB or LB some where between 15 and 20.
  4. On Monday Night Football years ago Howard Cosell said to OJ, "Juice, once again you have shown you have a tremendous grasp of the obvious". So the Bills need a QB, a couple of WR and some LBs.
  5. You have to give pretty significant value to first and second round picks, because they are expected to start. I believe that Manuel, Woods and Alonso to be an improvement. The defensive coaching would have to be better, it couldn't be worse. What about the offense? Do you think they will sit Spiller every time they get to the red zone? How about in your most important game against your biggest rival, you call a pass to your third round rookie receiver? Interception in the end zone, in the words of Bill Paxton, "game over man".
  6. Do you think the roster will be better this year than last? Do you think this coaching staff is better? Then why would they have a worse record than last year? I don't see new schemes, new QB as a negative. These guys have been playing football all their lives. They can learn new schemes. I believe EJ starts, they protect him with he run and when necessary he can throw down field. As I have stated before the team now has a head coach, not just coordinators. Is it the schedule? There are teams on the schedule that will have worse years than expected. Every year there are teams that were suppose to be good that aren't and teams that were suppose to be bad that are good. Why at this point as a Bills fan would you want to believe they will be worse? Because they didn't hire the coach you wanted or draft the guy you wanted?
  7. Won't this mean jail now,or at least in the near future?
  8. I hate both, why did you remind me! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!
  9. Thank God we didn't win those games and you all know the reasons why.
  10. Very philosophical, I could be wrong, but it seems to me that your opinion of EJ Manuel is based on what you have read, not on having watched him play football. Is this true or false?
  11. So in the spirit of alacrity, it is your belief that the most important attributes of an NFL QB are quickly processing information and accuracy. With this I would have to agree. You believe that EJ Manuel does not possess these attributes. It seems, and you can correct me if I am wrong, that you have based your supposition on what you have read not what you have watched.
  12. It helped that Rick was about a foot taller and 20lbs. heavier than everybody else.
  13. I think it does, threw out three names you said yes to one. There are other back up QBs you would probably trade Kolb for. Like maybe Kirk Cousins or Matt Flynn?
  14. Finally the kind of reaction I expected. My reading comprehension is fine, I just don't believe Kolb will be the starter. I'm not going to go through the entire list of back ups that may be better than Kolb, nor extoll the virtues of my Little League football team's QB, who was Rick Finn (Rick was better with his legs than his arm). I will ask you this, within our own division the backups as of today are, Ryan Mallett, Matt Moore and Geno Smith. Would you make a straight up trade of Kolb for any of these guys?
  15. I agree, the only think that could make this more shocking is if Kaepernick was wearing a Biils hat. Nobody that isn't a Bills fan buys Bills stuff. No kid trying to put more hip in his hop buys a Bills hat.
  16. I don't think Kolb sucks, I think he is a good veteran back up. I also think he was the best option available to the Bills. I don't think EJ s going to fail. I agree with you. I am a little more pessimistic about Kolb. I am more hopeful in our QB situation than I have been in years.
  17. So to kind of get back on point here, I think Jaws ranking of Kolb is too high. I'd rank him around 50. Based on his past performance I would say there are about 17 back up QBs that are better. Don't misunderstand me, this is not personal. I be said this before, he lost the starting job twice with two different teams. I know he lost the job in Philly due to injury, however the fact that they brought in Vick at all says to me that they were not fully confident in Kolb. Vick was still pretty polarizing at that point. I'm sorry I don't buy the argument that in Arizona he didn't fit the system and played behind a bad OL. If he had shown anything there he would still be there.
  18. Hopefully he won't get hoof and mouth.
  19. Barkley would have been my second choice. I think at some point this year he starts. The two guys that seem to be definite first rounders in 2014 draft are Bridgewater and Boyd, are these guys more NFL ready than Manuel? The next two are Carr and Manziel. Are they ready? Two of these four guys are Juniors.
  20. Of course Manuel is more likely to fail than succeed. How many guys really succeed as an NFL QB? Every year how many are successful? Ten, fifteen ? The league is full of guys that weren't NFL ready at all positions. Everyone drafted after the third round and all UDFA aren't considered as ready. I watched most of FSU's games last year. I was intrigued my Manuel, thought he was the best QB in the draft. I don't think Jimbo Fishers offense played to Manuel's skill set. I understand that a college coach can't be constantly changing his offense to suit a QB who may start for a year or two. That being said both Manuel and Ponder were pretty successful in that offense. I think Ponder is better suited for it. In the NFL a coach can build around a QB skills, they hope to have the guy start for ten years. So what would you have done? Taken one of the other QBs in this draft? Kept Fitz? Traded for Alex Smith or somebody else? Free agency? Wait and draft somebody from this years college crop? Since Kelly retired the Bills have traded a couple of times, drafted in early rounds, including Manuel, a couple of times, mid rounds a couple of times, late rounds a couple of times and some really lack luster free agents. Because of the rookie compensation structure taking a QB in the first round does not hand cuff a team for five years like it use too. In fact I read a article, before the draft, that said if there is a QB you want and need the best place to take him is mid first round. You won't over pay and if he works out you have an option on a fifth year. So why not take the guy with the most potential? NFL ready or not. By the way I always thought Losman was a goof ball
  21. In your previous post you state that FSU offense was a one read simplified offense. One read yes but simplified? I live in FL and know some FSU fans, they can't even agree on whether that offense is simple or overly complicated. Pro style? Maybe but not really. Limited number of plays from multiple formations, it is hard on young receivers. Which complicates thinks for any QB. Comparing EJ Manuel to Ryan Leaf is a bad comparison. Ryan Leaf was and still is an immature punk, EJ appears to be anything but.
  22. I am using an iPad, same operating system as a Mac. You missed the point, John C said Kolb knew his place as maybe a temporary starter and eventual back up. I said based on that quote he did not know. What exactly about Manuel's NFL career has led you to conclude he can't play?
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