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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Queen Victoria financed a study to determine the most comfortable way to stand. It was determined that the best position was feet 18 inches apart with hands behind the back.
  2. Sorry for your loss. My father is also responsible for me being a Bills fan. First game I went to was at the Old Rock Pile, I remember that my father paid two kids to park in a driveway. When the game was over we went to get in the car and a very angry woman in her church clothes was yelling at my father for parking in her driveway. Kids didn't live there and were no where to be found.
  3. I like your style, and your avatar makes me hungry.
  4. You're right forgot leadership. I think that comes under decision making.
  5. I think with QBs it is these three things in this order, quick decision making, accuracy, and arm strength. Isn't "low upside" an oxymoron?
  6. So I'm probably wrong and if I am, I'm sure someone will tell me, but wouldn't the NFL make more money if they made all but national or local broadcasts, pay per view? Directv is not accessible to everyone, so if the games were available on a per game, pay per view from all providers, including the Internet, wouldn't that dramaticly increase the potential audience? I use to spend $50 or more to sit in a Sports Bar and watch a game.
  7. Thought exactly the same thing and he also goes on to say that Byrd won't play hard because he'll be too worried about getting hurt. Wouldn't Byrd play hard to prove he is worth a big contract?
  8. So Brandon was GM which means McKelvin was Modrak's pick.
  9. Yeah, my first thought was doesn't journeyman mean well traveled?
  10. Do we even know that this is where Astro got this?
  11. Thank you for all your hard work during camp, but you can't just leave us hanging on the Byrd thing.
  12. Do you know why they went to the armed helmets? It was because every team in the AFC East had white helmets and they thought th e red helmets would help Ferguson throw fewer interceptions.
  13. I will admit to believing that Wannstedt was going to be a big improvement last year. That openning game against the Jets was incredibly depressing.
  14. You would probably only get audio like with Preseason Live.
  15. I didn't think this was going to be the case, but LG. I was not in favor of over paying Levitre, but it has been painful watching them trying to run up the middle.
  16. Really not yours, belongs to Hanna-Barbera.
  17. I hope Pollack is right. I have found inaccuracies in his articles in the past. I would rather see Manuel start than Kolb, I just think it will be more fun. Joe Buscaglia wrote something about yesterday's practice that was disturbing. He called it "Kolbing", it is Kolb's tendency to buy time by rolling right. I recall reading prior to the opening of camp that this is something that has gotten him into trouble in the past.
  18. Your right, but it is a sad commentary. Was Bradham given a ticket for the tinting or just the weed? I'm not sure this is profiling but it is something. The fact that he was on Sheridan Drive at 2:00am, as someone else pointed out, and Florida plates should not make it suspicious enough to warrant a rousting. We live in SE FL. and we use to have an old car that my wife drove to work. She would commute on A1A and at night was regularly pulled over. The cops would just look at her and apologize. It was profiling because of the car. It should not happen. By the way, I grew up around the corner from Cassata's Domed Stadium and knew both Joe and Rick Cassata.
  19. It is much easier to make fun of the City of Tonawanda and North Tonawanda, than the Town of Tonawanda.
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