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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. What you saw on Sunday was a microcosm of EJ's FSU career. There were games when he played lights out like he did during the two minute drill. Then there were games when he would zero in on a receiver, aim the ball, like in the beginning of the game. Go to YouTube you can watch two games from last year in their entirety. FSU vs Clemson and FSU vs Florida, they represent the good and the bad. I will say this about the bad, Florida was ranked fourth at the time, FSU defense did not help. EJ had five turn overs, one int not his fault and one fumble, in the NFL would have been a personal foul penalty. That being said it was still not a good game for EJ.
  2. I think what happened with people not giving EJ a chance has to do with a couple of things. The preception of the FSU offense is that it is simple and EJ was inconsistent in a simple offense. So that led to the opinion that although EJ was athletic enough, smart enough, he was raw. Everything we all read or heard pre draft was that although EJ had the greatest upside, he was not NFL ready. I thing with the media there is a lot of group thinking, if a few write or say it, then everybody follows suit. It is easier to say the same thing everyone else is than do your own reaserch. As far as FSU is concerned, I don't think that offense is simple. Yes it is a very limited number of plays but they are run out of multiple formations. EJ did not have a very good relationship with Fisher. I believe that the relationship between a head coach and his QB is paramount. I don't believe EJ was suited to Fishers offense and their relationship, or lack there of is what contributed to EJ being inconsistent. This in turn led to EJ being labeled as "not NFL ready".
  3. The things that bothered me had nothing to do with EJ. I thought EJ had butterflies. In the two minute drill he stopped thinking and just played. Everybody wants to add a but to the drive, so I'll add one or two of my own. Yes the drive was against second and third string, but EJ was not throwing those passes to guys named Spiller, Johnson or Chandler, but to Choice, Woods and Dickerson. What did concern was the CB play McKelvin needs to show up. The other thing was the interior run blocking didn't seem to be anything there. I don't think you can bounce everything outside.
  4. I watched every team in our division in their first preseason games. None of them performed as well as the Bills. I know that most of what I saw were second and third stringers, but some of those guys will end up seeing a lot of playing time.
  5. My take: EJ got better when he stopped thinking and aiming the ball. Tuel is a steal. Goodwin wow! That is speed. Kiko some good some bad, nice break up on that attempted TD pass. I think I like the Sheppard Hughes trade. O line needs work. CB needs help. Hopkins kick offs were bad. The Bills looked better coached.
  6. I want to go on record as really liking fun bags.
  7. Astrobot I do kind of like the work OCinBuffalo has been doing.
  8. This and never ever bring back those USFL unis they wore before these. Does anyone know the reason they changed the white helmet to the red in the 1980s?
  9. Other than that Mrs. Lincoln how did you like the play?
  10. Except they didn't know they wouldn't need Grossman. Who was going to play QB if Cousins got hurt?
  11. Good job, I was watching the replay of the game while reading this. Just before you wrote it I was thinking how I would rather have Shaun Hill than Kevin Kolb.
  12. Hey wait a minute there's no ocean in Arizona. I agree with you. Kolb stays, because of what you pointed out and because there is no viable option available.
  13. Help me out, does anyone else remember this? In one of the Bills, Pats games last year, Brady threw an Int. he was running in the direction of the return, when a Bills player pushed Brady with one hand to the shoulder. Brady went down and a penalty was called.Most blatant special treatment ever.
  14. I think they should wear a full uniform, you know like baseball.
  15. Thank you sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
  16. Is there a weigh in? Sorry couldn't resist. It is very easy to be enamored with a city when you are in a multi million dollar apartment, that you didn't pay for. It is interesting that when some "country boy" gets drafted by a New York team the talk is always about how overwhelming it will be. My point is that big cities are great. I lived in New York for a long time, but big cities can be a pain and inconvenient, even if you have money.
  17. Look at those islands. Must be a thousand of them.
  18. Yup, thought the same thing, or that Blincos was some free agent.
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