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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. That's it, I think Smith was gone anyway and Legursky may have been too. Why was he out there if he was an important back up?
  2. I'm going to state the obvious, they need to trade for a corner, pick up another corner after final cuts and pick up a guard.
  3. What if Leinart lights it up, and then the Bills don't give him a big contract and then he walks.
  4. I can't wait for the game to start to see if they talk about how the Bills are cheap and how they screwed Byrd.
  5. So Manuel misses maybe one game, Kolb is probably gone but let's face it the back up QB for the last couple of years was Thigpen. One of the three guys vying for that position has to be better than Thigpen. Gilmore will only miss four or five games, which means he plays in eleven or twelve. Hairston hurts depth. Biggest lose is Gilmore and he'll be back. As for opening day I still think Manuel starts. Somebody said "it's going to be a war" let's hope so.
  6. I was making the comparison because Plunkett was considered a bust that got one last chance due to an injury. Not comparing their style of play or arm strength.
  7. I agree with you, although I would like him to be the second coming of Jim Plunkett, I doubt it.
  8. So you don't think he'll light it up tonight?
  9. A little pulchritude is healthy, but the fact that the picture of the Bills cheerleaders includes girls on kids day and they are dressed appropriately should make you proud.
  10. Maybe I should tweet Stevie that I'm on my way to Nieman Marcus.
  11. Nice story seems like a nice kid from a good family. That being said I hope he doesn't start against the Patriots. I hope he doesn't start any games, because if he does it means that Manuel is either injured or a bust. Neither of those thinks are good for the Bills.
  12. No one knows what EJ's "minor minor procedure" was, right? They still haven't said, could be a draining or could be the meniscus thing. Is one of these worse than the other? Could it be something else? I would appreciate some rampant speculation.
  13. Fractured risk is an investment strategy involving covered calls. Gilmore has good coverage skills.
  14. Have you considered that they had the foresight to keep enough cap space to sign Byrd? You have no idea how those negotiations, or the lack there of went. For all you know Byrd may told Parker that unless the Bills offer a ridiculous sum, I don't want to play there. So when the deadline past what should they have done? Who should they have spent that money on? I will reiterate, you have no idea what their intention is with Spiller and Wood.
  15. Levitre got over paid. The Bryd situation is not over yet and how do you know what happened there? Or what the Bills offered? How do you know what they are going to do with Spiller and Wood?
  16. I think I am being misunderstood. I believe Ralph Wilson wants to win, however I also believe he has made a lot of bad decisions over the years. I was disagreeing with the premiss of this thread. I don't believe that the Bills management has the Andy Robustelli mind set, that it is best to just miss the playoffs every year.
  17. Who did you want them to spend the money on? The Bills won championships in the sixties, were competitive in the late seventies, became fun to watch in the late eighties and dominated the AFC in the early nineties. This past decade plus has been bad, but franchise is not as historically as bad as some. You do realize that the Patriots were very bad for very long. The Packers were bad to mediocre for thirty years. The Saints were bad for forty years. Should I go on? See above
  18. I'm with you on this. 1) MLB is a completely different animal. 2) Ralph Wilson wants to win, Russ Brandon wants to win everybody down to the guy that takes out the trash at One Bills Drive wants to win. Winning fills the seats. Makes contract negotiations easier. Makes free agent signings easier. Makes getting new stadium with more boxes and profit centers easier. There is no conspiracy.
  19. Or, starting QB could miss only one game, could have been worse. Third string QB could be better than second string. Have ONE rookie kicker that can kick from fifty yards plus, which means our second year punter won't be punting from the 32 indoors. The number one CB should only miss four or five games which means he could play in eleven or twelve. Our starting safety is back practicing and will play his a$$ off to prove he deserves a big contract. You can thank me for fixing this.
  20. Gilmore is a big strong corner, an important part of his game is disrupting WR route before it starts. He needs his hands to do this. I'd really like to know what is going on with Gilmore, Manuel and Kolb. We are thin at corner, losing Gilmore for an extended period of time would be bad and are we really looking at Tuel starting against New England?
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